Time | Image | Pose | Description |
![]() | Supine Pilates Breath | Lie on your back with your knees up. One hand on the rib cage. Place the other hand on the lower abdominals. Tuck chin in. Close eyes. Inhale through the nose, and feel the abdominal region is a balloon filling with air. Exhale through your mouth, and feel the abdominal balloon lose all its air as it sinks down to your spine. Benefits: Coordinate breath and movement. Oxygenates blood. Engages the core. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/s6TTvXqzlwk Modifications: Blanket under knees. Blanket under head. | |
![]() | Arm Float One Inch | Lie on back. Knees up. Raise arms an inch off mat (palms facing down). Chin slightly nodded. Hold. Release. Benefits: Improves alignment of the head and neck. Strengthens arms. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/eeYZGa1n0gk | |
![]() | Arm Float | Lie on back. Knees up. Arms by sides Raise arms up (palms facing each other) until hands are directly over shoulders (or keep going until hands are pointing at the wall behind). Lower arms down to mat. Repeat. Benefits: Correct alignment of the head and neck. Arm strengthener. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/eeYZGa1n0gk | |
![]() | Cervical Nod | Lie on back. Feet flat on floor. Knees up. Looking up to ceiling, imagine you have a very long pencil on your nose. Slowly nod head moving nose towards body. Imagine you are drawing a straight line with your pencil on the ceiling. Don't go so far that chin compresses into neck. As you nod head back bring pencil line right above you, rather than past eye line. No tension in neck and shoulders. Benefits: Correct alignment of the head and neck Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/yp79Uyf_e68 | |
![]() | Ankle Circles | Lie on back in Relaxation Position. Bend right leg up and take hold of it behind the knee. Circle foot very slowly with leg staying still (movement coming from ankle joint). Repeat on left leg. Benefits: Free the ankle joint. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/aMlO0lHAbc8 | |
![]() | Lying Trunk Rotation | Lie on left side with hips, knees and feet stacked one above the other. Hips and knees bent at right angles. Extend arms straight in front of you, pressing palms together. Breath in, brace abs, reach upwards and back with right hand, keeping left arm on floor. Breath out, rotate upper body to face ceiling. Continue until right arm is as far back as possible, upper body facing ceiling, hips still stacked. Hold. Breath in. Breathing out, reach back towards ceiling with right arm, while rotating torso to start position (touch palms of hands together). Repeat. Switch sides. Benefits: Chest stretch. Upper-back mobility. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/AJNT5QyWqNA | |
![]() | One Leg Circles | Lay flat on back with arms by side. One leg straight on the mat with foot flexed and the other leg up towards the ceiling. Circle top leg across the body, down, and around while keeping pelvis stable for 5 circles. Reverse circle in the other direction, circling leg away from the body, down, and around. Repeat on the other leg. Benefits: Pelvic stabilisation. Mobilisation of the hip joint. Strengthens quads and hamstrings. Engages the core. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/RZqtVL6K8DM Precautions : Lower back. | |
![]() | Half Heel Slide | Lie on back. Knees up. Slide hips towards heels. Engage core. Slide left leg half way down the mat. Slide leg back to start. Repeat on other leg. Benefits: Engage abs & pelvic floor muscles. Hip mobility. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/SAQHo3-VZxg | |
![]() | Ankle Circles | Lie on back in Relaxation Position. Bend right leg up and take hold of it behind the knee. Circle foot very slowly with leg staying still (movement coming from ankle joint). Repeat on left leg. Benefits: Free the ankle joint. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/aMlO0lHAbc8 | |
![]() | Dead Bug I | Lie on back. Engage core. Bend hip and knees at 90 degrees. Raise arms until fingertips point to ceiling. Raise legs until soles of feet point to ceiling. Shake legs and arms (or hold onto left foot with left hand and right foot with right hand). Benefits: Works lower back, pelvis, core and shoulders. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/UIL7VI5_EQg?si=jaZwM2H1PIAC3Ilu | |
![]() | Dead Bug II | Lie on back. Engage core. Bend hip and knees at 90 degrees. Feet hip-width apart in the air. Point arms up with palms facing forward. Lower left arm behind you and extend right leg, bringing as close to floor as possible without arching back. Draw left knee to chest. Hold without arching back. Relax head, neck and shoulders. Return to start. Switch sides. Benefits: Works lower back, pelvis, core and shoulders. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/4XLEnwUr1d8 | |
![]() | Adductor Lift | Lie on right side with hips stacked and right arm bent under head. Shift weight forwards, using left arm for balance. Bend left leg 90 degrees (left knees touches floor). Right leg straight. Breathe in. Keeping arms, left leg in same position, raise right leg as high as you can. Exhaling when lifting. Return to start position on an inhale. Repeat. Switch sides. Alternatives: Butterfly (seated with sole of feet touching). Benefits: Helps strengthen back and buttocks. Strengthens adductors. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/h-4stp0H07c Modifications: Bent leg resting behind bottom leg. Resources: | |
