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Gentle Pilates Mat Flow: Working Towards Rocker
Time Image Pose Description
yoga pose Butterfly IISit on floor. Hold tops of feet. Bring legs close into body. Press soles of feet together. Push knees to floor. Hold. Let go. Repeat several times.
Benefits: Helps back and buttocks. Works on the short adductor muscles of groin.
Modifications: Straddle stretch (same seated position but with legs straight out and wide apart).
yoga pose Cervical NodLie on back. Feet flat on floor. Knees up. Looking up to ceiling, imagine you have a very long pencil on your nose. Slowly nod head moving nose towards body. Imagine you are drawing a straight line with your pencil on the ceiling. Don't go so far that chin compresses into neck. As you nod head back bring pencil line right above you, rather than past eye line. No tension in neck and shoulders.
Benefits: Correct alignment of the head and neck
yoga pose Dead Bug ILie on back. Engage core. Bend hip and knees at 90 degrees. Raise arms until fingertips point to ceiling. Raise legs until soles of feet point to ceiling. Shake legs and arms (or hold onto left foot with left hand and right foot with right hand).
Benefits: Works lower back, pelvis, core and shoulders.
yoga pose Dead Bug IILie on back. Engage core. Bend hip and knees at 90 degrees. Feet hip-width apart in the air. Point arms up with palms facing forward. Lower left arm behind you and extend right leg, bringing as close to floor as possible without arching back. Draw left knee to chest. Hold without arching back. Relax head, neck and shoulders. Return to start. Switch sides.
Benefits: Works lower back, pelvis, core and shoulders.
yoga pose Curl Up ILie on back with one leg straight and the other bent at 90 degrees with foot flat on floor. Bend elbows and place hands palm down under lower back. Rest elbows against floor. Use core to lift chest. Shoulders and head off floor. Hold. Repeat. Switch legs.
Benefits: Strengthens core.
yoga pose Leg StretchLie on floor with legs extended straight out. Rest arms along sides. Palms facing down. Relax shoulders away from ears. Let belly drop toward floor. Inhale as you pull abs in deeply, sinking navel in toward spine. Curl head forward until chin touches chest and simultaneously bend right knee and pull it in toward chest. Place right hand on outside of right ankle, and place left hand on outside of right knee. Keep left leg fully extended with toes pointed. Raise left heel about two inches off floor. Keep abs scooped, back flat, and upper body curved throughout the movements. Exhale. Switch leg and hand positions (Outside hand holds raised leg's ankle and inside hand holds that leg's knee). Repeat several times with each leg.
Benefits: Flexes calves, hams (tight from sitting).
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Criss CrossLay flat on back with hands fingers interlocked behind head. Bring both knees into chest. Curl head and shoulders off mat. Extend right leg to 45 degrees. Rotate to bring right shoulder to left knee. Switch to rotate in opposite direction (left shoulder to the right knee). Repeat.
Benefits: Abdominal and oblique strength.
yoga pose Knees To ChestLie on back with legs and arms extended. Draw both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down toward mat. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release.
Benefits: Stretches and stabilizes the pelvis and low back which helps to ease lower back pain. Ease pain from disc herniation.
Modifications: A) One knee to chest. B) Rock back and forth
yoga pose Roll OverLie on the back with legs together. Arms by side. Draw abs towards the mat. Inhale, lift legs to 90 degrees. Exhale, reach legs up and over (C curve in the spine). Slowly lower the legs one vertebra at a time to the mat.
Benefits: Strengthen abs. Increase spinal mobility.
Precautions : Shoulder and back pain.
yoga pose Knees To ChestLie on back with legs and arms extended. Draw both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down toward mat. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release.
Benefits: Stretches and stabilizes the pelvis and low back which helps to ease lower back pain. Ease pain from disc herniation.
Modifications: A) One knee to chest. B) Rock back and forth
yoga pose ScissorsLie on back. Bend both knees in, and roll through spine, reaching both legs straight and parallel to the floor, and bend knees towards chest. Place hands high on back. Reach both legs to ceiling. Lower one straight leg to mat as you draw opposite straight leg towards your chest. Pulse the top leg towards you two times. Switch legs.
Benefits: Abdominal, shoulder, and hip flexibility.
