Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Standing |
Types: | Balance, Chest Opener, Forward Bend, Hip Opener, Prone, Side Bend, Standing, Strengthen, Twist |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps, Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Psoas, Wrists & Arms |
Chakras: | Base, Heart Centre, Sacral Centre, Solar Plexus Centre |
Therapy: | Arthritis, Back Pain, Constipation, Depression, Diabetes, Fatigue, Herniated Disc, Indigestion, Poor Posture |
Drishti: | Tip Of Nose |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta, Vata |
Start in Downward Facing Dog. Step right foot forward next to right hand. Bend right knee. Right hand inside right foot. Left arm up (form line with body). Bring left knee to mat. Open chest. Switch sides.
Stretches legs, groins, hams. Opens chest, shoulders.
A) Using wall for back support. B) Using wall for extended arm support. C) Block placed by foot. D) Place a chair in front of bent knee for extra support making sure chair does not move. E) Place bent thigh over a chair. F) Keep arm on thigh (instead of placing palm on the mat). G) Gaze down instead of up. H) Place hand in front of foot instead of behind.
Knee injury.
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- Sefira yoga Tiferet
- Prana Vayus week 2
- Ask Genie2
- Toxin Release - flow
- Peak - Bridge
- 10 Revolved Poses In 10 Minutes: Attain The Mental Focus Of An Olympian
- Ask Genie3
- week 21 2017
- Ask Genie1
- Nov19 enligthen
- December 27
- Toxin Release - Copy
- Toxin Release
- Full Moon Class
- Ask Genie2
- Camel Peak Pose: champions of the long-haul journey
- Week 4
- Waken up the sides 2
- Yogic animals : Camel
- For Strength (Yin) holding for 10 breath/counts
- Tennis stretch Wk 2 14 Jan 17
- Ask Genie4
- Ask Genie2
- 2, deep stretching and release, bw
- Tummy
- Yogic animals : Camel
- March 30
- A Journey To Self
- Beginner Class 5 - Salamba Sarvangasana - Copy
- Tennis Stretch
- Self care
- Full Moon: Chandra Namaskara - copy
- Ask Genie2
- Festival 2017
- 2, deep stretching and release, bw
- Sun Salutations A with focus on Downward Facing Dog
- Week 4 - Yoga Discovery Course
- Muladahra Chakra
- 3, deep stretching and release with sun salute, h
- 3, deep stretching and release, bw
- 3, deep stretching and release, bw
- Deep stretching and release with sun salute
- 4, deep stretching and release, bw
- Beginner Deep stretching and release with sun salute
- 5, deep stretching and release, bw
- Beginner Deep stretching and release with sun salute
- Full Moon: Chandra Namaskara Thursday Theme
- core 2
- Deep stretching and release, bw
- 15 Minute Yoga: 136 Standing Poses
- Full Moon Class
- Heart opening sequence
- Standing - copy
- Ask Genie11
- Peak - Bridge cyclists
- Chapasana prep sequence
- Twist Themed Yoga
- 'May Day' Lesson Plan
- Standing I
- Beginners Core, Strength and Balance
- Ask Genie1
- Ask Genie1
- Hatha Random Genie 1
- Peak Pose: Downward Facing Dog
- Twist Themed Yoga
- Couples program - Beginners Core, Strength and Balance
- New Intentions class plan
- Camel Peak Pose: champions of the long-haul journey
- Muladhara Chakra (1st)
- vinvassa flow 2
- feet focus
- Foot focus 2
- Standing
- Beginners and Basics - Warrior 2
- Beginners and Basics - side angle pose
- standing
- Get centred & grounded class
- Grounding and Centering
- Easing into Autumn 4
- Autumn balancing vinyasa
- Autumn balancing vinyasa
- vinvassa flow
- Stepping into Shoes
- Twist Themed Yoga
- Stepping into Shoes, 2
- vinvassa flow saturday
- vinvassa flow saturday 2
- Sleep and Backs December 2019
- Sleep and Backs December 2019 2
- Sleep and Backs December CLASS 2
- Sleep and Backs December CLASS 2
- Sleep and Backs December 2019
- Sleep and Backs Saturday
- Wake up Saturday
- Gentle Yoga Full Body
- Musser Park
- Gentle Yoga Full Body
- Gentle Yoga Full Body Saturday
- Hatha sequence detox
Benefits Of Side Bend Poses
1) Heart & Lungs – Side stretching releases tension from the muscles that attach to the ribs and the intercostal muscles between the ribs themselves, allowing the ribs to express their full range of motion and the lungs to effectively respond to the increase and decrease of volume. The diaphragm (major muscle of breathing) and the chambers of the heart all get stretched as well, especially in postures such as Reclined Hero with arms reached overhead.
2) Digestion – Creating space between the iliac crest and the lower ribs on one side as you close the space on the other does wonders for the organs of the digestive system: stomach, pancreas and large intestine on the left side and liver, gallbladder and large intestine on the right side. Also, simultaneous side body stretching is great for both intestines and all aspects of the colon.
3) Immunity – The lymphatic system, unlike the cardiac system, does not have a pump to propel lymphatic flow throughout the body. Lymphatic fluid is derived from interstitial fluid (fluid between cells) and collects bacteria to bring to the lymph nodes where it is destroyed. The best way to help detoxify the body and move the lymphatic fluid along is to rebound (up and down movement i.e. running, skipping, trampolining) and stretch. Arms overhead side body stretching affects the lymph nodes in the auxiliary region (armpit) and the region of the spleen (lymphatic organ) itself.