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Foam Roller: 60 Minute Improve Posture Challenge
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yoga pose Ab Crunches Foam RollerLie down with head on mat and roller below SI joint (lower back). Hands on outsides of roller. Pull lower abs in and raise knees on top of roller. Bring knees together and lower them towards shoulders. Open toes and knees in frog legs. Inhale, stretch legs forward and up. Hold. Pull lower abs in. Don't lower legs too far. Return knees towards shoulders with frog legs.
Benefits: Strengthens back and ab muscles. Tones leg and arm muscles.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Arm Raises Foam RollerSit on foam roller with bent knees. Feet shoulder width apart. Lean back (roller will move forwards a bit) onto lower back. Engage abs. Inhale, raise arms up (palms facing in). Exhale, lower arms. Repeat.
Benefits: Strengthens back and ab muscles. Tones leg and arm muscles.
Modifications: Hands behind knees.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Back Massage Foam RollerSit on foam roller with bent knees. Feet shoulder width apart. Lie horizontal on roller. Place hands behind head for support. Start rolling back and forth on buttocks, back, shoulders and neck.
Benefits: Massages muscles along spine.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Boat Foam RollerSit on foam roller with bent knees. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands anchored behind knees. Lean back (roller will move forwards a bit) until hip joints are on top of roller. Engage abs. Hover arms by side. Hold.
Benefits: Strengthens back and ab muscles. Tones leg and arm muscles.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Cat Stretch Foam RollerSit on knees. Inhale, nod chin. Exhale, place hands on foam roller. Push foam roller out. Inhale, extend from tail to head. Open chest. Exhale, roll up until finger tips are touching roller.
Benefits: Stretches, strengthens spine.
yoga pose Child Foam RollerKneel on the floor, toes together, knees hip-width distance apart. Lean forward. Drape body over the thighs. Place hands on the foam roller. Extend arms.
Benefits: Normalizes blood circulation.
Modifications: Push the roller away for a deeper stretch.
yoga pose Forward Folds Foam RollerLie with lower back on bottom of roller, head fully rested on roller. Bend and spread legs wider than hip distance apart. Lift arms parallel to floor, beside hips. Inhale, nod chin. Exhale, scoop belly, roll forward reaching fingers across room. Stay for a few breaths. Exhale, lower down. Repeat.
Benefits: Strengthens abdominals and neck.
yoga pose Gluteal Stretch Foam RollerSit on roller with right buttock and cross right leg over left leg. Roll backwards and forwards, work on the outside of your buttocks before moving weight to middle of buttocks. Repeat. Switch sides.
Benefits: Loosens up gluteals and piriformis.
yoga pose Hamstring Stretch Foam RollerLie on back, arms beside body. Bend knees, place heels on apex of roller. Exhale, straighten legs. Inhale, return to start.
Benefits: Strengthens abs, glutes, hamstrings.
yoga pose Hip Releases Foam RollerLie on back, arms beside body. Bend knees, place toes on apex of roller. Inhale, open knees. Lengthen legs, push roller out. Exhale, pull back up to start. Repeat. Reverse directions.
Benefits: Stretches hips. Strengthens abs, glutes, hamstrings.
yoga pose Hip Rolls Foam RollerLie on back. Bend knees, place feet on roller. Exhale, curl pelvis under. Roll hips up while squeezing glutes and hamstrings. Inhale at the top. Exhale, roll down to start. Repeat.
Benefits: Strengthens abs, hamstrings, obliques.
yoga pose Hugs Foam RollerLie down with head on mat and roller below SI joint (lower back). Bring knees to chest. Interlock fingers. Engage core. Pull knees into chest.
Benefits: Massages muscles around spine. Release tension.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Hundreds I Foam RollerLie on back, arms beside body. Bend knees, place feet on apex of roller. Exhale, lift torso up towards knees while lifting arms parallel to floor. Pulse arms 100 times.
Benefits: Strengthens abs, back and hips.
yoga pose Hundreds II Foam RollerLie on back, arms beside body. Bend knees, place feet on apex of roller. Exhale, fold torso up towards knees. Bring arms parallel to floor. Pulse arms 100 times while simultaneously straightening legs out and bringing in.
Benefits: Stretches & strengthens spine.
yoga pose Inner Thigh Squeeze Foam RollerSit on foam roller with bent knees. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands anchored behind knees. Lean back (roller will move forwards a bit) until hip joints are on top of roller. Engage abs. Hover arms by sides. Bring feet and thighs together. Squeeze inner thighs as hard as you can. Release. Repeat.
