Image | Pose | Description |
Bound Angle | Sit with legs straight out in front. Bend knees. Pull heels toward the pelvis. Drop knees to sides. Press soles of feet together. Bring heels close to the pelvis. Grasp the big toe of each foot. Release thighs to the floor. Alternatives: Easy pose. Hero pose. Lotus pose. Half lotus pose. Benefits: Engages core. Stretches inner thighs, groins and knees. Video: Modifications: A) Blanket below buttocks (give spine height to support hip). B) Blocks below knees. C) Hold ankles or shins. D) Back against a wall. Precautions : Groin or knee injury. | |
Easy Head Circles | Sit or stand. Close eyes. Slowly rotate head downward, to the right, backward and to the left in a smooth, circular movement. Feel the joints and muscles of the neck loosening. Benefits: Flexibility in neck. Video: Precautions : neck injury. | |
Easy Head Turn | Sit or stand. Close eyes. Gently turn head to right so chin is in line with shoulder. Feel tension releasing in neck muscles and loosening of neck joints. Slowly turn head to left as far as is comfortable. Repeat several times. Benefits: Flexibility in neck. Video: Precautions : neck injury. | |
Shoulder Rotations | Place right hand on right shoulder and left hand on left shoulder. Inhale and rotate shoulders up towards ears (neck and head relaxed). Exhale and rotate shoulders back and down by squeezing shoulder blades together. Change direction. Feel shoulders becoming unglued. Benefits: Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Eyes closed. | |
Easy Twist | Sit with legs crossed. Inhale. On exhale twist torso to right. Repeat on left. Benefits: Stretches spine, shoulders, hips. Relieves backache, sciatica. Video: Modifications: Sit sideways on a chair and twist. | |
Easy Side Bend III | Sit with legs crossed. Lower knees. Lengthen spine by stretching spine up. Bring right elbow on mat. Bend to the right with arm raised overhead. Repeat on left side. Alternatives: Hero. Perfect. Lotus. Benefits: Flexibility in hips, spine. Engages core. Video: Modifications: Add a twist to the side bend. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
Eagle Arms | Sit with buttocks on heels. Feet slightly wider than hips with tops of feet flat on floor. Angle big toes slightly toward each other. Bring arms to sides. Right arm over left arm. Elbow onto of elbow. Point left thumb towards you. Move right arm forward, then to the right, and bring palms together. Stretch arms up. Feel shoulders dropping as you lift hands up. Soften where you feel the deepest stretch. Unravel arms and repeat with left arm over right arm. Benefits: Stretches thighs, knees, ankles. Open shoulder joints, creating space between shoulder blades. Video: Modifications: Bolster or block between legs. Hero with hands interlocked behind. Precautions : Knee or ankle injury. | |
End Of Sequence | ||
Cat Cow | Sit with buttocks on heels. Come onto all fours. Wrists under shoulders. Pull navel into small of back. Inhale while raising head. Exhale, while lowering head and arching spine up like a cat. Repeat. Benefits: Stretches lower back. Engage care. Decompress spine. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. Raise leg or arm. Precautions : Neck injury. | |
Cow Leg Raise | Start on hands and knees. Knees set directly below hips and wrists. Centre head in a neutral position. Eyes looking at floor. Raise left leg until parallel with floor. Repeat on right leg. Keep alternating. Alternatives: Cow Benefits: Stretches torso, neck. Massages spine, core. Video: Modifications: Raise arm and leg to side. Precautions : Neck or wrist injury. | |
Cow Head To Pelvis | Sit on all fours. Arms under shoulders. Breath in. On out breath turn head and pelvis left (towards each other). Feel stretch along right side. Repeat on other side. Benefits: Helps back and buttocks. Increases spinal flexibility. Video: Modifications: Paired with Cat Pose. Precautions : Neck or wrist injury. | |
Thread The Needle Arm Up | Get on hands and knees. Slide right hand between left hand and left knee. Slide arm out to left (right shoulder and side of head rest on floor). Reach left hand up. Reach out through the fingers. Hold. Switch sides. Alternatives: Extended Puppy. Benefits: Stretches shoulders, arms, upper back, neck. Video: Modifications: Folded blanket under knees. Precautions : Knees, shoulders, or neck injury. | |
