Sanskrit Name: | Akarna Dhanurasana |
Similar Pose Names: | Shooting Bow,Bow and Arrow |
Category: | Seated & Floor |
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Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Seated & Floor |
Types: | Hip Opener, Object, Seated & Floor, Strengthen, Stretch |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps, Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Knees, Lower Back, Middle Back, Psoas, Upper Back, Wrists & Arms |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre |
Therapy: | Confidence Building, Constipation, Indigestion, Leg Congestion |
Drishti: | Tips Of Feet |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Sit with both legs stretched out (Staff Pose). Keep your back straight. Bend your right knee and hold your left big toe with your left hand. Hold the right big toe with interlocked fingers of the right hand, and lift the right foot towards the ear. Look at the left foot like you're an archer aiming at a target. Hold the pose and then switch sides and repeat.
Hip mobility. Arm strength. Stretches arms and legs. Core strength.
A) Use a strap to hold onto your foot. B) Stand with your back against a wall. C) Stand with one hand on the back of a chair and perform the pose. D) Add a twist to the torso towards the front leg and hold the pose, taking the gaze towards the opposite hand. E) Come into the pose and hinge forward at the hips and fold over the front leg, keeping the back straight and the chest open.
Pregnancy. Menstruation. Shoulder, spine, or hamstring injury.
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Archer Pose, also known as Akarna Dhanurasana in Sanskrit ( “Akarna” means ear, “Dhanu” means bow) is a standing yoga posture that requires balance, stability, and mental focus.
In this pose, one leg is turned outward and the foot is grounded, while the opposite arm is extended out in front of the body like an archer pulling back a bowstring. The other hand holds the foot of the grounded leg, creating a bow-like shape that emphasizes the themes of strength, determination, and focus.
The pose can help improve balance and stability, strengthen the legs and core, and promote mental clarity and focus.
In this blog post, we will explore the benefits, variations, and teaching tips for Archer Pose, as well as provide some follow-up poses that can help enhance balance and stability in the body.
Archer Pose: 10 Teaching Tips
Here are ten teaching tips for Archer Pose:
Start with a solid foundation: Begin in a stable standing position with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Ground down through the feet to establish a strong foundation.
Find your stance: Turn your left foot inwards and your right foot outwards, keeping your heels in line with each other. This will help you find a stable stance for the pose.
Keep your hips square: Make sure your hips are facing forward, and not twisting or turning to the side. This will help you maintain balance and stability in the pose.
Engage your core: Draw your navel towards your spine and engage your core muscles to help support your posture and balance.
Use a strap or block: If you have difficulty reaching your big toe with your hand, use a strap or block to help you maintain proper alignment in the pose.
Focus on your breath: Take slow, deep breaths and focus on your breath as you hold the pose. This can help calm the mind and promote relaxation.
Visualize your target: Imagine that you are an archer aiming at a target, and focus your gaze on your left big toe as you hold the pose.
Keep your shoulders relaxed: Make sure your shoulders are relaxed and not tense or hunched up towards your ears.
Explore variations: You can explore different variations of Archer Pose, such as using a chair or wall for support, or practising with your eyes closed for greater focus and balance.
Be patient: Like any yoga pose, Archer Pose takes practice and patience. Don’t push yourself too hard and remember to listen to your body and modify the pose as needed.
Archer Pose: 10 Yoga Class Theme Ideas
Here are some class themes that a yoga teacher could use for Archer Pose:
Strength and determination: Use the pose as a way to explore the themes of strength and determination, and how these qualities can help us overcome challenges both on and off the mat.
Focus and concentration: Use the pose as a way to cultivate focus and concentration, and to train the mind to stay present and focused amidst distractions.
Balance and stability: Use the pose as a way to explore balance and stability, both physical and emotional, and to cultivate greater equilibrium in all aspects of life.
Mind-body connection: Use the pose as a way to deepen the connection between the mind and body, and to develop greater awareness of how our thoughts and emotions affect our physical experience.
Manifesting intentions: Use the pose as a way to visualize and manifest our intentions, and to focus our energy and attention towards achieving our goals.
Overcoming obstacles: Use the pose as a way to explore the theme of overcoming obstacles, and how we can use our inner strength and resilience to navigate challenges and setbacks.
Finding your aim: Use the pose as a way to explore the concept of “finding your aim”, and how we can use our physical practice to cultivate greater clarity and purpose in our lives.
Honouring our roots: Use the pose as a way to honor our roots and ancestry, and to connect with the lineage of yoga and the ancient wisdom it embodies.
Cultivating compassion: Use the pose as a way to cultivate compassion, both towards ourselves and others and to develop greater empathy and understanding.
