Roll Downs Pilates Exercise FAQs
What are the teaching directions for Roll Downs?
Stand tall. Feet hip distance. Chin to the chest. Head and arms hang loose. Starting at top of the spine roll slowly through the spine (bend knees if necessary) until your hands touch the mat. Roll back to standing.
What are the benefits of Roll Downs?
Calms the brain. Helps relieve stress. Stimulates liver and kidneys. Stretches hamstrings, calves, and hips. Strengthens thighs and knees. Improves digestion. Helps relieve symptoms of menopause. Reduces fatigue. Relieves headaches and insomnia. Therapeutic for asthma, high blood pressure, infertility, osteoporosis and sinusitis.
What are the precautions for Roll Downs?
Back, knee, and hamstring injuries.
What are some modifications for Roll Downs?
A) Bent knees.
B) Loop fingers around big toes.
C) Place the upper back against a wall.
D) Place hands on blocks that are positioned close to your feet.
E) Bend only halfway down.
F) Use a chair or wall for going halfway down.
G) Place head on a chair when in the forward bend.
How can I stop struggling with the Roll Down exercise?
In the Pilate Rolls Downs exercise, knowing when to accept intensity and when to be content with where you are is key to steady progress without injury or frustration. It’s easy to try to push for more by wanting to be more flexible and pushing further into the exercise. Rather than struggling, use the exercise to practice acceptance. Can you accept where you are in the exercise?