Sticky Note Yoga Marketing: The Fun, Quick, Yellow, Orange, And Slightly Sticky Way To Guarantee Your Yoga Classes Are Always Full

From this day forth, you’re going to ENJOY taking action on marketing tactics because we’ve turned into a sticky game with quests!

Yes. Really. I’m serious.

From this day forth, I hereby formerly promise that marketing will forever be a source of fun.

How is this possible? Easy.

Instead of implementing marketing tactics (yawn, yawn, and more yawns), you will be embarking on exciting quests that will grow your yoga business.

The good news is that most of these marketing quests are simple (require no tech or business skills) and take less than 30 minutes.

Let’s go…

Step 1
Choose A Marketing Quest

Online Marketing Quests

  1. About Page
  2. Blog: Class Theme Post
  3. Blog: Pose Post
  4. Blog: Post Tag
  5. Blog: Schedule
  6. Email Signature
  7. Forum Footprints
  8. Link Swap: Acupuncture Practitioners 
  9. Link Swap: Aromatherapy Practitioners
  10. Link Swap: Bowen Practitioners 
  11. Link Swap: Chiropractors
  12. Link Swap: Crystal Therapists
  13. Link Swap: Herbalists
  14. Link Swap: Hypnotherapists
  15. Link Swap: Osteopaths
  16. Link Swap: Reiki Healers
  17. MailChimp: Setup
  18. Online Ad: BWY
  19. Online Ad:
  20. Online Ad:
  21. Online Ad:
  22. Online Ad:
  23. Online Ad: Local Newspaper
  24. Online Ad:
  25. Online Ad:
  26. Online Ad:
  27. Online Ad:
  28. Online Ad:
  29. Online Ad:
  30. Online Ad:
  31. Online Ad:
  32. Online Ad:
  33. Online Ad:
  34. Online Ad:

Offline Marketing Quests

  1. Article: Local Newspaper
  2. BNI: Join
  3. Business Advice: Free
  4. Classified Ad: Yoga Retreat
  5. Discount: Councils
  6. Discount: Doctor Surgery & Hospital Employees
  7. Discount: Local Businesses
  8. Discount: School Teachers
  9. Discount: Students
  10. Exhibition: Flyers
  11. Flyers: Hairdressers
  12. Local Directory
  13. Local Newspaper Writeup
  14. Location: Free Class Venue
  15. Networking: Business Club
  16. Networking: 101
  17. Niche: Yoga For Athletics (Decathlon Events)
  18. Niche: Yoga For Athletics (Heptathlon Events)
  19. Niche: Yoga For Athletics (Jumping Events)
  20. Niche: Yoga For Athletics (Pentathlon Events)
  21. Niche: Yoga For Athletics (Throwing Events)
  22. Niche: Yoga For Football Players
  23. Niche: Yoga For Golfers
  24. Niche: Yoga For Mountain Climbers
  25. Niche: Yoga For Rugby
  26. Niche: Yoga For Runners
  27. Niche: Yoga For Swimmers
  28. Niche: Yoga For Table Tennis Players
  29. Niche: Yoga For Tennis Players
  30. Niche: Yoga For Triathlon athletes
  31. Practice Yoga Daily
  32. Press Release

Step 2
Get A Sticky-note 

Write the quest title on a sticky note.

Only write one quest on one sticky note!

As a yoga teacher, your subconscious has already seen the genius of my sticky note system.

One Pointedness!

One Pointed focus is what all yoga teachers harp on about in their yoga classes. And for good reason! It works like a charm. Studies prove that multi-tasking is horribly inefficient, horribly stressful, and just plain old horrible.

You’ll get much more done by making friends with “One Pointed Focus”. Do not rely on your brain to keep you all nicely one-pointed. You’ll fail. And you’ll keep on failing. You’ll fail some more. And so on. And so forth. Trust me on this one.

“So, Georgie, if I’m not to use my brain, what do you suggest?”

Sticky notes!

Write the quest on a sticky note.

Step 3
Attach To Forehead

Stick the sticky note on your forehead. If you’d rather not use your head for the sticky note, put it somewhere highly visible (e.g. in the front of your “organizer”).

Step 4
Get Stuck In 

Get stuck in with your sticky note (please forgive the pun). Go. Take action. If you’re the scheduling type, schedule it into your diary (e.g. 10 am to 11 am). If you have one-pointed-focus on your marketing quest, you’ll be amazed by your results.

Step 5
Remove Sticky Note

Whence your quest has been completed, remove the sticky note from your forehead, and do a little jig of joy. Celebrate your one-pointed mastery. Revel in the warm glow of victory.


ONLINE Marketing Quests

Click On A Yellow Sticky Note
Overview: Having an “About” page on your website is important for search engine ratings. Google usually ranks About pages higher than other pages.

Time:  1 to 4 hours

Difficulty: 6/10

Step 1:  Research About Pages

Take a look at several yoga teacher About pages to get some ideas for what to put on your About page. To get you started, I’ve made some comments about my About page.

Banner: At the top of the page is a header with a background image of me in Crow Pose. Because “I” am the brand of the site, visitors want to know who this George fellow looks like. That’s why I include an image of myself in a yoga pose at the very top of the page. You will also be the “brand” of your site. So, I highly recommend you add an image of yourself.

I have also included my “location” within the banner.

About Page 1

Blurbs: The next section are the “blurbs”. This is where I let visitors know what yoga services I provide. I have four blurbs: Yoga Classes, One To One Yoga, Yoga Workshops, Yoga Retreats.

