Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Seated & Floor |
Types: | Chest Opener, Hip Opener, Restorative, Seated & Floor, Strengthen, Stretch, Supine, Twist |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Core, Hips, Lower Back, Middle Back, Neck |
Chakras: | Heart Centre, Solar Plexus Centre |
Therapy: | Arthritis, Back Pain, Constipation, Diabetes, Fatigue, Herniated Disc, Indigestion, Poor Posture |
Drishti: | Side |
Dosha: | Pitta |
Lie on back. Arms stretched out at shoulder height. Palms down. Bend knees. Feet flat on floor. Swing hips to left. Pull knees toward chest. Drop knees to floor on right side. Inhale. Lengthen spine. Lower shoulders to floor. Repeat on right.
Flexible spine. Digestion. Circulation.
Keep legs straight. Cross legs. Hands behind head.
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- Coccydynia Yoga: Easing Pain In The Coccyx
- Yoga To Ease Sciatica: Hips Stretches
- Awakened/Heart opening/ 4th chakra
- Hips and Twists
- Core 1
- Weeks 2 / 6 / 10 / 14
- Michelle Parkes Beginner
- Ardha Chandrasana
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Atelier Introduction à la Pratique du Yoga avec les Chakras - Yin
- Gayl's Yoga Flow Class
- Bolster Basics
- Gentle Yoga
- Yamas and Niyama - Saucha, Tapas, and Brahmacharya
- Core 1
- Mindful Transitions Yoga - Peak pose Side Crow
- MedYoga: Beginners Postures
- Yin Noël détox
- body love
- Mindful Transitions Yoga - Peak pose Side Crow
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Pigeon - unfinished -
- Natajarasana
- Yoga Calm
- Beginner's Sequence I
- Self Prac Dec 2015
- Urdhva Dhanurasana/Sirsasana
- Beginner's Sequence I
- Beginner's Sequence I
- Shortened sequence for home practice
- Beginners Sequence
- Monette Chilson
- Week 1/6 Intro to yoga
- Beginner's Sequence (MS)
- Core/Detox/Vasisthasana
- TTC Lesson 3 of 4.
- Core - Detox - Vasisthasana
- Detoxifying sequence - twists
- Intermediate1
- KatchYoga22 Beginner's Sequence
- KatchYoga22 Beginner\'s Sequence
- Ask Genie1
- Beginners Gentle Yoga
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Beginners Gentle Yoga
- Detoxiifying sequence - twists
- New year's day 2017
- New Years Day-
- Wk 1 Jan 17
- Wk 1 Jan 17
- Hatha Variety Mix
- Beginners Class
- Beginners class 2
- Detoxiifying sequence - twists - COPY
- Beginners Gentle Yoga - COPY
- Hatha Variety Mix
- Intermediate1 - COPY
- TTC Lesson 4 of 4.
- Week 5 Backbends
- Week 5 Backbends amended
- TTC Lesson 1 of 4.
- TTC Lesson 2 of 4.
- TTC Lesson 3 of 4.
- TTC Lesson 4 of 4.
- PK Feb 2016
- poses
- 50 - 60 minute intermediate B2
- Intermediate1 sol floow
- April 13
- Detoxiifying sequence - twists - COPY
- Whole body 7
- Whole body 7 (incl Tri2)
- abdominal twist
- Focus on back bend 1
- Yoga Flow to energise - Eagle-Vira3-Pigeon -Holly copy
- Hatha - gentle
- Beginner's Sequence I
- Beginner\'s Sequence I
- Beginner\'s Sequence (MS)
- Beginners Sequence
- Beady 1 March 16
- Ask Genie2
- Intermediate1 - COPY
- Beginners Sequence
- Enlightened 2
- Beginners Sequence
- Detoxiifying sequence - twists - COPY
- Enlightened
- March 2016 300708
- Beginners Sequence
- Heart - STAYING IN THE FLOW - Copy !!
- Whole body 7 (revised)
- week 31 2017
- 13, creating space
- Peak - Navasana (Boat)
- Yoga Flow to energise
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Wrist Free Hands Free Yoga Flow Class
- Vinyasa flow 4