Stage 1 Feet: In Savasana, slide legs about 2 feet apart. Begin with adham pranayama, rolling legs inward on inhalation, drawing toes together and toward the floor. On exhalation, roll legs/feet outward as far as possible. Inhalation and exhalations performed slowly to a 6-count. Repeat 9 times. Stage 2 Arms: Slide arms slightly away from body. Perform madhyam pranayama while rolling arms outward on inhalation and inward on exhalation. Keep elbows straight and rotate at the shoulder joints, allowing wrists to roll along floor. Repeat 9 times. Stage 3 Head: While performing adhyam pranayama, roll head to right side on inhalation and to the left on exhalation. Repeat 9 times. Full Kaya Kriya Body Cleanse: Perform entire Kaya Kriya by using the complete 3-part yogic breath and performing all 3 previous movements in succession. On a 6-count in-breath, feet are moved inwards, then arms outwards, then head turned to right. Reverse movements are performed on a 6-count out-breath. Continue until completely relaxed.