Sit up straight on a Swiss Ball. Feet parallel and hip-width apart. Hands on knees. Back straight. Breath in deeply and arch back slightly. Exhale forcefully, pulling abs in tight. With one fluid motion, reverse lower back curve by tucking hips under torso and rolling ball forward as you do. Hold. Release. Repeat.
Place ball on middle of back. Drop hips. Hands behind ears. Legs hip width apart. Slowly crunch up with chest and roll forward while lifting hips as high as possible. Lower to start. Repeat.
Position lower back on a Swiss ball. Place hands across chest. Plant feet on floor. Bend knees at 90 degrees. Hold for several seconds. Return to start and hold for 2 seconds. Repeat.
Position back on Swiss Ball with legs and arms extended. Take a deep breath and feel the stretch move into your rib cage, chest and shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds. Release by rolling forward.
Rest left hip and side on Swiss Ball. Press feet against wall with right leg in front of left. Bend arms at elbows, with hands touching sides of head. Slowly raise torso up to right side, keeping ball still as possible by using the wall as support. Hold for 3 seconds. Return to start. Repeat several times. Switch sides.
Rest left hip and pelvis on Swiss ball with chest facing ground with arms bent at elbows. Hands touching sides of head. Press feet against wall with right leg in front of left. Slowly lift torso while rotating trunk to right, so chest faces the wall. Hold. Return to start. Repeat. Switch sides.
Lie on Swiss Ball with lower back supported. Feet flat on floor. Knees at right angles. Hands touching sides of head. Crunch up. About half way, twist torso to right and pause. Return to start and twist torso to left and pause.
Start in pushup position with ball under feet. Tuck one knee underneath towards chest. Kick in the opposite side while rotating hip. Keep shoulders parallel to ground. Draw leg back to start position. Repeat on opposite side.
Kneel. Rest hands and lower arms on top of Swiss ball. Keep back flat. Roll ball forwards by extending arms and follow it with upper body as far as you can without arching your back. Use abs to pull ball back to start position.
Start in plank with arms under shoulders, hands at neck level, elbows tucked back at the ribcage. Keep all weight on toes and forearms. Roll ball forward by extending arms while keeping back straight. Use abs to return to start position.
Position torso on Swiss Ball with legs extended. Dig toes into mat (or trap feet against a wall). Rest fingertips lightly on back of head. Lengthen spine. Breathe in. Exhale as you squeeze buttocks and lift toro to 45 degrees. Press hips into ball. Pause at top and breath in. Exhale as you slowly return to start.
Start in plank. Bring feet on top of ball. Use abdominal muscles and hip flexors to pull up. Move slowly in a controlled motion. Maintain balance. Return to start.
Position back on Swiss Ball with legs and arms extended. Take a deep breath and feel the stretch move into your rib cage, chest and shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds. Release by rolling forward.
Lie on floor, legs extended, arms behind head. Squeeze ball between ankles. Crunch up, transfer ball to hands without bending legs. Bring ball behind head. Crunch up, raise legs without bending, transfer ball between ankles. Return to start.