About Page 2

My Story: The next section is the “my story”.  This is where visitors can get to know me a bit better.

About Page 3

Google Map: The next section is the “Google Map” showing the venue for my yoga classes.

About Page 4

Call To Action: The last section is a “Call To Action” for my Yoga Genie Lesson Planner. Your call to action should be the “click” you most want your visitors to make on your site. If you want visitors to click to find out more about your yoga classes, add a “Call To Action” for your yoga classes. If you want visitors to click to find out more about your yoga retreats, add a “Call To Action” for your yoga retreats page.

About Page 5

Step 2:  About Page Set-up

Take what you’ve learned in “step 1”, and add an About page to your site. It’s well worth spending quality time getting this page right, because the “About” page will be the second most visited page on your site (after your Home page).

BLOG: Class Theme Post
Overview: If you come up with a different theme every 6 or 10 weeks, write a blog post about the theme.

Why: 1) It’s a great way of learning more about a subject you care about (whatever theme you’ve chosen). 2) The more you learn about the theme (e.g. the best yoga class theme ever).  3) A blog post is the best way to help your website get higher on Google. 4) Writing a blog post elevates your perceived expertise (it shows you’re a serious yoga teacher). 5) Great way of keeping track of what themes you’ve given your students over the years. 

Time:  60+ minutes

Difficulty: 3/10

Step 1:  Pick A Theme

Below are a few blog posts I’ve written about yoga class themes to give you some ideas…

I don’t need permission to shine

Use a quote for your next yoga class theme

9 steps to teach Pigeon Pose using 6 memorable themes

Shoulders: 5 Millimetres Can Change Your Life (yoga anatomy theme)

Spinal Flexion: Forward Bends – A Natural Protection Bubble (yoga anatomy theme)

101 yoga asana symbols (each one can be used as a theme)

101 guided imagery phrases (each one can be used as a theme)

Step 2:  Save As Draft

As soon as you’ve picked your theme, create a new post and save it as a “draft”.

All you need to do at this point is give the post a title (you can change the title later if you want). The main thing here is to get started. It doesn’t matter if you have no idea what you’re going to write about.

You don’t need to go “live” with the post until you’re happy with it (that’s why it’s in draft mode).  But remember, you’ll never be 100% happy.

It’s best to go live with a mediocre post, then a perfect post that stays forever a draft.

Step 3:  Research & Write

Research your theme (doing Google searches).

And write!

Your post doesn’t need to win a pulitzer prize. It just needs to provide useful info so your yoga students can learn more about the “theme” that you’ve chosen for your next 6 week yoga course.

Step 4:  Go Live

I usually go live with a post even though I haven’t finished it.

Am I mad? Why would do such a reckless act?

Because I have a secret…

After a decade of being a business mentor (before becoming a yoga teacher), I understood one thing really well. Most people procrastinate! But when you go live with your 80% completed post, it’s amazing how quickly you get the other 20% completed (basically you don’t give procrastination a chance to defeat you).

Step 5:  Celebrate

Make sure to celebrate going live with a post (e.g. take a hot bubble bath).

BLOG: Pose Post
Overview: Write a post on your website about a yoga pose.

Why: Writing a blog post is the best way to help your website get higher on Google. It’s also a great way of increasing your yoga teacher expertise, and make you a better teacher. If you’re a full-time yoga teacher, it’s important that you blog regularly. 

Time:  60 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:  Pick A Pose

Pick a pose you want to write about.

Step 2:  Research Other Sites

Do a Google search for “yoga poses”, and see how other sites are laying out their “yoga pose blog posts”. Takes notes. For example, if you like how the website has used the sub-headings, make a note of it (otherwise you’ll forget).

See below showing my research notes… 

Noose Pose 


I don’t like that the step headings. To me, each step should have a few words describing the step brief description. For example, instead of just “Step 1”, I think this would be better: “Step 1: Mountain Pose”.


I like the quick blurb about the pose that is just under the title at the very top of the page. That helps lure the reader in.

I like that the pose includes these 9 sections at the end of the steps: 1) Contraindications and Cautions, 2) Modifications and Props, 3) Deepen the Pose, 4) Theraputic Applications, 5) Preparatory Poses, 6) Follow-up Poses, 7) Benefits, 8) Partnering, 9) Variations. Including these 9 sections turns the post from an average one to an epic one. These 9 sections make the post a really good reference for yoga students (and yoga teachers). Why’s that so good? Well, because it means visitors will stay reading the post longer, and come back to it in the future. Both those things add up to Google loving the post. And if Google loves the post, you’ve just hit blog post jackpot. Google will make the post really easy to find by visitors searching for “noose pose”.

I like the noose pose image.

I like that they show how to pronounce the Sansksrit (posh-AHS-anna).

Step 3:  Cookie Cutter Template

Once you’ve done your research, create your first “cookie cutter yoga pose post template”. This can change in the future, but it’s a good idea to get into the mindset of creating a template, because it makes writing the posts so much easier. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. You just need to input the content. Easy.

Below are a couple of yoga pose post templates that I created for my own website…

Pose Post Template 1: Downloadable A4 Yoga Card

I experimented by providing visitors with a “downloadable A4 sized yoga card” for the pose with this template.

Pose Post Template 2: Infographic

I experimented by providing visitors with an “infographic” for the pose with this template.