![]() | Side Kick | Lie on right side in a straight line from shoulders to ankles. Prop head on right hand. Place left palm flat on the mat in front of your chest. Move both legs in front of hips on a slight diagonal. Lift top leg off bottom leg, and kick it forward twice. Lengthen leg as you sweep it to kick back. Perform 5 reps. Repeat on other side. Benefits: Strengthen glutes, hips, abs, back extensors. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/v1w7IqFTNuo Precautions : Neck or shoulder injury. | |
00:10 | ![]() | End Of Sequence | |
![]() | Relaxing Position Breathing | Lie on your back. Bend knees so the soles of feet are on the mat. Arms by sides (or place hands on the abdomen). Release lower back to the floor. Close eyes. Release neck and thighs. Notice any tension and let it melt into the mat. Place hands on the lower ribcage. Inhale: wide and full into sides and floor. Feel fingers separate. Exhale: Ribs close together slowly. Benefits: Tune into the body. Calming. Tranquillity. Inner Peace. Clarity. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/csadyqalqBA Modifications: Blanket under knees. Blanket under head. | |
![]() | Knees To Chest | Lie on back with legs and arms extended. Draw both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down toward mat. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Stretches and stabilizes the pelvis and low back which helps to ease lower back pain. Ease pain from disc herniation. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/TVk4ht8V8J8 Modifications: A) One knee to chest. B) Rock back and forth | |
![]() | Finding Neutral | Lie on back with knees bent. Feet flat on floor. Legs parallel. Heels, toes, knees, and hips in one line. Arms rest at sides. Melt into floor. Relax body, including shoulders, neck, jaw. Allow back to rest on floor, without effort. Rib cage is dropped with lower ribs released to floor. Breathe deeply. Move breath into back and sides of rib cage, and all way down to pelvis. Exhale and use abs to press lower spine into floor in a pelvic tuck. Inhale to release. Exhale and pull lower spine up, away from floor creating a pelvic tilt. Inhale to release. Benefits: Prevent back strain. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/GrZRmEMG-hg | |
![]() | One Leg Stretch | Lie on your back. Curl head and shoulders off the mat. Bend both knees into the chest. Extend one leg straight as you place both hands on the opposite shin. Outside hand places near the ankle. Inside hand places near the knee. Switch legs, extending the opposite leg straight and pulling the opposite knee into your hands. Continue switching the legs. Benefits: Strengthen abdominals. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/dJWsTv3IhOo Modifications: A) Circling the knee. B) Forehead to the knee. Precautions : Back injury. | |
![]() | One Leg Circles | Lay flat on back with arms by side. One leg straight on the mat with foot flexed and the other leg up towards the ceiling. Circle top leg across the body, down, and around while keeping pelvis stable for 5 circles. Reverse circle in the other direction, circling leg away from the body, down, and around. Repeat on the other leg. Benefits: Pelvic stabilisation. Mobilisation of the hip joint. Strengthens quads and hamstrings. Engages the core. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/RZqtVL6K8DM Precautions : Lower back. | |
![]() | One Leg Stretch | Lie on your back. Curl head and shoulders off the mat. Bend both knees into the chest. Extend one leg straight as you place both hands on the opposite shin. Outside hand places near the ankle. Inside hand places near the knee. Switch legs, extending the opposite leg straight and pulling the opposite knee into your hands. Continue switching the legs. Benefits: Strengthen abdominals. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/dJWsTv3IhOo Modifications: A) Circling the knee. B) Forehead to the knee. Precautions : Back injury. | |
![]() | Lying Twist | Lie on back. Raise right leg up and roll it over to left side (foot touches floor). Spread legs wide. Put left hand on right thigh for leverage. Switch sides. Benefits: Align pelvic. Eases sciatic pain. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/Tl9scRUR95g Modifications: Lift head up. | |
![]() | Bridge | Lie with back on floor. Bend knees. Set feet on floor. Heels as close to sitting bones as possible. Exhale. Press inner feet and arms actively into floor. Push tailbone up to pubis Firm buttocks and raise them off floor. Clasp hands below pelvis. Extend through arms (help stay on the tops of shoulders). Lift buttocks until thighs are parallel to floor. Hold. Release with an exhalation, rolling spine slowly to floor. Benefits: Eases back pain. Strengthens buttocks and hams. Core-stabalizer. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/jp_zeKy8Iow Modifications: A) Bridge on a Swiss ball. B) Folded blanket under shoulders. C) Block under sacrum. Precautions : Neck injury. Resources: | |
