Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Standing |
Types: | Arm Balance, Balance, Forward Bend, Hip Opener, Inversion, Standing, Strengthen, Stretch |
Anatomy: | Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Lower Back, Middle Back, Upper Back |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre |
Therapy: | Leg Congestion, Varicose Veins |
Drishti: | Tip Of Nose |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Start in Mountain with arms at sides. Reach arms overhead. Fold forward into a standing forward bend. Bring both hands to floor and straighten legs. Shift weight onto right foot and equally across both hands. Raise left leg as high as you can behind you. Walk hands back (in direction of your standing heel) to deepen stretch, and draw torso closer to right leg. Relax shoulders. Tuck chin in. Internally rotate left thigh, and square hips toward floor. Keep knee and foot of standing leg facing directly forward. Hold. Repeat on other side.
Stretch back, hams. Improves posture.
Place hands on blocks. Practice against a wall. Clasp outer ankle of standing leg with opposite-side hand.
Ankle, knee, or low back injury.
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- Awakened/Heart opening/ 4th chakra
- MedYoga: Beginners Postures
- Ask Genie1
- Ask Genie1
- Ask Genie3
- VISION: Is Your Yoga Practice Aligned with Your Goals?
- Lesson 1: Working towards Hanumanasana Monkey God Pose
- Ask Genie1
- dec 28
- VISION: Is Your Yoga Practice Aligned with Your Goals?
- Sun Sal B
- Awakened/ 3rd Chakra -core/surya namaskar/twists
- April 13
- Sun Sal B march 4
- Sal B march 4 bridge
- A & C / Fresh
- A & C / Fresh Sol
- March 2017
- Awaken Add
- Whole body 21
- vinyassa
- Heart - STAYING IN THE FLOW - Copy !!
- Standing Vinyasa
- Oct 2016
- Oct 2016 Warrior
- Thurs 5th
- VISION: Is Your Yoga Practice Aligned with Your Goals?
- The Eagle and the Pigeon
- MedYoga Favourites
- MedYoga: Levels 1 & 2
- MedYoga: Level 3
- awakened
- Private
- yogong
- Awakened Flow hip openers 2nd chakra
- Friday morning hamstrings
- Enlightened/ 3rd Chakra -core/surya namaskar/twists 54 poses
- Light Vinyasa Flow
- Awakened/ Throat 5th chakra
- Throat 5th chakra enlightened/private/sat
- Throat 5th chakra Y plus 30 min yin
- Throat 5th chakra 90 min Y
- Throat 5th chakra 90 min Y - Copy
- 6th Chakra 3rd eye Awakened
- Park
- addition awakened
- Vinyasa Flow 18
- July 24th
- Add Awakened
- aug 1
- Throat 5th chakra Y plus 30 min yin
- Toxin Release - flow
- Wk 4 Yoga for Cyclists 10th Aug 2016
- Throat chakra plus 30 min yin
- Hanumanasana Monkey God Pose
- warrior
- Hips & Heart
- Chelsie Saturday
- Core strength Home flow I
- Wk 5 Yoga for Cyclists
- Core strength Home flow 2
- Dan/Christina 8.20.16 In-Powered Yoga
- Compassion
- Throat chakra plus 30 min yin
- Stickmen
- Throat 5th chakra enlightened/private/sat
- Throat 5th chakra enlightened/
- Vinyasa Flow 18
- Ballylooby -Level II/III Week 1
- Cahir Tues Level II/III - Wk 1
- Cahir Tues - Beginners Level II/III Wk 4
- Ask Genie1
- 6th Chakra 3rd eye Awakened
- Oct 25 2016
- Add Awakened 2
- Heart - STAYING IN THE FLOW - Copy !!
- Core strength 15 mins
- Hips & Hammies
- warrior
- Toxin Release - Copy
- Vinyasa Flow - Sat 3 December 2016
- Compassion
- Toxin Release
- July 27
- Vinyasa Flow - Sat 3 December 2016
- Heart - STAYING IN THE FLOW - Copy !!
- Guru Thank you -copy-
- Hip Openers
- Core strength Home flow 2
- warrior
- warrior
- Core strength Home flow 2
- Power Yoga
- Guru Thank you Elighten
- Power Yoga
- Power Yoga