Step 4:  Google Calendar Reminder

If you’re using Google Calendar, I recommend adding a couple of reminders when you want to go live with the post. I set a reminder for 10 minutes and 24 hours before my blog writing appointment. To add a reminder, double click on the appointment, and click “add notification”. You can click on “notification” and change it to “email” if you want to receive an email reminder. I usually have the email reminder set for “1 day”, so I’m reminded 24 hours beforehand.

BLOG: Post Tag
Overview: Add meta “tags” to all your blog posts. Each tag will help your SEO (search engine optimisation).

Time:  5 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:  Add A Tag

If you have a WordPress site, follow the steps on this video to add one or more tags to a blog post.

Step 2:  All Posts

Repeat “step 1” for all posts on your site.

BLOG: Schedule
Overview: Writing a blog post is the best way to help your website get higher on Google. It’s also a great way of increasing your yoga teacher expertise, and make you a better teacher. If you’re a full-time yoga teacher, it’s important that you blog regularly. And the best way of doing that is to set up a ‘post writing schedule’.  

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:  Schedule First Session

Get out your diary (whether it’s a physical one, or one that’s on your computer), and schedule “WRITE A BLOG POST”.

Step 2:  Schedule 3 Months In Advance

If you’ve scheduled Tuesday from 2 to 4pm, then show up every Tuesday (or every other Tuesday).

Make it a disciplined practice, just like your yoga practice. If you’re committing to every Tuesday from 2 to 4pm, schedule that into your diary for the next three months. It’s important to “put it in your schedule”. If it’s not written in your schedule, subconsciously you won’t deem it important. If it’s not important, you won’t show up.

Step 3:  Show Up

Make sure you show up.

To help you “show up”, put your blog writing schedule on Google Calendar, then on the top left, click where it says “doesn’t repeat”, and choose “weekly”. Or if you’re like me and write every two weeks, click “custom” and change “repeat every” from 1 to 2 (now it will show up in your diary every other Tuesday).

Step 4:  Google Calendar Reminder

If you’re using Google Calendar, I recommend adding a couple of reminders.

I set a reminder for 10 minutes and 24 hours before my blog writing appointment.

To add a reminder, double click on the appointment, and click “add notification”. You can click on “notification” and change it to “email” if you want to receive an email reminder. I usually have the email reminder set for “1 day”, so I’m reminded 24 hours beforehand.

Overview: The best free advertising for your yoga classes is your email signature. 

Time:  15 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:  Call To Action

Add a call to action within your email signature.

Below is my email signature that you can use as a template..

Om Shanti,
George Watts
BWY Yoga Teacher

“The attitude of gratitude is the highest yoga.” ~ Yogi Bhajan

P.S. Take a quick look at my other services…

Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes

1 to 1 Yoga

1 to 1 Yoga

Corporate Yoga

Corporate Yoga Program

Sports Yoga

Sport Yoga

Yin Yang Yoga Workshop

FORUMS: Leaving Footprints
Overview: The Leaving Footprints On The Web strategy is placing a link to one of your blog articles in appropriate locations on the web, where the link will be viewed in a positive manner by those who see them. For example, on a recent visit to a forum, I saw that someone had posted a yoga question (can you recommend yoga poses for cyclists) that I knew the answer to. So, I posted a reply to the message, with a link to an appropriate blog article (a blog post I had written a year before all about yoga for cyclists). Posting the link to that article on my site was an example of leaving a footprint. In essence, because I left a single footprint in an appropriate place, I increased traffic to my site. And that’s why leaving footprints in appropriate places is such a powerful zero cost marketing tool. The footprints add up. As you might imagine, having appropriate and useful footprints on dozens of sites can significantly increase visitors to your site. Having those links on all those sites will greatly increase your SEO (search engine ranking) because search engines give you higher scores when other related sites link to you.

Time:  90 minutes

Difficulty: 2/10

Step 1:  Forum List

Find 3 to 5 appropriate forums. For example, I just did a Google search for “yoga for diabetes forum”, because that’s an area I’m familiar with, and found

I’ve listed some “general yoga forums” below to get you started: 

You’ll find lots of Yoga Google Groups. Go to!overview, and sign up for groups in your niche.

You’ll find lots of Yoga groups on

You’ll find lots of Yoga groups on

Step 2: Write A Blog Post

When pursuing the footprints strategy you have to be very careful not to come off as a spammer. For example, it is inappropriate to provide links to products, that are not immediately related to the matters being discussed. I highly recommend writing a blog post answering the question in the forum, and providing a link to that post when answering the question.

The link to your yoga product or service can go at the end of the blog post. 

Step 3: Rinse & Repeat 

Keep looking through the forums, and try finding new forums. When you come across a question that you know the answer to (e.g. can you recommend a yoga routine for Chronic fatigue syndrome?), follow step two.

Step 4: Get A Yoga Website

If you don’t have a yoga website, I can set one up for you. Find out more at

Top 7 Footprint Strategy Tips…

Tip 1: Useful Footprints

Only place appropriate and useful footprints.

Tip 2: Lots Of Sites

Place footprints on a wide range of sites. Use the search engines to search for questions that have been posted to discussion forums – and post replies to the questions you have written articles with the answers.

Tip 3: Continuous

Place footprints on a continual basis (e.g. add a few footprints every week). Post links to a large number of sites – the more appropriate footprints you place on the web, the bigger benefit they will provide. Better to post one footprint on 50 different sites than 50 footprints on just one site. Find high traffic forums and post most of your footprints there.

