Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Standing |
Types: | Arm Balance, Balance, Hip Opener, Prone, Standing, Strengthen, Stretch |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps, Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Knees, Lower Back, Psoas, Wrists & Arms |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre, Solar Plexus Centre |
Therapy: | Confidence Building, Leg Congestion, Varicose Veins |
Drishti: | Tip Of Nose |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Meridian Lines: | Stomach |
From Downward Facing Dog step right foot forward between hands. Hands either side of right foot. Left knee on ground. Lift chest. Look up. Repeat with left foot forward.
Stretches legs, groin, hip flexors. Strengthens thighs, buttocks.
Move between bent and straight leg.
Knee injury.
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- Mums & Bubs neck/shoulders/upperback/chest
- Slow down yoga
- JY - Int'l Day of Yoga -90-mins (Sat 20th June 2020)
- Week 6: Hatha Yoga Beginners
- 153, Zoom
- 2. Stunde YogaPlus RĆ¼cken Schulter Nacken
- Yoga Lesson 4-Open and Closed Hip Poses
- 90 Minute Yoga: Shoulderstand
- Yin yoga bank holiday
- 170, Zoom
- Warming winter vinyasa
- Reverse the Effects of Over-Sitting
- Energize with People
- Energize the soul
- New Intentions class plan
- Hip opening vinyasa (opening up)
- Yin Yoga For Runners 2
- Stillness in motion
- Yoga 1 Week 3
- Stillness in motion
- Yin Yoga For Runners 2
- Yoga For Cyclists: 41 Post Ride Sequences
- Spring Renewal Class _ copy
- Yin Manipura Chakra
- Svadhishthana - Sacral Chakra (2nd)
- Harmony & Intuition Class plan
- Throat Chakra vinyasa (Vishuddha 5th)
- Spring Renewal Class
- Crown Chakra Vinyasa class
- Jump start your metabolism!
- Spring Awakening
- Spring Detox
- Yin yoga
- Yoga For Runners: Vinyasa Yoga Pre-Run Session
- Sun & Moon
- The Tao of Pooh Yin Practice
- Standing
- Friday 7.8
- Beginners and Basics - low lunge
- Earth Element practice
- Friday 7.9
- Earth Element flow. week1
- deep release for lower body.
- Patience Vinyasa Class
- Autumn Vata class - grounding
- Ask Genie3
- Friday 7.10
- standing
- Yoga Care Hip Opening Sequence
- Tuesday 4.1
- Mindfulness Yin Workshop
- Prenatal Poses
- prenatal workshop
- Restorative stretch
- Resortative stretch #1
- Balancing vinyasa sequence
- hatha
- Dharana focus
- Teen yoga 4 - learning to fly
- Restorative #4
- Easing into Autumn 2
- Late Summer/Autumn Yin Workshop
- 2019 wk 37
- Easing into Autumn 3
- Yogacare Sacral Chakra Sequence
- Karen Yoga Assesment Plan 1
- Easing into Autumn 4
- Cavendish 17 Sep 19
- Moon Yoga
- hatha flow for liver health and peace.
- Teen Yoga 7 - introduction to home practice
- Heating to Side Crow
- Cavendish 24 Sep 19
- Tuesday 4.10 24.9.19
- Hatha - Chill
- Candlelight 1
- Cavendish 1 Oct 19
- Flow 5 Ahimsa - Synapse and Our Connection to One another
- Yoga for Lorraine's Camino Walk
- Yogacare Vishudda Chakra sequence
- Yogacare Vishudda Chakra sequence
- Sorrell Week 3
- Dru Standing Sequence
- Moon Flow and sleep 2019
- Sleep well
- Peak Pose Lizard Week 4
- Peak Pose Lizard
- Autumn Vata class - grounding
- hatha flow to release emotions
- Yogacare Sacral Chakra Sequence
- Autumn Vata class - grounding
- Autumn stillness within motion
- Tues 5.4 29.10.19
- Oct 26
- Yogacare Bramacharya sequence
- Gentle sequence to aid respiratory health
- Halloween inspired Class
- Halloween inspired Class
- Candlelight 5
- DonĀ“t know yet