How To Design A Yoga Flyer That Gets Noticed: And How To Use It To Double The Number Of Students Coming To Your Class
Below is a quick yoga marketing tip from my Yoga Teacher Business Kit.
Creating an eye-catching yoga flyer can be the key to filling your classes and growing your yoga community. In this post, you’ll learn expert tips on designing a flyer that grabs attention, communicates your value, and inspires people to join your class. From layout and design to a simple marketing strategy, this guide has everything you need to create a flyer that doubles your class size!
The Outcome
Design An Attractive Yoga Flyer For Your Yoga Classes And Distribute 100 Of Them To Local Businesses
The Purpose
One of the best yoga teacher marketing tools of all time is a yoga flyer. Putting up yoga flyers is cheap and proven tactic for doubling students to your classes. Yes, you heard right. Doubling! But creating a bold, eye-catching yoga flyer isn’t as easy as it looks In fact, most yoga teachers get it wrong.
The Strategy
Putting up yoga flyers within a 15 mile radius of your yoga classes.
The Difficulty Level
The Time
60 minutes
The 12 Step Formula For Designing A Yoga Flyer And Doubling Your Yoga Class Size
How To Design A Yoga Flyer
Step 1: Understand The Reasons
Before becoming a full-time yoga teacher I was a marketing consultant.
There are a lot of fancy yoga marketing tactics that I could focus my attention on such as: setting up facebook business, exchanging links, optimising your website, but none of these marketing tactics come close to the prospect attracting power of a well designed yoga flyer placed where lots of your prospects hang out.
Step 2: Design A Flyer
If you’d like to double the students that are coming to your yoga classes here are my Top 10 Tips To Design a Yoga Flyer That Will Double Your Yoga Class Size:
- Write a short, bold headline such as ‘Yoga’ or ‘Yoga Classes’
- Add some colour to your headline (red is best)
- Add one or two eye-catching yoga images
- Write ‘First class is FREE’
- Write ‘Call (your tel #) to book your place’ in large, bold font
- Write ‘Beginners Are Welcome’
- Write ‘Mats Are Provided’
- Write the name and address of your yoga venue
- Write a short tag line (e.g. Ageless Body – Timeless Mind)
- Write your name, site, email, tel number at the bottom on the flyer
Think your done, right.
Designing the flyer is only the start.
To double your class size, follow steps 3 to 12…
Step 3: Print 100 Copies
Print out 100 copies.Yes,100! Not one or two. Print 100 of them!
Step 4: Find A Folder
Find a folder, and put the 100 flyers in it.
Step 5: Tac Pins Tape
Buy some blue tac, pins and cellotape.
Step 6: Go-to Marketing Bag
Get yourself a bag. Put the folder, blue tac, pins and cellotape in the bag. This is now your go-to marketing bag. Pat yourself on the back because you’re close to doubling your class size.
Step 7: Bag To Car
Take your bag and yourself to your car.
Step 8: Drive & Park
Drive to your nearest town and park up.
Step 9: Get In Car
Go into every business and say: “Hi, I’m a local yoga teacher. Could I be cheeky and ask you to put up my flyer?”
Step 10: Repeat Until Gone
Repeat steps 7 and 10 until all 100 flyers are blue taced, pinned or cellotaped to windows, walls or the doors of 100 businesses.
Step 11: Celebrate. Celebrate. Celebrate
Celebrate (e.g. soak in a hot bubble bath).
Step 12: One Year Repeat
In 12 months time repeat steps 1 to 12.
Bonus Step: Yoga Teacher Business Kit
If you liked these tips, but don’t have time to design your own yoga flyer, you’ll get dozens of them within the Yoga Teacher Business Kit.