Tip 4: Don’t spam

Never post a link to a sales message.

Tip 5: Specific Blog Post

Post links to a specific blog post, not just a web site. The footprint link is posted as the answer to a specific question.

Tip 6: Valuable Info Only

Make sure the post that you share on the forum includes valuable information. If the linked-to post disappoints or is poorly presented, it can cause a negative feedback in the discussion forum. Let your post impress with quality and usefulness.

Tip 7: Don’t Overdo It

Don’t post too many links to your site within a single discussion forum in a short period of time. If the site owner feels that you are taking advantage of the situation, you might be banned.

Overview: Create a free online newsletter using MailChimp, so you can send reminder emails to your students. 

Time:  90 minutes

Difficulty: 6/10

Step 1:  Go to and sign up for a free account.

Step 2: Create Your MailChimp List. If you already have the email addresses of your students here’s how to Add a Single Subscriber to a List

Step 2: Design an Email Campaign (this sounds technical, but all you’re doing is writing the email). 

Step 3: Go live with the email campaign. 

Step 4: Add a signup form to your website. 

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising (free for BWY members). And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to and enter your membership info

Step 2: Submit 

Under ‘Education’ click ‘Submit Your Advert’. Go through the steps.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to  and enter your membership info

Step 2: Submit 

Click ‘Place Free Ad’.  Enter ‘yoga’ into the box and select ‘Community: Lessons & Classes’. Go through the steps.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to and click ‘Register’.

Step 2: Submit 

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to and click ‘Place An Ad’.

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to and click ‘Click ‘post an ad’.

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

ONLINE AD: Local Newspaper
Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. Most local newspapers allow local businesses to submit free adverts on their website. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:  Google Search

Do a Google search to find all the local papers in your area.

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to and click ‘please register’.

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to and click ‘Post Free Ad’.

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to and click ‘Add A Listing’.

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to and click ‘Place Advert’.

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to and click ‘List My Business’.

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to  and click ‘Free Business Advertising’.

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to and click ‘Post Your Ad’.

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to and click ‘Get A Free Listing’.

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to and click ‘Get Listed’.

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to and click ‘Join’.

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

Overview: You can’t beat free advertising. And it only takes a few minutes to list your yoga classes on this site. 

Time:  10 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:

Go to

Step 2: Submit

Go through the steps to submit your advert.

OFFLINE Marketing Quests

Click On An Orange Sticky Note
ARTICLE: Local Newspaper
Overview: This quest takes a bit of guts, but the pay off can be huge – it’s like getting hundreds of pounds worth of free advertising   I recommend starting with your local newspaper, because it will be read by lots of the locals in your area. hat’s the most local resource, and they sometimes accept articles), then local papers, then national papers, then magazines.

Time:  4+ hours

Difficulty: 8/10

Step 1: Google something like: “local paper for [name of your area]”. 

Step 2: Find who to submit the article to.

Step 3: Write an email to see if they’d like an article about ‘yoga’.

I get inspiration for article headlines by going to the NY Times online yoga section.

Below are examples of catchy yoga headlines you could use and tweak:

* How to get high with yoga (that would be attention grabbing because it’s an article on how to get high which usually means ‘high’ on drugs. But your article would have a positive spin.

* How taking up yoga saved a City worker from suicide.

* How yoga can clean out your headspace.

* Seeking a silent retreat from urban chaos: try Yoga. 

* 1 out of 4 people suffer from anxiety: But not when they’re in a yoga class.

* Does yoga slow down ageing?

* I’m still terrible at yoga, 14 years after I started – so what’s got me hooked? (real article)

* Fit in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond: try Yoga.

* Seeking inner peace is the new cool: try Yoga.

* So, um, what’s the difference between Yoga and Pilates?

* The slow, steady rise of yoga revealed.

* 7-minute bedtime yoga: sleep like a baby.

* Can Yoga really reduce your weight?

Step 4: Send the email.

Step 5: If they say,”Yes”, write the article (and also jump up and down with joy).

Step 6: If they like the article, suggest writing a ‘monthly yoga column’.

Step 7: If you feel brave, contact a national newspaper to see if they’d like a yoga article.

BNI: Join
Overview: Join a BNI networking group ( Imagine having dozens of people marketing your business for FREE. That’s what happens when you join a BNI club. You’ll also get to meet and know many of the local business owners in your area. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that this networking will quickly fill up your classes.

Time:  20 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:  Google BNI ‘name of your county’. 

Step 2: Find one near you. 

Step 3: Call to find out more details

Step 4: Join. 

Step 5: Participate by going along to the meetings and getting to know your fellow members, so that you’re able to recommend their services when you come across someone you think could benefit from it. The more recommendations you give, the more you’ll get. 

Step 6: Seize the opportunity to speak at a breakfast meeting about the benefits of yoga and invite them to your yoga classes (first class free).  During the talk you could give them a free ‘chair yoga session’. They’ll love it. 

Overview: You could get a government funded small business advisor for free.

Time:  15 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:  Google ‘free business advisor’, or ‘free business advice wales’, or ‘free business advice [name of your county or country]. For example, I live in Wales, and found a site called:

Step 2: Find a government funded scheme.

Step 3: Call them up and book a meeting.

Step 4: Learn from the advice. The good thing about local business advisors is that they are amazing networkers. They know a lot of local business people. Those local business people are your prime prospects for your yoga classes. 