Benefits: Strengthens back, ab and inner thigh muscles. Tones leg and arm muscles.
Modifications: Hands behind knees.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose ITB Stretch Foam RollerLie on right side with foam roller beneath outer thigh (just above knee). Prop yourself up on right forearm. Bend left arm slightly. Place left hand palm-down in front of you. Using right forearm and left hand, push body over the roller so outer thigh slides across roller up towards hip bone. Slide back the opposite way. Repeat. Swap sides.
Benefits: Loosens up iliotibial band (ITB)
yoga pose Lat Stretch Foam RollerLie on right side over roller, which is placed under armpit. Place hands behind head. Use back muscles to roll down from armpit to base of shoulder blade. Roll back to start. Repeat. Switch sides.
Benefits: Loosens up lats (middle and upper back).
yoga pose Leg Circles Foam RollerLie down with head on mat and roller below SI joint (lower back). Hands on outsides of roller. Pull lower abs in. Raise knees on top of roller. Bring knees together and lower them towards shoulders. Open toes and knees in frog legs. Inhale, stretch legs forward and up. Hold. Pull lower abs in. Don't lower legs too far. Circle legs one way, then the other. To exit, hug knees to chest.
Benefits: Strengthens back and abs Tones leg and arms.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Knee Lifts Foam RollerSit on knees. Place hands on foam roller in line with shoulders. Tuck toes under. Bring knees together. Inhale, squeeze and lift knees off floor. Hold. Exhale, bring knees down to mat. Repeat.
Benefits: Strengthens abs & shoulders.
yoga pose Leg Raises Foam RollerLie with lower back on bottom of roller. Head fully rested on roller. Spread legs wider than hip distance. Lift left arm parallel to floor, beside hip. Inhale, nod chin. Exhale, scoop belly and roll forward reaching fingers across room. Lift right leg into table top position. Inhale, lower to start.
Benefits: Strengthens abs & legs.
yoga pose Legs Up Foam RollerLie down with head on mat and roller below SI joint (lower back). Bring knees to chest. Raise legs up and bring them towards chest by engaging abs (feet will be directly over head).
Benefits: Strengthens core muscles. Relieves tired legs. Stretches legs, torso, neck.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Low Back Stretch Foam RollerLie with lower back on bottom of roller, head fully rested on roller. Spread legs hip distance apart. Inhale with pelvis in neutral. Exhale, squeeze abdominals and open lower back into the roller. Inhale, bring pelvis back to neutral keeping ribcage still. Repeat.
Benefits: Releases tension in lower back. Stretches shoulders, chest.
yoga pose Mermaid Twist Foam RollerSit with roller on right. Bend left leg, swing foot behind. Bend right leg, press foot against left inner thigh. Place right hand on foam roller. Inhale, lift left hand up. Exhale, side bend to right. Place left hand on roller. Slide right hand to corner of roller. Bend elbows, roll roller in and out. Inhale, bring arm back up. Exhale, lower arm. Lift right arm up and side bend to left.
Benefits: Strengthens & lengthens lateral obliques.
yoga pose Oblique Crunches Foam RollerSit on roller with bent knees. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands anchored behind knees. Lean back (roller will move forwards a bit) until hip joints are on top of roller. Engage abs. Right hand behind head. Left arm straight. Twist to left side. Hold. Return to centre. Switch sides.
Benefits: Strengthens back & abs. Tones leg & arms.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Plough Foam RollerLie down with head on mat and roller below SI joint (lower back). Arms to sides. Palms down. Bend and raise both legs. Slowly lower legs behind head until legs are parallel to floor (or go lower and feet touch mat). Repeat lowering and raising of legs.
Benefits: Strengthens core. Stretches legs, torso & neck.
Precautions : Neck or back injury.
yoga pose Pushups Foam RollerSit on knees. Place hands on roller in line with shoulders. Tuck toes and join knees together. Keeping knees on mat, lift toes. Inhale, bend elbows and bring torso to roller without touching mat. Exhale, push up without moving legs. Repeat.
Benefits: Strengthens abs, legs & shoulders.
yoga pose Rounded Back Stretch Foam RollerSit on roller with legs extended. Allow chest to dip as close to thighs as possible. Arms on mat. Palms down. Point toes up.
Benefits: Good for posture.
yoga pose Rounded Back StretchSit on roller with legs extended. Allow chest to dip as close to thighs as possible. Point toes up. Arms on thighs. Wrap hands around ankles for leverage.
