Reverse Table Top
Sanskrit Name: | Ardha Purvottanasana |
Similar Pose Names: | Half Upward Plank |
Category: | Seated & Floor |
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Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Seated & Floor |
Types: | Arm Balance, Balance, Inversion, Object, Seated & Floor, Strengthen, Stretch, Supine |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps, Core, Knees, Lower Back, Wrists & Arms |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre |
Therapy: | Headaches, Leg Congestion, Poor Posture, Stress |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Begin in Staff Pose (Dandasana) with legs extended. Place hands a few inches behind the hips, fingers pointing forward. Press into palms and lift hips, creating a straight line from head to knees. Keep feet hip-width apart and flexed. Engage core and thighs. Relax shoulders away from ears, lengthening the neck. Hold for a few breaths. To exit, gently lower hips to the floor.
Strengthens arms, wrists, and core. Stretches the shoulders and chest, improves posture. Enhances flexibility. Stimulates digestion. Energises the body.
A) Bend the knees with feet flat on the mat. B) Place yoga blocks or a cushion under the hands. C) Lift one leg off the ground, extending it toward the ceiling, while the other remains grounded. D) Elevate the hips by placing a yoga block or bolster underneath them. E) Press hands against the wall while lifting the hips.
Wrist, knee or neck pain.
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Yoga Lesson Plan: Embracing Strength with Reverse Table Top Pose
Aims and Objectives:
Develop strength in the upper body, including the arms, shoulders, and wrists.
Improve flexibility in the spine, hip flexors, and chest.
Enhance body awareness and alignment.
Cultivate mindfulness and breath awareness.
Class Duration: 60 minutes
Materials Needed: Yoga mats, yoga blocks (optional)
Class Outline:
Centering (5 minutes):
Begin in a comfortable seated position such as Easy Pose.
Invite students to close their eyes, take a few deep Yogic belly breaths, and centre their minds.
Set a positive intention for the practice, focusing on building strength and self-awareness.
Warm-Up (10 minutes):
Start with gentle neck and shoulder rolls to release tension.
Transition into Cat-Cow stretches to warm up the spine.
Move through a few rounds of Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar A) to awaken the body.
Standing Poses (15 minutes):
Progress into standing poses like Warrior I, Warrior II, and Triangle, linking breath with movement.
Emphasize grounding through the feet and stability through the core.
Seated Stretches (10 minutes):
Transition to seated poses like Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Forward Bend) and Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) to stretch the hamstrings, hip flexors, and spine.
Use props like blocks to support students in forward bends if needed.
Hip Openers (5 minutes):
Guide students through hip-opening poses such as Half Pigeon Pose and Butterfly Pose to prepare for Reverse Table Top.
Encourage them to focus on deep, mindful breathing to release tension in the hips.
Reverse Table Top Prep (5 minutes):
Teach the preparatory poses like Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) to warm up the spine and engage the glutes.
Remind students to engage their core and lift their hips toward the ceiling.
Peak Pose: Reverse Table Top (10 minutes):
Break down the steps to Reverse Table Top:
Begin in a seated position with knees bent and feet flat on the mat.
Place hands behind the hips, fingers pointing toward the feet.
Press into the hands and feet to lift the hips, creating a reverse tabletop shape.
Keep the chest open, shoulders relaxed, and neck long.
Hold the pose for several breaths, emphasizing strength in the arms and flexibility in the spine.
Offer modifications and props as needed for students at different levels.
Encourage students to maintain steady breath and alignment.
Cool Down (5 minutes):
Guide students through gentle twists (e.g. Half Butterly Twist) and a supine spinal twist (e.g. Supine Twist With Strap) to release any tension in the spine.
Transition into Savasana (Corpse Pose) for relaxation.
Closing (5 minutes):
Have students return to a seated position (e.g. Easy Pose).
Lead a short pranayama exercise, focusing on breath awareness and gratitude (e.g. Alternate Nose Ujjayi Breath).
Invite students to set an intention for the remainder of their day.
Closing Remarks (5 minutes):
Thank your students for their practice.
Encourage them to carry the strength and mindfulness gained in class into their daily lives.
Provide any resources or recommendations for further practice or study such as yoga lesson plans.
This lesson plan aims to help students build strength, flexibility, and awareness while working towards Reverse Table Top as the peak pose. Modify the class based on your students’ levels and needs, and always prioritize safety and proper alignment.