Overview: If you need to get more people to your yoga retreat, a small classified advert is a great idea. It’s quick, easy and cheap.

Time:  30 minutes

Difficulty: 3/10

Step 1:  Edit the simple classified template that I’ve provided in italics below…

Personal Alchemy Weekend In West Wales: Yoga, meditation, and personal development. Call [your tel no].

I put this advert in a yoga magazine. It was 13 words, and at £1 per word, it cost me £13 a month.

I think this ad was so effective because:

a) The readers of the publication where I placed the ad were in my target market.

b)  The readers trusted the publication enough that they felt there was value in the classified ads.

c) The advert was short, and easy to read.

d) The advert had an intriguing headline (Personal Alchemy).

e) The ad generated curiosity. Since the ad provided no detailed description of the weekend yoga retreat, readers were curious to find out more.

f) The ad had a call to action. The words ‘call’ and ‘visit’ told the reader exactly what to do.

Step 2: Submit the advert online or offline (e.g. a local printed What’s On Directory). 

DISCOUNT: County Council
Overview: Why spend money and time  marketing your classes when there is a free and quick way to do it – DISCOUNT OFFER for County Council employees. 

Time:  60 minutes

Difficulty: 5/10

Step 1 : Understand Why

The reason why this is a great “quest” is because the County Council have employees that are stressed and overweight. They could really benefit from Yoga.

Step 2 : Contact Info

Google the name of your Council, and find the name, email and telephone number of the person you need to contact.

Step 3 : Dog & Bone

Get on the dog and bone (phone) and tell them about your local yoga class and how it will improve the employees stress levels. Let them know about your ‘County Council Discount’ (e.g. £1 discount for employees).

Step 4: Drop Off Flyers

Ask if you can drop off some yoga flyers.

Step 5: Chat

When you drop off the flyers, make sure to spend time chatting to the person you drop off the flyers to (e.g. “If you’re interested in coming to a Yoga class, the first class if free. Come along. See if you like it. Beginners are very welcome.”). Don’t just drop the flyers off and run. Have the courage to engage the person with a little bit of friendly banter.

DISCOUNT: Doctor Surgery & Hospital Employees
Overview: Why spend money and time marketing your classes when there is a free and quick way to do it – DISCOUNT OFFER for Doctor Surgery/Hospital employees. 

Time:  60 minutes

Difficulty: 3/10

Step 1 : Understand Why

The reason why this is a great “quest” is because Doctor Surgery/Hospital Employees have employees that are stressed and overweight. They could really benefit from Yoga.

Step 2 : Contact Info

Google the name of your Doctor Surgery/Hospital, and find the name, email and telephone number of the person you need to contact.

Step 3 : Dog & Bone

Get on the dog and bone (phone) and tell them about your local yoga class and how it will improve the employees stress and fitness levels. Let them know about your ‘Doctor Surgery/Hospital Employees Discount’ (e.g. £1 discount for employees).

Step 4: Drop Off Flyers

Ask if you can drop off some yoga flyers.

Step 5: Chat

When you drop off the flyers, make sure to spend time chatting to the person you drop off the flyers to (e.g. “If you’re interested in coming to a Yoga class, the first class if free. Come along. See if you like it. Beginners are very welcome.”). Don’t just drop the flyers off and run. Have the courage to engage the person with a little bit of friendly banter.

DISCOUNT: Local Businesses
Overview: Why spend money and time  marketing your classes when there is a free and quick way to do it – DISCOUNT OFFER for the employees of Local Businesses. 

Time:  60 minutes

Difficulty: 5/10

Step 1 : Understand Why

The reason why this is a great “quest” is because most employees of local businesses are either stressed or overweight (or both). They could really benefit from Yoga.

Step 2 : Contact Info

Google the names of local businesses, and find the name, email and telephone number of the person you need to contact.

Step 3 : Dog & Bone

Get on the dog and bone (phone) and tell them about your local yoga class and how it will improve the employee’s stress levels. Let them know about your ‘Local Business Employees Discount’ (e.g. £1 discount for employees).

Step 4: Drop Off Flyers

Ask if you can drop off some yoga flyers.

Step 5: Chat

When you drop off the flyers, make sure to spend time chatting to the person you drop off the flyers to (e.g. “If you’re interested in coming to a Yoga class, the first class if free. Come along. See if you like it. Beginners are very welcome.”). Don’t just drop the flyers off and run. Have the courage to engage the person with a little bit of friendly banter.

DISCOUNT: School Teachers
Overview: Discounts are a great way of getting new students to your classes. 20% of my yoga classes are filled with local teachers. Why? Teachers have one of the most stressful jobs on the planet.  

Time:  60 minutes

Difficulty: 3/10

Step 1 : Understand Why

The reason why this is a great “quest” is because teaching is highly stressful job. Teachers could really benefit from Yoga.

Step 2 : Contact Info

Do a Google search for “schools in [your-county]”. Search for kinder garden, primary & secondary schools.

Step 3 : Dog & Bone

Get on the dog and bone (phone) and tell them about your local yoga class and how it will improve the teacher’s stress and fitness levels. Let them know about your ‘Teacher Discount’ (e.g. £1 discount for teachers).

Step 4: Drop Off Flyers

Ask if you can drop off some yoga flyers at the school.

Step 5: Chat

When you drop off the flyers, make sure to spend time chatting to the person you drop off the flyers to.

