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Chair Peak Pose: Improve Your Balance
yoga pose
yoga pose
Complete Breath
yoga pose
Easy Side Bend I
yoga pose
Butterfly Twist
yoga pose
Cow Face
yoga pose
Cradle Baby
yoga pose
Easy Forward Fold I
yoga pose
Easy Forward Fold III
yoga pose
Head To Knee
yoga pose
End Of Sequence
yoga pose
Mountain Namaste Mudra
yoga pose
yoga pose
Uddiyana Bandha
yoga pose
Standing Crescent
yoga pose
yoga pose
Standing Forward Bend
yoga pose
Downward Facing Dog
yoga pose
Standing Fold
yoga pose
Halfway Lift II
yoga pose
Standing Fold
yoga pose
Wide Leg Forward Bend
yoga pose
End Of Sequence
yoga pose
Table Top
yoga pose
Cat Cow
yoga pose
Cat Head To Knee
yoga pose
Cow Arm Leg Raises
yoga pose
yoga pose
Side Plank
yoga pose
Table Top
yoga pose
Cat Cow
yoga pose
Extended Child
yoga pose
Thread The Needle Arm Up
yoga pose
End Of Sequence
yoga pose
The Mountain
yoga pose
Head To Knee
yoga pose
Wide Angle Seated Fold
yoga pose
End Of Sequence
yoga pose
Table Top
yoga pose
Cat Cow
yoga pose
yoga pose
yoga pose
Reversed Savasana
yoga pose
yoga pose
Extended Child
yoga pose
End Of Sequence
yoga pose
yoga pose
yoga pose
yoga pose
yoga pose
Warrior I
yoga pose
Warrior II
yoga pose
Revolved Side Angle I
yoga pose
Lunge Twist
yoga pose
Downward Facing Dog
yoga pose
yoga pose
End Of Sequence
yoga pose
yoga pose
Seated Forward Bend
yoga pose
Knees To Head
yoga pose
Supine Legs Lift
yoga pose
Supine Legs Up
yoga pose
yoga pose
yoga pose
Happy Baby
yoga pose
Spinal Twist
yoga pose
End Of Sequence
yoga pose

Chair Pose Modifications


Yoga Block: Place a block between your thighs.

Palms: Join palms overhead.

Wall: If balancing in this pose is a challenge, use a wall behind to support the hips in chair pose with the wall as a prop.

Stiff Shoulders: If your shoulders are stiff, there's no need to raise them above your head. Instead, simply stretch your arms in front of you in alignment with your chest.

Place Hands On Thighs: If your chest and shoulders are stiff, start with placing your hands on your thighs, palms facing down. Then slowly raise arms overhead.

Wider Stance: If bringing your ankles and knees together is hard on the thighs, widen your stance, to begin with.

Pregnancy: If you're pregnant keep your feet hip-distance apart while practicing Utkatasana, for better grip and stability.


Chair Pose Variations


In every yoga class, you'll have one or more students who won't be able to do the full expression of the pose. That's where pose variations come to the rescue.

Below are some variations of Chair Pose (Utkatasana):

Arms Behind: Chair pose with arms behind

Chair Prop: Chair squat with a chair as a prop

Goddess Pose: Goddess pose with Anjali Mudra

Mountain I Pose: Mountain pose with arms up I

Mountain II Pose: Mountain pose with arms up II

Mountain III Pose: Mountain pose with arms up III

Palm Tree I Pose: Palm tree I pose

Palm Tree II Pose: Palm tree II pose

Palm Tree III Pose: Palm tree III poseĀ 

Palm Tree On Tiptoes Pose: Palm tree on tiptoes pose

Single-Leg Stand Pose: Single-leg stand poseĀ 

Staff Pose: Staff pose with arms raised

Wall: Chair pose against a wall