Extended Puppy | Come to all fours. Walk hands in front lowering chest down to floor. Keep hips raised over knees. Release forehead to floor. Stretch arms. Benefits: Hip opener. Stretches inner thighs, groins, hips. Video: Precautions : Knee or ankle injuries. Back pain. | |
Thread The Needle | Start in Child pose (kneel with arms out stretched, forehead on mat). Bring right arm underneath body with palm facing up. Drop right shoulder to mat and gaze at left hand. Hold. Switch sides. Alternatives: Extended Puppy. Benefits: Stretches shoulders, arms, upper back, neck. Video: Modifications: Folded blanket under knees. Precautions : Knees, shoulders, or neck injury. | |
Extended Child | On all fours. Wrists below shoulders. Knees under hips. Use hands to walk forward and lower chest to floor. Drop buttocks until they reach halfway to feet. Arms straight. Forehead touches floor. Push hips back and stretch spine. Benefits: Stretches arms, shoulders, spine, hips. Video: Modifications: A) Interlock fingers behind back. B) Knees together (instead of separated). C) Curl toes under (instead of flat). D) Place a rolled towel under shins. E) Place a yoga blanket underneath knees. F) Place a bolster or pillow under belly or chest. G) Spread knees wider. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
Thread The Needle Arm Up | Get on hands and knees. Slide right hand between left hand and left knee. Slide arm out to left (right shoulder and side of head rest on floor). Reach left hand up. Reach out through the fingers. Hold. Switch sides. Alternatives: Extended Puppy. Benefits: Stretches shoulders, arms, upper back, neck. Video: Modifications: Folded blanket under knees. Precautions : Knees, shoulders, or neck injury. | |
Embracing Wings | Lie on stomach. Cross outstretched arms at shoulder height under body. Right arm in front of left. Palms facing up. Place block (or folded blanket) under forehead (or bolster under your chest). Give your weight up to the mat. If tips of fingers go numb, change position (e.g. with head up higher or moving arms a few up or down a bit). Swap sides. Benefits: Stretches back, legs, buttocks. Reduce stress. Improve posture. Video: Modifications: Place forehead in Yoni Mudra. Precautions : Pregnancy. | |
Half Bow | Lie on belly. Legs together. Bring chin to floor. Slide right arm along floor with palm facing down. Bend right knee. Reach left hand back to hold onto the right heel or ankle (opposite hand to foot). Kick right foot into arm to lift right leg. Raise head and chest. Keep neck in line with the spine. Gaze straight ahead. Press down into right arm, or raise right arm (keep parallel to floor). Hold. To release: exhale and lower leg, arm, head, chest to floor. Repeat on other side. Benefits: Stretches thighs, groins, abs, chest, throat, hip flexors. Video: Modifications: Use a strap. Precautions : Back injury. | |
Extended Puppy | Come to all fours. Walk hands in front lowering chest down to floor. Keep hips raised over knees. Release forehead to floor. Stretch arms. Benefits: Hip opener. Stretches inner thighs, groins, hips. Video: Precautions : Knee or ankle injuries. Back pain. | |
Plank On Forearms | Lie face down on mat. Arms bent. Elbows close to sides. Palms face down. Hands alongside head. Raise head off floor slightly. Rest tips of feet on mat. Engage core and leg muscles to raise body up. Support weight on forearms and toes. Gaze between arms. Hold. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Strengthens arms, wrists, spine. Tones abs. Video: Modifications: Knees on floor. Precautions : Carpal tunnel syndrome. Pregnancy. | |
Down Dog Pedal | Come into Downward Facing Dog. Come up onto toes. Exhale, lower right heel to mat. Inhale, raise up onto toes. Exhale, lower left heel. Repeat. Alternatives: Dolphin. Down Dog with raised leg. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Modifications: Use wall. Head on block. Leg up. Arm up. Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. High blood pressure. Headache. | |
Plank On Forearms | Lie face down on mat. Arms bent. Elbows close to sides. Palms face down. Hands alongside head. Raise head off floor slightly. Rest tips of feet on mat. Engage core and leg muscles to raise body up. Support weight on forearms and toes. Gaze between arms. Hold. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Strengthens arms, wrists, spine. Tones abs. Video: Modifications: Knees on floor. Precautions : Carpal tunnel syndrome. Pregnancy. | |
