Category: | Pilates Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Matwork |
Types: | Hip Opener, Seated & Floor, Strengthen |
Anatomy: | Core, Hips, Lower Back, Middle Back |
Chakras: | Sacral Centre, Solar Plexus Centre |
Therapy: | Back Pain, Poor Posture |
Drishti: | Tip Of Nose |
Dosha: | Pitta, Vata |
Start in a high kneeling position with arms extended out in front of you. As you lean back, twist and reach to the wall behind you. Eyes gaze to the fingertips that are reaching to the wall behind. Waistband pressing forward. Press your toes into the floor as you come back up to high kneeling. Twist to the other side.
Release hips. Strengthen quads and core. Spine rotation.
A) Bum sits and stays on heels. B) Stay in high kneeling and twist (no lean back). C) Bum lowers to heels before twisting. D) Supine spinal twist. E) Arms crossed.
Knee injury.
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Pilates Kneeling Lean Back With Twist Exercise FAQs
What are the teaching directions for the Pilates Kneeling Lean Backs With Twist exercise?
Start in a high kneeling position with arms out to a T. As you lean back, twist and reach to the wall behind you. Eyes gaze to the fingertips that are reaching to the wall behind. Waistband pressing forward. Press your toes into the floor as you come back up to high kneeling. Twist to the other side.
What are the benefits of the Kneeling Lean Backs Twist exercise?
Release hips.
Strengthen quads and core.
Twists act as masseuses for your stiff spine and also stretch the back muscles. The twisting action aids in restoring the spine’s natural range of motion. When you don’t move through your natural range of motion you run the risk of your joints stiffening. The surrounding supportive soft tissue for your joints will almost certainly become shorter and stiffer if your range of motion is limited.
Twists also help massage the abdominal organs and help you to digest food efficiently, and absorb essential nutrients from your food. By gently twisting your body, you encourage fresh blood to flow to your digestive organs.
Twists also help to detoxify your body.
Twists help to energise your body.
Twists relieve back pain.
Twists help to de-stress because they relax the abdominal muscles.
What are some good variations of the Kneeling Lean Backs exercise?
A) Bum sits and stays on heels.
B) Stay in high kneeling and twist (no lean back).
C) Bum lowers to heels before twisting.
D) Arms crossed (instead of extended out in front of you)
E) Supine spinal twist.
F) Hip Hinge Flow
G) Standing Hip Hinge
H) Chair Hip Hinge Fold