For example, you could say something like this:

“If you, or any of the teachers, are interested in coming to a Yoga class, the first class is free. Come along. See if you like it. If you like it, or any of the teachers like it, you’ll all receive a ‘teacher discount’ of £1 per class. Beginners are very welcome.” 

DISCOUNT: Students
Overview: Discounts are a great way of getting new students to your classes. 

Time: 15 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:  Brainstorm discounts. 

Here are some “discounts offers” to get you started…

Discount 1: Seniors = £1 discount

Discount 2: County Council employees = £1 discount

Discount 3: Come with one or more friend(s) =£1 discount each

Discount 4: Buy a pack of 10 classes and get 1 class free

Step 2: Flyer

If, for example, one of your discounts is a “£1 per class discount for County Council employees”, then add that discount to the flyer that you create to put up in the County Council office.

Step 3: Website

Put the “discounts” on your yoga classes page.

EXHIBITION: Hand Out Flyers
Overview: If you live near a yoga or health exhibition, go to it and hand out flyers to people as you’re walking around (though, this quest probably works best if you’re promoting a yoga retreat, though you could promote your yoga classes because there will be plenty of locals in attendance).  

Time:  4 hours

Difficulty: 3/10

Step 1:  Visit a trade exhibition for yoga, or health (e.g. Vegan).

Step 2: Walk around and hand out flyers or businesses cards. When you give someone a flyer, say something like: “Free yoga class in XYZ” (if the flyers offers the first class for free). That’s all you need to say. Then, if the person is interested, they’ll give you the signal that it’s ok to chat with them. If you chat with them, the odds of them showing up to your class skyrockets. 

Step 3: Leave business cards/flyers where people can pick them up. Though, it is far more productive to physically give them out and say something (step 2).

FLYER: Hair Dressers
Overview: Putting up flyers to promote your yoga classes is simple, cheap, and effective.

Time:  30 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1 : Flyer Template Download

Download a yoga flyer template from the Member’s Bonus section. Or design your own flyer (e.g. using MS Word).

Step 2 : Edit

Edit the flyer. Include your name, email and telephone number.

Step 3 : Print

Print a bunch of them.

Step 4: Visit & Chat

Visit the hair dresser. Make sure to spend time chatting to the person you drop off the flyer to (e.g. “Can I be a bit cheeky and ask if you could put up my Yoga Class flyer.” [Of course. I’d be delighted to]. “Thanks. If you or your staff are interested in coming to a Yoga class, the first one is free. Come along. See if you like it. Beginners are very welcome.”).

Step 5: Visit Other Businesses

As you’re already out and about with a stack of flyers under your arm, stick your yoga flyers up everywhere! Model circuses and plaster the town with your poster. Best places to put a poster up are: schools, day spas, businesses, health food shops, flower shops, and hospitals.

Overview: Local directories are a great way to advertise your yoga on a shoestring budget.

Time: 15 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:  Google Search

Open up Google in your web browser and type in ‘directories in Powys’ (instead of Powys put the name of your town or county) and you’ll find one or more places to put an advert. For example, I found a directory in my area called Dodd Diary. Within a week of placing a £10 advert, I had to put people on a waiting list because my classes were full.

Step 2: Call 

Call the directory owner, and ask what offers they have for putting an advert in their directory. You don’t need a lot of info in an advert. All you need is is a good call to action as a title (e.g. Free Yoga Classes In Name-Of-Your-Town), two or three benefits (e.g. Sculpt Your Ideal Body. Free Your True Self. Transform Your Life), and your contact info (website, email, telephone number).

Step 3: Ask This Question

If the advert works, keep it going until it stops working. The only way to find out is to ask all new students this question: “Where did you find out about the class?”

Overview: Health and fitness is a big topic in the newspapers these days due to the press on “obesity” effecting younger people. That means local newspapers would be more open than you think about accepting an article on “yoga” especially if you can come up with an eye-catching headline. Having an article published is free advertising, and makes you look more “expert” in the eyes of potential students (they’ve more likely to come to your class, than that other one a few blocks away).  

Time: 4-6 hours

Difficulty: 8/10

Step 1:  Eye-catching Title

Come up with an eye-catching title (e.g. “How to get high with yoga”). That would be attention grabbing because it’s an article on how to get high which usually means ‘high’ on drugs. But your article would have a positive spin. I get inspiration for article headlines by going to the NY Times online yoga section.

Step 2: Write An Article 

There are lots of blogs giving advice on how to write an article for a newspaper. If, however, you’re not an experienced blogger (or writer), then it’s probably best sticking to writing blog posts, until you’ve gained experience. It’s well worth calling a contact from the local newspaper saying that you’re a local yoga teacher and are interested in writing an article. You could say something like this in your email: “Hi Fred, I’m a local yoga teacher, and am interested in writing a yoga article for your paper. Please can you let me know how to go about submitting an article.

Step 3:  Email 

Email your local newspaper to see if they’d be interested in your article.

Step 4: Write A Blog Post

If your article gets accepted, buy the paper, take a photo of your article with your smart phone, and write a blog post about the article. At the beginning of the post you could say something like: “Below is an article I wrote for XYZ newspaper. Hope you like it.” Then upload the image of your article to use as the post’s featured image.

LOCATION: Free Class Venue
Overview: Find a FREE venue for your yoga classes. Yes, you heard right. FREE! 