Down Dog Pedal | Come into Downward Facing Dog. Come up onto toes. Exhale, lower right heel to mat. Inhale, raise up onto toes. Exhale, lower left heel. Repeat. Alternatives: Dolphin. Down Dog with raised leg. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Modifications: Use wall. Head on block. Leg up. Arm up. Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. High blood pressure. Headache. | |
Standing Fold Knees Bent II | Stand in Mountain. Knees hip-width apart and very bent. Fold at waist grasping opposite elbows. Let head hang. Hold. Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla. Benefits: Stretch back, hams. Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Loop fingers around big toes. | |
Halfway Lift II | Stand in Mountain. Bring palms to tops of thighs with fingers pointing down. Push hands into thighs. Lengthen from tailbone through crown of head. Upper body parallel to floor. Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla. Benefits: Stretches hamstrings, calves, hips. Video: Modifications: A) Bend knees if back is stiff. B) Hands on mat. C) Half bound lotus forward bend. D) Hands behind to become super man/women. E) Gorilla (hands under soles of feet). Precautions : Back injury. | |
Mountain | Stand with feet hip-width apart. Tuck chin in. Legs slightly bent. Shoulders back and down. Benefits: Improves posture and concentration. Strengthens legs. Engages core. Strengthens your thighs, knees, and ankles. Firms your abdomen and buttocks. Relieves sciatica. Reduces flat feet. Video: Modifications: A) Palms together in prayer mudra behind the back. B) Hands raised over your head. C) Eyes closed. D) Samashthiti (feet together). E) Feet hip-distance apart. F) Rock gently back and forth and side to side. G) Block between the thighs. H) Palms together in front of the chest in prayer mudra. I) Interlace fingers and extend arms straight in front of you (shoulder stretch). Precautions : Avoid locking the knees out (allow your knees to soften). | |
Five Pointed Star | From standing (Mountain), step feet out wide. Arms out to side. Palms face down. Press weight into feet. Straighten legs and squeeze thighs. Tuck tailbone. Feel legs rooted into floor. Reach out through fingertips. Relax shoulders down and back. Open chest. Reach crown of head up to ceiling. Look straight ahead (chin parallel to floor). Inhale into belly and chest. Exhale press into feet, fingers and crown, feeling body expanding out in 5 directions. To release, bend knees and step into Mountain. Benefits: Lengthens, opens and energises whole body. Video: Modifications: Place hands on hips. | |
End Of Sequence | ||
Reclined Bound Angle II | Lie on back. Legs extended. Arms by sides. Palms facing up. Bend knees to bring soles of feet together together. The outer (pinky toe) edges of feet rest on mat. Let legs fall open. Allow gravity to support weight of legs. Check in with your body. If hips and groin are feeling tight, take feet further away from body. If you’re feeling more open, bring feet closer toward body to deepen the stretch. Relax shoulders away from ears. Extend arms behind head with palms together. Allow back body to sink deeply into the mat. Benefits: Stretches groin, thighs. Stimulates digestion. Relieves menstrual pain. Video: Modifications: Arms by sides. | |
Supine Windshield Wiper | Lie down with feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Feet pointing towards edge of mat. Knees facing up. Rock gently from side to side. Alternatives: Pigeon. Deer. Benefits: Align pelvic. Eases sciatic pain. Stimulates organs. Quad stretch. Video: Modifications: Supine butterfly (soles of feet touching). Precautions : Knee injury. | |
Bananasana | Lie on back with legs together and straight. Reach arms overhead. Clasp hands or elbows. With buttocks firmly glued to the earth, move feet and upper body to the right. Arch like a ripe banana. Don't twist or roll hips off the floor. When your body opens more, move both feet further to the right and pull upper body further to the right. Swap sides. Benefits: Stretch whole side of body. Video: Modifications: A) Savasana. B) Supine With Arms Raised. C) Supine With Knees Bent. D) Supine With Arms Behind Head. Precautions : Back pain. | |
Sacral Circles | Lie on back with legs and arms extended. Draw both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down toward mat. Lengthen spine. Clock-wise circles with knees. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: | |
