Crescent Lunge
Sanskrit Name: | Anjaneyasana |
Similar Pose Names: | Crescent High Lunge, Ashta Chandrasana, High Lunge, Eight Point Crescent Moon, Alanasana |
Category: | Standing |
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Yoga Lesson Planner
Pilates Lesson Planner
Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Standing |
Types: | Back Bend, Balance, Chest Opener, Hip Opener, Standing, Strengthen, Stretch |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Knees, Lower Back, Middle Back, Psoas |
Chakras: | Base, Heart Centre, Sacral Centre, Solar Plexus Centre |
Therapy: | Confidence Building |
Drishti: | Tip Of Nose |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta, Vata |
Start in Down Dog. Step right foot forward and place it beside right thumb, lining up right knee over right ankle. Lower left knee to floor. Raise torso and sweep arms above head with palms facing. Allow hips to settle forwards and down until you feel a stretch in front of left leg. Draw tailbone down, lengthening lower back and engaging core muscles. Stay here, or raise back knee off mat for a full Crescent Lunge. To release, place hands on mat and step to Down Dog. Repeat with left leg forward.
Stretches groin, chest, shoulders, abdominals, and hip flexors. Relieves backache. Opens front torso. Improves balance and stability. Heart opener. Strengthens legs.
A) Bring back knee to mat and un-tuck back toes (low lunge). B) Place hands on hips. C) Warrior I, II, or III.
Shoulder injury.
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Crescent Lunge Pose Teaching Tips
Preparation Pose For Warrior Series: Crescent Lunge Pose, a variation of High Lunge (Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana), is the perfect preparation pose for Warrior I Pose (Virabhadrasana I), and the Warrior series (Warrior I, II, and III) because it helps build stability and stamina.
Active Back Leg: If you see a student is struggling with balance, ask them to keep their back leg active and press firmly through the feet.
Hips Facing Front: A lot of students will have their hips pointing slightly to the left or right. The key to this pose is to keep the center of gravity (the hips) low, level, and facing the front of the mat.
For a greater challenge, ask students to:
Hold: Hold the pose for longer.
Dips: Add dips (bring the back knee to hover just above the mat).
Standing Position: If students aren’t able to step their foot forward between their hands (very common), ask them to begin the pose from a standing position at the back of their mat and step one foot forward.
Twist Variation I: High lunge twist pose.
Twist Variation II: Lunge twist with Anjali Mudra (place hands in the Prayer position, Anjali Mudra, in front of the chest. Place left elbow outside the right knee. Keep lengthening the spine and pressing the knee into the elbow. Repeat on the other side.
Downward Facing Dog: Downward facing dog lunge pose
Partner: Crescent lunge with partner pose
Transition into Warrior III: Step weight into the front foot and lift the back foot (to come into Warrior III).
Follow Up Poses
Spending time on this pose pays dividends when teaching more advanced poses. It provides a deep stretch to the entire body which helps with Warrior I, Warrior II, Warrior III.
Tight Shoulders & Neck: Tell your students how amazing this pose is for softening tight shoulders and necks, which is an epidemic in our modern world. The deep stretch of the arms above the head helps stretch the shoulders and neck. Reducing stiffness in the body unlocks energy levels. Your students will instantly feel better during and after this pose. Their bodies and minds will feel light and strong
Stretch: Stretches groin, chest, shoulders, abdominals, and hip flexors.
Backache: Relieves backache.
Opening: Opens front torso. Heart opener.
Balance: Improves balance and stability.
Legs: Strengthens legs.