Time:  60 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:  Open up Google and search for a possible venue. For example: athletic clubs, athletic fields, beaches, beer halls, bowling clubs, boxing clubs, cafes, conservatories, farms, forests, golf clubs, golf practice grounds, football clubs, football pitches, hotels, motels, multi-storey car parks, multi-storey car parks, museums, night clubs, nurseries, offices, parks, pubs, roof tops, rugby clubs, rugby pitches, tennis clubs, tennis courts, theatres, and zoos.  If there’s enough space for 10+ people, you’ve got yourself a potential yoga venue!  As you can see from this list there are thousands of potential free venues. Think outside of the yogic box and who knows, you could be teaching Yoga on an alpaca farm. Or if you’re an animal rights advocate you could teach a yoga/meditation class outside a slaughterhouse (abattoir). 

Step 2: Write down the contact details.

Step 3: Call your contacts until you find one that is open for you to use their facility to run a weekly yoga class for FREE. You provider their members with some kind of discount (e.g. £2 discount per class).

NETWORKING: Business Club
Overview: Members of local business clubs are professionals at spreading word-of-mouth. So, by joining and participating in a business networking club, you are effectively employing a full time sales staff for free.

Time:  20 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:  Google Search

Google ‘business networking clubs’ in your area.

Step 2: Join

Join one of the clubs.

Step 3: Participate

Participate by going along to the meetings and getting to know your fellow members, so that you’re able to recommend their services when you come across someone you think could benefit from it. The more recommendations you give, the more you’ll get. 

Step 4: Speak

Seize the opportunity to speak at a breakfast meeting about the benefits of yoga and invite them to your yoga classes (first class free).  During the talk you could give them a free ‘chair yoga session’. They’ll love it. 

Overview: Tapping into your family, friend, and work colleague network is one of the quickest and easiest ways to attract students to your classes. 

Time:  5 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:  Ask

When chatting with a family member, friend, work colleague, ask them if they know anyone with health issues that might benefit from yoga. If they say, “Yes“, ask them to recommend your yoga class. Let them know that the first class is free, so their friend can try before they buy.

Step 2: Facebook Message

Write a message on your Facebook that says something like this: “If you have any family, friends or work colleagues who you think could benefit from yoga, please can you share this post. First class is free. Location: [Name Of Location]. Venue: [Name Of Venue]. Every [Day Of The Week] at [Time]. [Website].  [Email Address].”  

NICHE: Yoga For Athletics (decathlon)
Follow the steps in the yoga for golfers quest, and apply them to athletics decathlon events (100-metre dash, running long jump, shot put, high jump, 400-metre run, 110-metre hurdles, discus throw, pole vault, javelin throw, and 1,500-metre run)
NICHE: Yoga For Athletics (heptathlon)
Follow the steps in the yoga for golfers quest, and apply them to athletics heptathlon events (100 metres hurdles, High jump, Shot put, 200 metres, Long jump, Javelin throw, 800 metres).
NICHE: Yoga For Athletics (jumping events)
Follow the steps in the yoga for golfers quest, and apply them to athletics jumping events (long jump, triple jump, high jump, and pole vault). 
NICHE: Yoga For Athletics (pentathlon)
Follow the steps in the yoga for golfers quest, and apply them to athletics pentathlon events (fencing, shooting, swimming, running, horseback riding). 
NICHE: Yoga For Athletics (throwing events)
Follow the steps in the yoga for golfers quest, and apply them to athletics throwing events (shot put, javelin, discus hammer). 
NICHE: Yoga For Football Players
Follow the steps in the yoga for golfers quest, and apply them to football players. 
NICHE: Yoga For Golfers
Overview: Too many yoga teachers offer the same generic yoga classes. There is a new, undiscovered, vibrant world of yoga niches out there waiting for you to tap into. Golf is just one of them!

You’re going to become a yoga for golfers expert. Don’t be intimidated by the word ‘expert’. You’ve gone through a yoga training programme. You’re already a yoga teaching expert. It will only take you approximately 10 hours of research to become an expert at teaching yoga for golfers.

And if you don’t want your niche to be golfing, pick another one (e.g. yoga for mountain climbers) and follow the same steps laid out below.  

Time:  Ongoing

Difficulty: 7/10

PART 1: Research

Gain experience by picking one of the following research activities. Ideally, repeat the same activity several times (e.g. watch several YouTube video). 

Step 1: YouTube

Go to YouTube and type in “Yoga For Golfers”. Find a video. Watch. Take notes.

Step 2: Google

Google “Yoga For Golfers”. Find a blog article. Read. Take notes.

Step 3: Amazon

Go to Amazon and type in “Yoga For Golfers”. Buy a book that has good reviews. Read. Take notes.

PART 2: YouTube Channel 

Step 1: Learn

Learn how to set up a YouTube Channel by Googling or YouTubing: “how to set up a YouTube channel”.

Step 2: Set Up

Set up the YouTube Channel, so you’re ready for the next step.

Step 3: Learn

Learn how to record yourself teaching a pose by YouTubing: “how to record a yoga video using a smartphone”.

PART 3: Two Minute Youtube Video

Step 1:  Record

Record a short 2 minute yoga for golfers video focusing only on “one pose” and why it’s good for golfers and upload to YouTube. 

Step 2: Keep Recording

Record several of these “2 minute” yoga videos and upload them all to YouTube. 

PART 4: Ten Minute YouTube Video

Step 1: Record

Record a short 10 minute yoga for golfers video and upload to YouTube.

Step 2: Keep Recording

Record several 10 minute yoga videos and upload them all to YouTube.