Knee To Chest | Lie on back with legs together, arms at sides, palms down. Bend right knee to chest. Wrap hands around knee. Pull knee into abdomen. Release. Repeat on other side. Benefits: Flexes calves, hams (tight from sitting). Video: Modifications: Circling. Rocking. Forehead to knee. Precautions : Back injury. | |
Supine Cycling | Keep head flat on mat throughout all 3 stages. Stage I: Lie in Base Position. Raise right leg. Bend knee. Bring thigh to chest. Raise and straighten leg. Lower straight leg in a forward movement (heel doesn't touch mat). Repeat 10 times. Switch sides. Stage II: Raise both legs. Practice alternate cycling movements as if you're peddling a bike. Practice 10x forward & 10x backward. Stage III: Raise both legs. Keep them together. Bring knees close to chest on backward movement and straight legs on forward movement. Slowly lower legs together until legs are just above mat. Bend knees and bring them to chest. Practice 3-5 forward cycling movements and same in reverse. Alternatives: Legs up wall. Shoulderstand. Benefits: Stretches hip and knee joints. Strengthens abs and lower back muscles. Video: Modifications: Engage core and bring hands to feet. Precautions : High blood pressure. Neck injury. | |
Piriformis Stretch Strap | Option 1: Loop around left foot. Bring left ankle on right thigh. Push knee away while pulling on strap to bring ankle towards you (right foot will raise off mat). Option 2: Take strap around thigh instead of ankle and do the same thing. Benefits: Opens up piriformis and hips. Video: Modifications: Option 2 (strap around thigh). Precautions : Knee injury. | |
Bridge | Lie supine. Bend knees. Set feet on floor. Heels close to sitting bones. Press inner feet and arms into floor. Push tailbone up. Lift buttocks. Clasp hands below pelvis. Benefits: Chest, neck, spine stretch. Reduces backache. Video: Modifications: A) Baby Bridge (raise up to a comfortable position). B) Bridge with a blanket under shoulders. C) Bridge with leg up. D) Clasp hands around ankles. E) Block below shoulders. F) Block, or bolster, below the lower back. G) Feet close to a wall to prevent slipping. Precautions : Knee or neck injury. | |
Wind Release | Lie in Base position. Bend both knees. Bring thighs to chest. Interlock fingers. Clasp hands on shins (just below knees). Deep inhale. Holding breath, raise head and shoulders (try to place nose in the space between two knees). Hold breath in raised position for a few seconds. Slowly lower head, shoulders & legs while breathing out. Repeat. Alternatives: Leg Lock I (bring one knee to nose). Benefits: Strengthens lower back. Massages spine, abs & digestive organs. Video: Precautions : High blood pressure. Back pain. Sciatica. Slipped disc. | |
Lying Twist | Lie on back. Raise right leg up and roll it over to left side (foot touches floor). Spread legs wide. Put left hand on right thigh for leverage. Twist head to right. Switch sides. Benefits: Releases lower back. Opens tight shoulders. Improves digestion. Quiet Mind. Eases sciatic pain. Video: | |
End Of Sequence | ||
Chair | Start in Mountain. Raise arms perpendicular to the floor. Keep arms parallel, palms facing inward. Bend knees. Firm shoulder blades against the back. Benefits: Strengthens ankles, thighs, calves, and spine. Stretches chest. Video: Modifications: A) Block between thighs. B) Join palms overhead. C) Use a wall behind to support the hips. D) Stretch arms in front of you in alignment with your chest, instead of raising them overhead. E) Placing hands on thighs with palms facing down. F) Widen your stance. Precautions : Headache. Insomnia. Low blood pressure. Knee pain. | |
Gorilla | Stand in Mountain. Stretch arms overhead. Bend knees slightly. Fold forward from waist. Back of neck soft. Place palms under feet. Alternatives: Tabletop. Benefits: Stretch back, hamstrings & calfs. Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Bent knees. Loop fingers around big toes. Precautions : Back, knee, hamstring injuries. | |
Downward Facing Dog Leg Up | From Downward Facing Dog try as many variations as you can: Lift left leg. Lift right leg. Lift left hand. Lift right hand. Lift left leg and right hand. Lift right leg and left hand. Wag your doggie tail. Widen stance. Come up onto toes. Bend knees. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Fun. Video: Modifications: A) Use wall. B) Head on block. C) Leg up. D) Arm up. E) Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. | |
