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Restorative Yoga: Antithesis Of No Pain No Gain Mentality
yoga pose
Easy Anjali
yoga pose
yoga pose
yoga pose
Reclined Bound Angle Bolster
yoga pose
Supine Bolster Hands Touch Elbows
yoga pose
Knee To Chest On Bolster
yoga pose
Legs Up On Bolster
yoga pose
Knee To Chest
yoga pose
Supine Twist On Bolster
yoga pose
Supine On Bolster I
yoga pose
Lying Twist
yoga pose
yoga pose
Lying Twist
yoga pose
Supine Block Upper Back
yoga pose
Half Butterfly Side Bend
yoga pose
Pigeon On Bolster
yoga pose
Child On Bolster
yoga pose
Peace Room Relaxation

Theme: Restorative Yoga: Antithesis Of No Pain No Gain Mentality

To promote deep relaxation and stress relief through gentle, supported restorative yoga poses.
To encourage students to embrace a mindful approach to self-care, contrasting the "no pain, no gain" mentality.

Introduce students to the benefits of restorative yoga and how it aids in stress reduction.
Guide students through a series of poses using bolsters and blocks to support the body in a fully relaxed state.
Foster awareness of breath and present-moment mindfulness to enhance the restorative experience.
Cultivate a peaceful mental state through the OM mantra.
Encourage students to integrate restorative yoga into their regular self-care routine for long-term wellness.