Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Standing |
Types: | Standing |
Anatomy: | Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Psoas |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre |
Drishti: | Tips Of Feet |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Come into squat and extend left leg out to side. Hold. Walk hands on mat over to other side to stretch right leg. Hold.
Hip opener. Strengthens thighs, buttocks, hams.
Knee injury.
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- Ask Genie3
- Yoga For Golfers: 18 Hip Openers To Increase Your Driving Distance
- Yoga For Hips: 18 Hip Openers
- Fruitful Fridays
- 60 minute power yoga
- MedYoga: Beginners Postures
- Ask Genie1
- Ask Genie3
- Ask Genie2
- Beginner's Gentle Glass
- New Years Day-
- Whole body 34 (open hips)
- April 13
- Yoga For Hips: 18 Hip Opening Yoga Poses
- Whole body 8
- A & C / Fresh
- A & C / Fresh Sol
- March 2017
- Enlightened 2
- Enlightened
- Wrist Free Hands Free Yoga Flow Class
- Rise & Awaken
- Enlightened - Copy-
- Mid Day Yoga #2
- Enlightened 3
- 4/13 Part 1
- Francois privé 1
- MID DAY #4
- 4/20 Yoga
- Friday 4/22
- Ask Genie1
- Present- Empty your cup
- Core Flow
- Morning Flow
- Vanilla 28 March 2018
- Enlightened hip openers 2nd chakra
- Sol Flow hip openers 2nd chakra
- Sol Flow hip openers 2nd chakra -copy - Pigeon, Vasisthasana
- Enlightened hip openers 2nd chakra
- Ask Genie1
- Friday morning hamstrings
- Parent and Me: No Such Thing as Perfect
- Hip openers 2nd chakra
- Ask Genie1
- Whole body 23
- 20 - 30 minute intermediate B
- Present- Empty your cup
- July 24th
- Dan/Christina 8.20.16 In-Powered Yoga
- Muladhara chakra
- Svadisthana Chakra
- Yoga For Hips: 18 Hip Opening Yoga Poses
- 2, new beginnings
- 2, new beginnings
- Week 12
- Stickmen
- 60 minute power yoga WLC 20 March 2018
- Svadhistana Flow - Ideas
- Cahir Tues Beginners Level II/III Wk 3
- Beginner Class 3 - Paschimottonasana
- Whole body 34 (open hips)
- 1, there\'s strength in twisting and turning - Copy
- 1, there's strength in twisting and turning
- Muladhara: Root Chakra
- 2, there's strength in twisting and turning
- 3, there's strength in flowing movements
- 4, there's strength in flowing movements; side angle bends
- Supermoon Practice
- Week 10
- 15 Minute Hips Beginner
- strength in flowing movements
- Week 11
- 5, there's strength in flowing movements
- Ask Genie1
- Center and Focus
- 6, there's strength in flowing movements
- 12, finding the place between effort and ease, h
- 1, a cold December evening
- Week 14 Kirk Merrington
- 7, there's strength in flowing movements
- 4, flowing and foundation strengtheners - BW
- Yogic animals - cow face
- Body Blast Yoga Blues Section kb
- New Years Day-
- Great Flow
- Week 3 2017
- Muladhara: Root Chakra
- week 19 2017
- 4, flowing and foundation strengtheners - H
- Hip Openers
- Hip Openers
- Ask Genie1
- Week Three Term One Full Body Release
- 1, flowing
- Week Four Term One Full Body Release
- 3, more flowing and foundation strengtheners - H
- week 9 2017
- 2, flowing sun salutation, H
- 2, flowing sun salutation, H
- March 9 2017