Category: | Pregnancy Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Seated & Floor |
Types: | Arm Balance, Back Bend, Balance, Hip Opener, Inversion, Object, Seated & Floor, Stretch, Supine |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Knees, Middle Back, Neck, Psoas, Wrists & Arms |
Chakras: | Crown Centre, Heart Centre, Solar Plexus Centre, Third Eye, Throat Centre |
Therapy: | Back Pain, Confidence Building, Depression, Headaches, Herniated Disc, Indigestion, Poor Posture, Stress |
Drishti: | Up |
Dosha: | Pitta, Vata |
Meridian Lines: | Bladder, Kidney, Spleen, Stomach |
T1. Lie on back with block nearby. Bend knees. Place soles of feet flat on floor with heels close to buttocks. Feet and knees hip width apart. Grasp ankles with hands. Raise buttocks and raise chest up high without moving feet or shoulders. Place block under tailbone. Legs soft. Roll shoulders under and clasp hands. Breathe deeply from belly. Front of throat soft. Allow everything to gently open around tailbone. Come onto tip toes. Remove block. Come down vertebrae by vertebra.
Improves digestion. Tones reproductive organs. Relieves backache.
Don't practice in advanced stages of pregnancy.
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