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Peak Pose: Navasana (Boat)
yoga pose
yoga pose
Flow End
yoga pose
yoga pose
Legs Up (hands by side)
yoga pose
Supine Arms Behind
yoga pose
Legs Ups
yoga pose
Supine Legs Lift
yoga pose
Rocking And Rolling
yoga pose
Knees To Chest
yoga pose
Side Reclining I Prep
yoga pose
Side Reclining III Prep
yoga pose
Flow End
yoga pose
Extended Child
yoga pose
Table Top
yoga pose
Knees Chest Chin
yoga pose
Table Top
yoga pose
Extended Child
yoga pose
Table Top
yoga pose
Kneeling Superman II
yoga pose
Kneeling Superman III
yoga pose
Flow End
yoga pose
yoga pose
Gate Prep
yoga pose
yoga pose
Flow End
yoga pose
Extended Child
yoga pose
yoga pose
Plank On Forearms
yoga pose
Plank On Forearms
yoga pose
Downward Facing Dog
yoga pose
Standing Fold Knees Bent II
yoga pose
yoga pose
Flow End
yoga pose
Upward Salute
yoga pose
Standing Fold Knees Bent II
yoga pose
Halfway Lift II
yoga pose
yoga pose
Knees Chest Chin
yoga pose
yoga pose
Downward Facing Dog
yoga pose
Downward Facing Dog Leg Up
yoga pose
Downward Facing Dog Knee To Nose
yoga pose
Crescent Lunge
yoga pose
Revolved High Lunge Twist
yoga pose
Extended Side Angle Elbow On Thigh
yoga pose
Downward Facing Dog
yoga pose
Halfway Lift II
yoga pose
Standing Fold Knees Bent II
yoga pose
Upward Salute
yoga pose
Flow End
yoga pose
Mountain Namaste Mudra
yoga pose
yoga pose
Revolved Chair
yoga pose
Figure Four
yoga pose
Chair Elevated
yoga pose
Mountain Namaste Mudra
yoga pose
Flow End
yoga pose
yoga pose
Knees To Head
yoga pose
Half Boat
yoga pose
yoga pose
Knees To Chest
yoga pose
Revolved Abdomen Twist
yoga pose
Flow End
yoga pose
yoga pose

Peak Pose: Boat (Navasana)

Boat symbolism speaks to our intuition mostly about NAVigation. Just before asking your students to practice Boat Pose, ask one of more of the following questions. You can also ask a question(s) during and after the pose…

Navigation Symbolism 

Water Symbolism 

Boat Pose Quotes

You could memorise a quote and repeat it several times throughout the class. Maybe the quote could morph into yoga class theme?

Quotes you could use for boat pose…

“Yoga is pure cause & effectthe smallest daily practice can have a profound domino effect as you journey through life, just as a tiny wave can turn into a tsunami.”

May the sails of your soul always billow with fresh winds of wisdom

“Raise your (legs) sails high. A sail redirects the power of the wind to propel a boat. What needs redirecting in your life right now?”

“The winds of inner peace are blowing all the time. All you need to do is raise your sails to discover it.”

“To reach a port we must set sail – Sail, not tie at anchor.  Sail, not drift.”

This beginning motion, this first time when a sail truly filled and the boat took life and knifed across the lake under perfect control, this was so beautiful it stopped my breath.”

Sailing a boat calls for quick action, a blending of feeling with the wind and water as well as with the very heart and soul of the boat itself. Sailing teaches alertness and courage, and gives in return a joyousness and peace that but few sports afford.”

“A boat is a vehicle that allows you to move move from point A to point B quickly and more safely than swimming. Metaphorically speaking our subconscious is our vehicle. How we navigate our subconscious will be the wind in our sail, or the storm on our sea.”

“We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.”

“The doldrums is a low-pressure area around the equator where the prevailing winds are totally calm.  Ships with sails could be stranded for days or even weeks in the doldrums. If you strive for low-pressure in your life, you could be stranded for days or even weeks with mild depression, listlessness or stagnation. Instead of asking the Universe to give you a low-pressured life, ask for pressure and the ability to navigate your way through it.”

“Rather than fight against your “problems”, forgive and let go — resist less, struggle less, fight less, and flow more.”