PART 5: Teach At Local Golf Course

This step is optional, but highly recommended if you’re serious about being an expert in this niche. Email or call the head pro, or club secretary, at a local golf club say that you’re developing a yoga for golfers programme, and that you’d be willing to give members free 45 minute yoga classes every month at the golf venue, in exchange for being allowed to record the sessions (you’ll be able to sell these videos as “live yoga for golfers classes” on your website or create DVDs from them).  

PART 6: Revenue Streams 

Pick a revenue stream from below (or come up with a different one)…

Revenue Stream 1Yoga Class For Golfers On A Monthly, Bi-weekly, or Weekly Basis

You could call up your local golf course and ask the pro or secretary if you could give a monthly yoga for golfers class at the venue. Say that you’ll give all members a £2 per class discount if the golf club provides the room for free. 

Revenue Stream 2:  One On One Yoga Sessions For Golfers

Provide one on one yoga sessions from your home or their home).  

Revenue Stream 3: Yoga Day For Junior Golfers

Call the junior organisers at all the golf clubs in your area. Offer to give the juniors a day of yoga. If it goes well, you could provide ongoing yoga for the juniors.

Or (this one is even easier) when the juniors have a golf coaching day, you could come along and provide a yoga session. That way you don’t have to organise the day. You just show up with your lesson plan, and teach. 

Revenue Stream 4: Yoga Day For Top Amateurs 

If you live near a golf venue that hosts training days for top amateurs, you could come along and provide a yoga session. Most counties provide training days for their top amateurs. And most countries provide training days for their top amateurs. For example here’s a page all about Playing For Wales. You’d simply go to the “Contact” page and send an email saying you’re interested in giving yoga sessions during their training days.

Revenue Stream 5Yoga Weekend For Golfers

You might want the Yoga Retreat Kit to help you organise it. 

Revenue Stream 6Yoga Week-long Retreats For Golfers

You might want the Yoga Retreat Kit to help you organise it. 

Revenue Stream 7: Write A Yoga For Golfers eBook (PDF) 

This is really simple. Write the book in MS Word, and convert to PDF. Easy peasy. For all the steps needed, you might like this post I wrote called: Discover How To Write A Yoga Book In Only One Day.

Revenue Stream 8: Yoga For Golfers DVD

There are lots of resources online showing how to create a DVD. Just Google or YouTube it. You might like this post I wrote: 5 Simple Steps To Get Your Yoga DVD On Amazon.

Revenue Stream 9: Yoga & Golf Lessons Package

Partner with the local pro to create a package: the pro provides the golf lessons at the golf course, and you provide the yoga lessons (the golfer would come to your home, and you’d give a 60 minute yoga for golfers session).

More Revenue Streams

I’ve just shown you the tip of revenue stream iceberg. Come up with your own ideas by reading my 101 Yoga Teacher Income Streams post.

NICHE: Yoga For Mountain Climbers
Follow the steps in the yoga for golfers quest, and apply them to mountain climbers. 
NICHE: Yoga For Rugby
Follow the steps in the yoga for golfers quest, and apply them to rugby
NICHE: Yoga For Runners
Follow the steps in the yoga for golfers quest, and apply them to runners.  
NICHE: Yoga For Swimmers
Follow the steps in the yoga for golfers quest, and apply them to swimmers. 
NICHE: Yoga For Table Tennis Players
Follow the steps in the yoga for golfers quest, and apply them to table tennis players. 
NICHE: Yoga For Tennis Players
Follow the steps in the yoga for golfers quest, and apply them to tennis players. 
NICHE: Yoga For Triathlon
Follow the steps in the yoga for golfers quest, and apply them to triathlon athletes. 
Overview: This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s a powerful marketing strategy. The number one habit of successful yoga teachers is a ‘daily practice’.

Time:  5 to 90 minutes

Difficulty: 1/10

Step 1:  Practice Space

Decide upon a dedicated area to practice. It could be one corner of a room (e.g. dinning area), or a whole room dedicated to your yoga (if you’re lucky enough to have the space).  I have my bolster, yoga mat and strap propped up against a wall in my office.

Step 2:  Grow The Aura

Every practice you do should be in the exact same spot. This will help to grow an aura that inspires you to ‘show up’ daily. Sometimes you may need to be flexible with where and when you practice (e.g. you’re travelling), but always remember to come back to your dedicated area.

Step 2: Practice

Don’t put too much pressure on your daily practice. As a yoga teacher you may feel that you should be doing a 90 minute practice every day. That’s not realistic for most of us. Simply set the intention to practice for 5 minutes. If you feel like doing more, go for it. If not, that’s fine. The main thing is to do a little daily, instead of a lot once or twice a week. 

Step 3:  End In Savasana

This is easy to forget, even for yoga teachers. Finish every practice (even short ones) with stillness (Savasana, Lotus, Half Lotus, or Easy Pose) and return to calm.

Overview: Submit a Press Release announcing your special yoga events. Anytime you offer a workshop or special event, let the world know by sending out a press release.

Time:  30 minutes

Difficulty: 3/10

Step 1:  Write

Write your press release. Download this Press Release template, and watch this press release video tutorial.

Step 2:  Local News Source

Most local news sources (web, radio, TV and print) have an events calendar and lifestyle or health sections that could feature you and your special events. Find them by doing a Google search. Then submit a press release. It’s easy. You can usually find preferred submission format on the media source’s website.

Step 3: Press Release Sites

It’s also worthwhile submitting your Press Releases to these free submission sites: