Also Known As: Swan prep, swan dive prep, rising swan
Super Power: Core and hip flexor workout
Equipment Needed: Exercise mat
Difficulty: 2 out of 10
Overview: Swan in Pilates is an extension exercise performed on the mat. It is an ideal exercise to counter stretch for the many forward flexion exercises in Pilates mat workouts. This is a beginner stretch that will prepare you for progressing to the advanced Swan Dive. It's the perfect stretch to do after you've spent a long time sitting (e.g working at your computer, driving, or plane travel).
Quick Tips:
A) Don't Raise Torso Too High
Protect your back by keeping your abs lifted, your tail bone moving toward the mat, and hips on the mat.
B) Use Your Back
The lifting should come from your back, not by placing all of the weight on your hands. There is little weight on your hands. You could even lift your hands off the mat briefly.
C) Bend In Your Arms
Straighten your arms only as much as is comfortable, and as much as allows you to maintain the connection of hips and legs with the floor. Do not force yourself to raise all the way with straight arms. If you need to bend your arms a bit, that's okay.
D) Gaze Forward
If you have neck pain, keep your gaze forward rather than up.
F) Blocks
Place a block under each hand.
G) Lift-Off
Tuck toes under. Lift your legs off the mat.