Warrior I | Start in Mountain. Wide stance. Press into outside edge of back foot. Bend forward knee (stop above ankle). Body weight centred. Arms overhead. Switch sides. Alternatives: Warrior II, III Benefits: Stretches chest, shoulders, abs. Strengthens arms. Video: Modifications: Back heel on folded blanket. Precautions : High blood pressure. Shoulder injury. | |
Mountain | Stand with feet hip-width apart. Tuck chin in. Legs slightly bent. Shoulders back and down. Benefits: Improves posture and concentration. Strengthens legs. Engages core. Strengthens your thighs, knees, and ankles. Firms your abdomen and buttocks. Relieves sciatica. Reduces flat feet. Video: Modifications: A) Palms together in prayer mudra behind the back. B) Hands raised over your head. C) Eyes closed. D) Samashthiti (feet together). E) Feet hip-distance apart. F) Rock gently back and forth and side to side. G) Block between the thighs. H) Palms together in front of the chest in prayer mudra. I) Interlace fingers and extend arms straight in front of you (shoulder stretch). Precautions : Avoid locking the knees out (allow your knees to soften). | |
Low Lunge Kneeling Twist | Start in Down Dog. Step right foot forward next to right hand. Release back knee to the mat. Plant left palm on ground in line right foot, under shoulder. Lift right arm to ceiling. Open chest. Switch sides. Alternatives: Extended side angle. High or low lunge. Benefits: Stretches legs, groins, hams. Opens chest, shoulders. Video: Modifications: Block under hand. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
Lunge Twist Arm Up | Step right foot forward between hands. Come up onto ball of left foot as you straighten left leg. Place left hand on mat, on inside of right foot. Extend right arm up toward ceiling and gaze up. Lengthen sternum. Twist open from upper back. Maintain a straight line of energy through right arm. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Don't look up. Benefits: Uses all muscles. Video: Precautions : Headache. High or low blood pressure. | |
Warrior I | Start in Mountain. Wide stance. Press into outside edge of back foot. Bend forward knee (stop above ankle). Body weight centred. Arms overhead. Switch sides. Alternatives: Warrior II, III Benefits: Stretches chest, shoulders, abs. Strengthens arms. Video: Modifications: Back heel on folded blanket. Precautions : High blood pressure. Shoulder injury. | |
Five Pointed Star | From standing (Mountain), step feet out wide. Arms out to side. Palms face down. Press weight into feet. Straighten legs and squeeze thighs. Tuck tailbone. Feel legs rooted into floor. Reach out through fingertips. Relax shoulders down and back. Open chest. Reach crown of head up to ceiling. Look straight ahead (chin parallel to floor). Inhale into belly and chest. Exhale press into feet, fingers and crown, feeling body expanding out in 5 directions. To release, bend knees and step into Mountain. Benefits: Lengthens, opens and energises whole body. Video: Modifications: Place hands on hips. | |
Warrior II | Start in Mountain. Step feet wide apart. Raise arms parallel to floor. Palms down. Turn right foot in to right. Left foot at 90 degrees. Align left heel with right heel. Bend left knee over left ankle. Stretch arms parallel to floor. Turn head to look over fingers. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Warrior I, III Benefits: Stretches groin, chest, shoulders, and abdominals. Relieves backache. Video: Modifications: A) High lunge with arms overhead. B) High lunge with backbend. C) High lunge with arms forward. D) High lunge with blocks under hands. E) High lunge with hands on hips. F) Block under back foot. G) Raise back heel on a folded blanket. Precautions : High blood pressure. Shoulder injury. | |
Goddess Tip Toes Anjali | Stand tall. Arms by sides. Step feet out wide. Turn toes out slightly. Bend knees and lower hips into a squat. Thighs parallel to floor, but not into a deep squat. Tuck tailbone. Press hips forwards. Draw thighs back. Knees in line with toes. Soften shoulders. Gaze softly. Hands in Anjali Mudra (palms together) over heart. Raise up on tip toes. Benefits: Hip & chest opener. Strengthens thighs, buttocks, hamstrings. Video: Modifications: A) If squat is difficult sit on front edge of chair. B) Don't come onto tiptoes. C) Hands resting on thighs in Aakash Mudra (join and press tip of third finger with a tip of thumb). D) Raise up on toes and cross arms. Gaze down at mat. E) Goddess with a twist. F) Back against a wall. G) Gentle Goddess (don't lower into full squat). H) Raise arms overhead. I) Raise arms parallel to the mat with palms facing away and fingers pointed up. J) Goddess pose with eagle arms (arms interlocked). Precautions : Knee, leg or shoulder injury. | |