![]() | Bridge Arms Raises | Lie with back on floor. Bend knees. Set feet on floor. Heels as close to sitting bones as possible. Arms by side with palms down. Press inner feet and arms into floor. Push tailbone up to pubis. Lift buttocks until thighs are parallel to floor. Raise arms overhead and place on mat behind you. Repeat raising and lowering. When finished, lower buttocks to mat. Benefits: Eases back pain. Strengthens buttocks and hams. Core-stabalizer. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/it7omlQoi54?si=04IOiVQijAZMQNqo Modifications: A) Bridge on a Swiss ball. B) Folded blanket under shoulders. C) Block under sacrum. Resources: | |
![]() | Rolling Back | Sit with knees bent. Feet flat on the floor. Hands hold the front of knees (one hand on each knee). Bring forehead towards knees. You now look like a ball. Stay a ball as you roll back to the tips of the shoulder blades. Return to the start by engaging abdominals as the brake to the rolling. Balance in the start position. Repeat. Benefits: Stimulates and massages the spine. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/EfVURwxctv8 Precautions : Neck or spine injury. | |
![]() | Spine Twist | Sit with legs together in front of body. Feet flexed. Raise arms to the side at shoulder height. Sit tall. Inhale, reach crown of head to ceiling. Exhale, twist torso to right, growing taller on the twist and pulsing twice. Inhale, return torso to centre. Exhale, twist torso to left, pulsing twice. Inhale, return to centre. Repeat. Benefits: Strengthen obliques and back extensors. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/PPFkp7Aa3Rg Modifications: A) Place a small pillow or folded towel under your hips. B) Fold the arms over your chest at the heart centre. C) Rest the hands lightly on your shoulders. Precautions : Neck or shoulder injury. | |
![]() | Saw | Lie on your back. Legs together. Arms overhead. Palms face forward. Inhale, reach arms overhead and curl head and shoulders off the mat. Exhale, peel spine off mat, rounding forward and bringing the crown of the head towards knees. Keep arms parallel to the mat. Abs draw into the spine. Inhale, roll down to start position. Benefits: Strengthen abdominals. Increases spinal articulation. Hamstring and hip stretch. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/Sb0SG1cXgEY Precautions : Back injury. | |
00:10 | ![]() | End Of Sequence | |
![]() | Cat Camel | Kneel on all fours. Hands in line with shoulders. Fingers pointed forwards. Knees below hips. Round back upwards. Pull stomach in. Let head drop. Pause at top. Raise buttocks. Curve spine down. Lift head and look straight ahead. Return to start and repeat. Alternatives: Raise right leg and left arm (balancing cat pose). Benefits: Helps back and buttocks. Muscle releasing exercise. Lubricates spin. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/OoRlv1Wl0TE?si=axkFWiB1Y6EfKSod Modifications: Raise leg to side (dog peeing). Resources: | |
![]() | Cat | Kneel on all fours. Hands in line with shoulders. Fingers pointed forwards. Knees below hips. Round back upwards. Pull stomach in. Let head drop. Pause at top. Raise buttocks. Curve spine down. Return to start and repeat. Alternatives: Raise right leg and left arm (balancing cat pose). Benefits: Helps back and buttocks. Muscle releasing exercise. Lubricates spin. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/Nk-2UQOtp_Q Modifications: Raise leg to side (dog peeing). Resources: | |
![]() | Extended Child | Kneel on all fours. Hands in line with shoulders. Fingers pointed forwards. Knees below hips. Feet hip width apart. Sit on heels, stretch arms keeping palms on floor. Raise buttocks. Slide body forward while keeping forward close to mat. Bend elbows and raise upper body. Lift up. Straighten elbows & back. Return to start position. Repeat. Alternatives: Raise right leg & left arm (balancing cat). Benefits: Helps neck, lower & upper back, shoulders. Flexible spine. Ab workout. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/eqVMAPM00DM Modifications: Move in slow motion. Raise leg to side (dog peeing). Resources: | |
![]() | Extended Child Twist | Kneel on all fours. Hands in line with shoulders. Fingers pointed forwards. Knees below hips. Feet hip width apart. Sit on heels, stretch arms to right side, keeping palms on floor. Raise buttocks. Slide body forward while keeping forward close to mat. Bend elbows and raise upper body. Lift up. Straighten elbows & back. Return to start position. Repeat with arms stretched out to left side. Benefits: Gentle stretch for core, spine, hips, thighs and ankles. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/B8Z29sfQDI8?si=m6dl9qOdsBZ-DMAv Resources: | |
00:10 | ![]() | End Of Sequence | |
10:00 | ![]() | Supine Breathing | Lie on back with legs and arms apart. Feet to side, palms up. Release lower back to floor. Close eyes. Inhale through nose, feel abdominal region is a balloon filling with air. Exhale through mouth, feel abdominal balloon lose all it's air as it sinks down to your spine. Benefits: Tune into body. Calm. Tranquil. Inner Peace. Clarity. Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/cq4bJk1VvL0?rel=0 Modifications: Knees up. Blanket under knees. Blanket under head. Precautions : Back pain. |
This is a beginners Pilates matwork class. The students will learn the basic Pilates principles and ABC alignment, breathing and being centered. The exercises help to improve mobility, flexibility, coordination, concentration and breathing.
1. Breathing & ABC
2. Breathing & movement
3. Correct form & fluidity
4. Lengthening & stretching
5. Balance & Strengthening
6. Mind and body connection