Unleashing potential: Use the pose as a way to tap into our inner potential and unleash our full power and potential in all aspects of life.
Archer Pose: 10 Benefits
Here are 10 benefits of Archer Pose:
Improves balance and stability: The pose requires balance and stability, which can help improve overall balance and stability in the body.
Strengthens the legs: The pose strengthens the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles, which can improve leg strength and stability.
Increases focus and concentration: The pose requires concentration and focus to maintain balance and stability, which can help improve mental clarity and focus.
Promotes flexibility: The pose stretches the hips, groin, and hamstrings, which can help improve overall flexibility in the lower body.
Builds core strength: The pose engages the core muscles, which can help improve core strength and stability.
Opens the chest and shoulders: The pose opens the chest and shoulders, which can improve posture and relieve tension in the upper body.
Cultivates mindfulness: Trequires mindfulness and awareness of the body and breath, which can help cultivate a deeper sense of mindfulness and presence.
Develops inner strength: The pose requires strength and determination, which can help cultivate inner strength and resilience both on and off the mat.
Enhances lung capacity: The pose requires deep breathing, which can improve lung capacity and promote relaxation.
Promotes mental clarity: The pose requires mental focus and concentration, which can help clear the mind and reduce stress and anxiety.
Archer Pose: 5 Variations
Here are 5 variations of the Archer Pose:
Using a strap: If you have difficulty reaching your big toe with your hand, you can use a strap to hold onto your foot and maintain proper alignment in the pose.
Wall-supported Archer Pose: Stand with your back against a wall and perform the pose as usual, using the wall for support and balance.
Chair-supported Archer Pose: Stand with one hand on the back of a chair and perform the pose, using the chair for support and balance.
Twisted Archer Pose: After coming into Archer Pose on one side, twist the torso towards the front leg and hold the pose, taking the gaze towards the opposite hand.
Forward fold variation: After coming into Archer Pose, hinge forward at the hips and fold over the front leg, keeping the back straight and the chest open.
Example of How to Use Archer Pose in a Yoga Sequence
Here is an example of how to use Archer Pose in a yoga sequence:
Begin the sequence with some gentle warm-up poses such as Cat-Cow, Child’s Pose, and Downward Facing Dog, to prepare the body for the practice.
Move into some standing poses such as Warrior I, Warrior II, and Triangle Pose, to continue building strength and stability in the legs and hips.
Introduce Archer Pose on one side, holding the pose for several breaths and emphasizing the themes of strength, focus, and determination.
Follow up with some balancing poses such as Tree Pose, Eagle Pose, or Half Moon Pose, to continue building balance and stability in the body.
Return to Archer Pose on the other side, holding the pose for several breaths and focusing on the themes of mindfulness and mental clarity.
Move into some forward folds and twists such as Seated Forward Fold, Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose, or Revolved Triangle Pose, to release tension in the lower back and promote spinal health.
End the sequence with some gentle cooling-down poses such as Pigeon Pose, Supine Spinal Twist, and Savasana, to promote relaxation and rejuvenation of the body and mind.
Throughout the sequence, emphasize the themes of inner strength, focus, and clarity that are embodied in Archer Pose, and encourage your students to cultivate these qualities both on and off the mat.
To add yoga stick figures to this yoga lesson plan, take a peek at my online Yoga Lesson Planner.
Archer Pose: 10 Follow-up Poses Requiring Balance and Stability
Here are 10 follow-up poses that require balance and stability:
Tree Pose (Vrksasana): This standing balance pose requires strong legs and a stable core to maintain balance on one foot.
Eagle Pose (Garudasana): This pose requires balance and stability in the standing leg, while the arms and upper body are twisted.
Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana): This pose requires balance and stability in the standing leg, while the other leg is lifted and extended out to the side.
Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana III): This pose requires balance and stability as you lift one leg and extend the arms out in front of you, creating a “flying warrior” shape.
Crow Pose (Bakasana): This arm balance pose requires balance and stability in the arms and core as you balance on your hands.
Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana): This advanced pose requires balance and stability as you lift both legs up towards the sky and balance on your hands.
Firefly Pose (Tittibhasana): This arm balance pose requires balance and stability in the arms and core as you balance on your hands and lift the legs up and out to the sides.
Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana): This pose requires balance and stability as you balance on one hand and one foot, while the other arm and leg are lifted towards the sky.
Crane Pose (Bakasana): This arm balance pose requires balance and stability in the arms and core as you balance on your hands and lift the legs up towards the hips.
Dancer’s Pose (Natarajasana): This pose requires balance and stability as you lift one leg up behind you and extend the opposite arm forward, creating a “dancing” shape.