Wide Leg Forward Bend C | Start in Mountain. Widen legs. Stretch arms out and clasp hands behind you. Fold forward from hips. Release torso down into a Forward Bend on an exhale. Keep hands on waist. Dig fingertips into Upward Abdominal Lock (Uddiyana Bandha). Walk feet wider apart. Release head. Lengthen legs on each inhale. Release torso on each exhale. Benefits: Strengthens and stretches legs, spine. Tones abs. Video: Modifications: Raise hands on block. Precautions : Low back injury. | |
Goddess Tip Toes Anjali | Stand tall. Arms by sides. Step feet out wide. Turn toes out slightly. Bend knees and lower hips into a squat. Thighs parallel to floor, but not into a deep squat. Tuck tailbone. Press hips forwards. Draw thighs back. Knees in line with toes. Soften shoulders. Gaze softly. Hands in Anjali Mudra (palms together) over heart. Raise up on tip toes. Benefits: Hip & chest opener. Strengthens thighs, buttocks, hamstrings. Video: Modifications: A) If squat is difficult sit on front edge of chair. B) Don't come onto tiptoes. C) Hands resting on thighs in Aakash Mudra (join and press tip of third finger with a tip of thumb). D) Raise up on toes and cross arms. Gaze down at mat. E) Goddess with a twist. F) Back against a wall. G) Gentle Goddess (don't lower into full squat). H) Raise arms overhead. I) Raise arms parallel to the mat with palms facing away and fingers pointed up. J) Goddess pose with eagle arms (arms interlocked). Precautions : Knee, leg or shoulder injury. | |
Chair | Start in Mountain. Raise arms perpendicular to the floor. Keep arms parallel, palms facing inward. Bend knees. Firm shoulder blades against the back. Benefits: Strengthens ankles, thighs, calves, and spine. Stretches chest. Video: Modifications: A) Block between thighs. B) Join palms overhead. C) Use a wall behind to support the hips. D) Stretch arms in front of you in alignment with your chest, instead of raising them overhead. E) Placing hands on thighs with palms facing down. F) Widen your stance. Precautions : Headache. Insomnia. Low blood pressure. Knee pain. | |
Standing Backbend Arms Up | Start in Mountain. Raise arms overhead. Squeeze thighs and buttocks. Press hips forward and slowly arch back. Keep legs and buttocks engaged. Benefits: Stretches sides of torso, spine. Stimulates abs. Video: Modifications: Drop head back. Precautions : Back or neck injury. | |
Standing Crescent | Stand in Mountain. Step feet together with big toes touching. Heels half an inch apart. Sweep arms above head. Press hands together in prayer. Inhale. Exhale while bending to the left. Keep feet rooted and Inner core engaged as you breathe into right side body. Repeat on opposite side. Alternatives: Standing Side Stretch. Benefits: Stretches sides of torso and spine. Stimulates abs. Video: Modifications: Spin chest toward ceiling and look up. Precautions : Hip, shoulder, or neck injuries. | |
Standing Side Bend Arms Up | Stand in Mountain. Raise right arm above head. Stretch over to left. Repeat on other side. Benefits: Stretches sides of torso and spine. Stimulates abs. Video: | |
Figure Four | Start in Mountain. Raise arms perpendicular to floor. Bend knees into Chair Pose. Firm shoulder blades against back. Draw hands to heart centre. Root down through right foot. With a strong core lift left foot away from mat. Place left ankle on top of right thigh. Pull core up and in. Draw weight onto right heel. Hips level. (Optional: Shift torso forward and hover arms over left shin). Find spot to focus gaze. Repeat on other side. Benefits: Balance. Focus. Strengthens ankles, thighs, calves, spine. Hip opener. Video: Modifications: A) Back against wall. B) Close eyes. C) Bring hands over head. D) Baby tree (place insides of soles of one foot near insides of ankles of the other foot). F) Hands on hips. G) Hold ankle with one hand and use other hand to balance. H) Hold onto a chair. I) Half lotus tree (bring foot higher up your thigh). Precautions : Knee injury. | |
Gorilla | Stand in Mountain. Stretch arms overhead. Bend knees slightly. Fold forward from waist. Back of neck soft. Place palms under feet. Alternatives: Tabletop. Benefits: Stretch back, hamstrings & calfs. Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Bent knees. Loop fingers around big toes. Precautions : Back, knee, hamstring injuries. | |
