Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Standing |
Types: | Arm Balance, Balance, Chest Opener, Inversion, Standing, Strengthen, Stretch, Twist |
Anatomy: | Hamstrings, Hips, Lower Back, Middle Back, Neck, Psoas, Upper Back |
Chakras: | Base, Crown Centre, Sacral Centre, Solar Plexus Centre |
Therapy: | Arthritis, Back Pain, Constipation, Depression, Diabetes, Fatigue, Herniated Disc, Indigestion, Poor Posture, Sciatica |
Drishti: | Up |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Stand in Mountain. Big step back with right foot. Turn foot to side of mat. Take arms out in a "T" palms pointing down. Place right hand on waist. Shift weight into left leg as you lift right foot off floor. Left hand on floor (or block). Spread fingers. Look down. Raise leg parallel to floor. Straighten standing leg. Raise right arm.
Strengthens abs, thighs. Stretches legs, shoulders, spine.
Back to wall. Block under hand.
Neck pain. Headache. Low blood pressure.
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- Lucky Dip6
- Lucky Dip8
- Ask Genie1
- Awakened/Heart opening/ 4th chakra
- compassion
- Ask Genie1
- Ask Genie1
- Ask Genie2 Don't
- Ask Genie2
- Ask Genie2
- Ask Genie1
- Weeks 2 / 6 / 10 / 14
- Ardha Chandrasana
- Week 48 2015 les - 8
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Ask Genie1
- Ask Genie2
- MedYoga: Beginners Postures
- Anahata Chakra - Gratitude -
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Beginner's Balance Sequence
- Herzchakra- Dankbarkeit
- Herzchakra- Dankbarkeit
- My own Thing Yoga Class
- Sefira yoga Tiferet
- Ask Genie1
- Yoga with a twist
- Beginners Gentle Yoga
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- experiament iris 1
- Beginners Gentle Yoga
- New year's day 2017
- New Years Day-
- Wk 1 Jan 17
- Wk 1 Jan 17
- dec 28
- 2nd Chakra practice Yin
- bla
- 2nd Chakra practice Yang - COPY
- Beginners Gentle Yoga - COPY
- Chakra 3
- The Yamas - Ahimsa
- 50 - 60 minute intermediate B2
- Herzchakra- Dankbarkeit
- Ask Genie2
- Ardha Chandrasana, alignement avec travail au mur
- Ask Genie2
- Awaken Add
- vinyassa
- 13, creating space
- Periode 1 - Les 12
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Beginner Movements
- Cavendish 30 Apr 19
- Vinyasa Flow - AC, Vasistha -
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Michelle Kickass Lesson Plan
- Spring
- Tuesday 5.8 HYP
- Vinyasa sequence for digestion
- Dylan week 3 forward bends
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Ask Genie1
- Present- Empty your cup
- Ottoman Yoga
- MALA Vinyasa Flow
- MedYoga Favourites
- MedYoga: Levels 1 & 2
- MedYoga: Level 3
- Beginners Gentle Yoga
- awakened
- Lower Body Focus
- Hatha Étirements
- Intense Standing Series
- Lower Body Monday
- mid flow
- MALA Vinyasa Flow
- *** MALA Vinyasa Flow - copy -
- Jules Home Practice
- Hatha Yoga Beginners
- Awakened Flow hip openers 2nd chakra
- Friday morning hamstrings
- Enlightened/ 3rd Chakra -core/surya namaskar/twists 54 poses
- Hip openers 2nd chakra
- Awakened/ Throat 5th chakra
- chakra three Manipura
- 6th Chakra 3rd eye Awakened
- 20 - 30 minute intermediate B
- 50 - 60 minute intermediate B2
- Present- Empty your cup
- Wk 2 Yoga for Cyclists
- Vinyasa Flow 3
- Vinyasa Flow 18
- Add Awakened
- Vinyasa Flow
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- warrior