Benefits: Good for posture.
yoga pose Single Leg Raise Foam RollerLie with lower back on bottom of roller. Head on roller. Spread legs hip distance apart. Exhale, squeeze abs. Inhale, bring right leg to table top. Exhale, bring left leg to table top without lowering right leg. Hold. Exhale, lower legs.
Benefits: Strengthens abs & legs. Stretches shoulder & chest.
yoga pose Table Top Leg Raise Foam RollerSit on roller with bent knees. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands anchored behind knees. Lean back (roller will move forwards a bit) until hip joints are on top of roller. Engage abs. Hover arms by side. Raise one leg. Hold. Lower to start. Raise other leg.
Benefits: Strengthens back & abs.Tones leg & arms.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Supine Twist Foam RollerSit on roller with bent knees. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands anchored behind knees. Lean back (roller will move forwards a bit) until hip joints are on top of roller. Engage abs. Hover arms by side. Hold. Cross right arm over body and twist to left. Curl up as high as you can. Cross left arm over body and twist to right. Curl up as high as you can.
Benefits: Strengthens back and abs. Tones leg and arms.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Swan Foam RollerLie on stomach. Place hands on roller. Spread legs mat width apart. Inhale, glide shoulders down. Exhale, press up into hands, lift torso, straighten arms & bring roller slightly in. Inhale, hold. Exhale, lower down. Repeat.
Benefits: Expands chest. Stretches abs, hip flexors & quads.
Modifications: Push roller away for deeper stretch.
yoga pose Swan Leg Extension Foam RollerLie on stomach. Place hands on roller. Spread legs mat width apart. Inhale, glide shoulders down. Exhale, press up into hands, lift torso, straighten arms & bring roller in. Inhale, hold. Exhale, lower down while raising right leg. Inhale, lift torso, lower leg & lift left leg.
Benefits: Expands chest. Stretches abs, hip flexors & quads.
yoga pose Table Top Foam RollerSit on roller. Bend knees. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands anchored behind knees. Lean back (roller will move forwards a bit) until hip joints are on top of roller. Engage abs. Place hands behind back on mat with fingers pointing to sides. Raise right knee towards chest. Raise left knee towards chest. Squeeze inner thighs. Squeeze lowers abs down into roller. Hold. Breath into chest. Release.
Benefits: Strengthens back & abs. Tones legs & arms.
Modifications: Point fingers towards roller.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Table Top One Arm Foam RollerSit on roller. Bent knees. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands anchored behind knees. Lean back (roller will move forwards a bit) until hip joints are on top of roller. Engage abs. Place hands behind back on mat with fingers pointing to sides. Raise right knee towards chest. Raise left knee towards chest. Squeeze inner thighs together. Raise left arm parallel to floor. Hold. Change arms. Hold. Release.
Benefits: Strengthens back & abs. Tones legs & arms.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Thoracic Stretch Foam RollerSit with heels grounded on floor with roller beneath middle of back. Lie back onto roller so it's just below shoulder blades. Clasp hands together. Cradle your head. Tuck chin in. Slide up and down the roller from neck down to level of lowest ribs.
Benefits: Prevent neck and back pain.
Precautions : Don't go too low into lumbar spine.
yoga pose Double Toe Taps Foam RollerLie with lower back on bottom of roller. Head fully rested on roller. Spread legs hip width apart. Exhale, squeeze abs. Inhale, lift right leg to table top. Exhale, bring left leg to table top. Inhale, lower both feet until toes touch mat. Exhale, lift legs back to table top.
Benefits: Strengthens abs & legs.
yoga pose Single Toe Taps Foam RollerLie with lower back on bottom of roller, head fully rested on roller. Bend, spread legs sit bones distance apart. Exhale, squeeze abdominals. Inhale, bring right leg to table top. Exhale, bring left leg to table top. Inhale, lower right toe to mat. Exhale, lift right leg back to table top. Switch legs and repeat.
Benefits: Strengthens abs, legs. Stretches shoulder, chest.

A foam roller is a wondrous bit of Pilates kit to help you get an increased range of movement. This can be in assisting mobility exercises or using direct pressure and getting feedback where the tight bits are. To move efficiently, and remain injury and pain-free, you need to have good stability through your trunk. One of the main benefits of the foam roller is to give an unstable surface to challenge your stability, which improves core control. Lying on the foam roller means you have to work harder through your core to keep your body stable in a neutral position. Another great benefit of foam roller exercises is that it is one of the best ways to improve your posture. When you sit for a long time you will become stiff through your thoracic spine and tight through the front of your shoulders. Use the foam roller to help reduce the effects of "sitting". This improved posture also instantly makes you feel better - happy endorphins are released into your bloodstream when your posture opens.