Halfway Lift II | Stand in Mountain. Bring palms to tops of thighs with fingers pointing down. Push hands into thighs. Lengthen from tailbone through crown of head. Upper body parallel to floor. Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla. Benefits: Stretches hamstrings, calves, hips. Video: Modifications: A) Bend knees if back is stiff. B) Hands on mat. C) Half bound lotus forward bend. D) Hands behind to become super man/women. E) Gorilla (hands under soles of feet). Precautions : Back injury. | |
Downward Facing Dog Knees Bent | Start in Mountain. Forward bend. Step feet back one at time. Lift buttocks. Lengthen spine. Bend knees. Tuck chin in. Look at feet. Release jaw. Alternatives: Down Dog. Dolphin. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Modifications: Use wall. Head on block. Leg up. Arm up. Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. HBP. Headache. | |
Extended Child | On all fours. Wrists below shoulders. Knees under hips. Use hands to walk forward and lower chest to floor. Drop buttocks until they reach halfway to feet. Arms straight. Forehead touches floor. Push hips back and stretch spine. Benefits: Stretches arms, shoulders, spine, hips. Video: Modifications: A) Interlock fingers behind back. B) Knees together (instead of separated). C) Curl toes under (instead of flat). D) Place a rolled towel under shins. E) Place a yoga blanket underneath knees. F) Place a bolster or pillow under belly or chest. G) Spread knees wider. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
End Of Sequence | ||
Savasana Rolled Blanket | Roll up a blanket and place it on mat. Lie on back. Legs and arms apart. Feet to side. Palms up. Place rolled up blanket across lower back. Release back to floor. Close eyes. Inhale, let abdomen rise. Exhale. let abdomen fall. Feel heavy with each exhale. Alternatives: Crocodile. Child. Supine Butterfly. Benefits: Calming. Modifications: A) Knees up. B) Blanket under knees and/or head. |
This is an intermediate-level yoga class. Intermediate yoga flow is a class that is vigorous while using approachable asanas.
Intermediate yoga poses and sequences are what you'll find at 99% of yoga classes around the world. Most yoga teachers only teach "Intermediate" yoga classes because they want to be inclusive and not exclusive. If a Beginner joins a yoga class, the teacher will typically give that person a modified version of a pose to do (e.g. Down Dog with knees bent). Approachable poses can be modified for the beginner or people with physical limitations (e.g. due to injury, preexisting conditions, pregnancy, old age, etc), and can also be explored more deeply by experienced students.
So, time for a recap. Most Beginners will learn the basics of yoga in an "intermediate" yoga class. Even if you find a yoga class labelled "Beginners", it will almost certainly be an "Intermediate" class, because it will be a vigorous class where the asanas are approachable for most people.
So, what is an example of an un-approaching asana? Headstands! Most yoga teachers won't teach them for obvious reasons - an inexperienced student could break their neck. There are dozens of asanas that never see the light of day in an "Intermediate" yoga class because they involve some kind of gymnast-type contortion to get into and out of. Just in case you're curious about what asanas most yoga teachers would only teach in an advanced class, here are some of them: headstands, eight-angle pose, firefly pose, lifting lotus pose, peacock pose, wheel pose, wild thing pose, and flying pigeon pose. A good rule of thumb is to avoid asanas that have the words "head", "fly", "fire" and "wild" (that's meant to be a joke, but you get the point).
There is also a spiritual element to the word "Intermediate" because it implies the "Middle Path" - not too hard and not too easy. The middle place is where we avoid extremes. Moderation is a good place to be in your asanas and in life. In an asana, you want to be stimulated but not intimidated, and so in life. Unfortunately, the word "moderation" in the Western world has been smeared with the word mediocre, which comes from the Latin word mediocris which translates to ‘of middle height'. Welcome the moderate place between too much and not enough because it is where your body, mind and soul will rejoice.