Wobble Board Pilates FAQs
What does a Wobble Board do for you?
Wobble boards allow you to move side to side and front to back, but they also allow you to tilt the board in a circle (aka “around the world”). Physical therapists often use balance boards in the rehabilitation of lower leg injuries.
Is a Wobble Board good exercise?
Not only does using a Wobble Board workout small muscles and joints (that are often ignored in other exercises), it also improves flexibility. Your joints will love it when you get on your Wobble Board because it simulates instability and balance.
Is Wobble Board good for the core?
Yes. The Wobble board is a fabulous multipurpose tool that can help improve core strength, balance, and joint flexibility. Studies have shown that core stabilization exercises (like a Wobble Board) also helps reduce lower back pain.
Can I incorporate Pilates exercises on a Wobble Board?
Yes. The amazing thing about a Wobble Board is that it’s very versatile. There’s an unlimited number of Pilates exercises that can be incorporated. The Wobble Board will make the moves a bit more challenging and help make the routine more fun.
Why is balancing so good for the body?
Maintaining your balance and body control requires the whole body to work in unison, including the mind. This means every single muscle, joint, tendon, and even brain is being challenged and strengthened.
Is the Balance Board fun?
Yes. And that's important because it will make you exercise for longer without you realising it. The Balance Board essentially turns exercise into a fun game.
Will the Balance Board exercise give me a six-pack?
Yes, if you do them on a regular basis! In Pilates, a strong core is the foundation of the practice. Training with a Wobble Board directly engages the core.
Below are some of the popular exercises for building a strong core.
Pilates Teaser FAQs
What is the Teaser in Pilates?
The Teaser is a Classical Joseph Pilates exercise. The Teaser is performed after the Sidekick Series. This exercise challenges balance and core stability. Lie on your back. Bend your knees into the chest. Roll up as if you're trying to sit down, then roll down and lower your legs.
What are the physical benefits of the Teaser exercise?
You'll build a strong core, hip flexors, and anterior leg muscles (tibialisanterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus and fibularis tertius). You'll also benefit from stabilizing the spine, thighs, legs, and shoulders.
What are the benefits of Pilates balancing exercises?
Balance exercises have the following benefits: Release value for built-up stress. Improve focus. Improves memory. Remain calm on the inside when chaos rages on the outside. Improves peak performance (if you’re an athlete). Find your centre of gravity and dance around its edges. Create a sense of fluid stability. Bathe in a calm equanimity. Builds coordination. Improves how your stand, walk and run. Help avoid falls (especially for the elderly).
What's a good preparation exercise for the Teaser exercise?
You can modify the Teaser by keeping one knee bent and your foot flat on the mat (One Leg Teaser) is a good way to begin to learn proper form. Making this one small change also allows you to increase your strength and muscular endurance as you work to build up to a full Teaser. Teaser With Bent Legs On Wobble Board and Teaser Preparation With Mini Ball are also good preparation exercises for the full Teaser.
What are some variations of the Teaser exercise?