Modifications: A) Folded towel under your hips and lower back. B) Bolster under your hips and lower back. C) Place hands behind your thigh. D) Keep your hands supporting your head. E) Lower the leg halfway down. F) Keep your head on the mat.
Precautions : Low back pain. Tight hip flexors. Neck injury. Pregnancy.
yoga pose BridgeLie with back on floor. Bend knees. Set feet on floor. Heels as close to sitting bones as possible. Exhale. Press inner feet and arms actively into floor. Push tailbone up to pubis Firm buttocks and raise them off floor. Clasp hands below pelvis. Extend through arms (help stay on the tops of shoulders). Lift buttocks until thighs are parallel to floor. Hold. Release with an exhalation, rolling spine slowly to floor.
Benefits: Eases back pain. Strengthens buttocks and hams. Core-stabalizer.
Modifications: A) Bridge on a Swiss ball. B) Folded blanket under shoulders. C) Block under sacrum.
Precautions : Neck injury.
yoga pose Knees To ChestLie on back with legs and arms extended. Draw both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down toward mat. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release.
Benefits: Stretches and stabilizes the pelvis and low back which helps to ease lower back pain. Ease pain from disc herniation.
Modifications: A) One knee to chest. B) Rock back and forth
yoga pose Bridge Arms RaisesLie with back on floor. Bend knees. Set feet on floor. Heels as close to sitting bones as possible. Arms by side with palms down. Press inner feet and arms into floor. Push tailbone up to pubis. Lift buttocks until thighs are parallel to floor. Raise arms overhead and place on mat behind you. Repeat raising and lowering. When finished, lower buttocks to mat.
Benefits: Eases back pain. Strengthens buttocks and hams. Core-stabalizer.
Modifications: A) Bridge on a Swiss ball. B) Folded blanket under shoulders. C) Block under sacrum.
yoga pose Knees To ChestLie on back with legs and arms extended. Draw both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down toward mat. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release.
Benefits: Stretches and stabilizes the pelvis and low back which helps to ease lower back pain. Ease pain from disc herniation.
Modifications: A) One knee to chest. B) Rock back and forth
yoga pose Bridge Leg UpLie with back on floor. Bend knees. Heels as close to sitting bones as possible. Arms by side. Palms down. Press inner feet and arms into floor. Push tailbone up to pubis. Lift buttocks until thighs are parallel to floor. Raise left leg up and lower to level of other leg (not to floor). Repeat raising and lowering of leg. Repeat on right leg.
Benefits: Eases back pain. Strengthens buttocks and hams. Core-stabalizer.
Modifications: Swiss ball. Folded blanket under shoulders. Block under sacrum.
yoga pose Ankle CirclesLie on back in Relaxation Position. Bend right leg up and take hold of it behind the knee. Circle foot very slowly with leg staying still (movement coming from ankle joint). Repeat on left leg.
Benefits: Free the ankle joint.
yoga pose Adductor LiftLie on right side with hips stacked and right arm bent under head. Shift weight forwards, using left arm for balance. Bend left leg 90 degrees (left knees touches floor). Right leg straight. Breathe in. Keeping arms, left leg in same position, raise right leg as high as you can. Exhaling when lifting. Return to start position on an inhale. Repeat. Switch sides.
Alternatives: Butterfly (seated with sole of feet touching).
Benefits: Helps strengthen back and buttocks. Strengthens adductors.
Modifications: Bent leg resting behind bottom leg.
yoga pose ClamLie on right side. Bend 45 degrees at hips and knees. Extend right arm so its in line with your body. Place folded towel on right arm and rest head on it (maintain natural curvature of the spine). Place left hand on floor in front of you (opposite belly button). Keeping neck straight, hips and shoulders in line, and feet touching, engage core and lift left knee as far it will go while keeping hips aligned. Lower knee back to start. Repeat. Swap sides.
Benefits: Works on hip flexors and buttocks. Improves stability in pelvis and core.
yoga pose Back RotationLie on back with knees bent, arms by sides, press lower back into floor. Keep knees together and lift above abs, bring arms straight out to sides. Place legs to the right. Go deeper into the stretch on each outbreath. Repeat on left side.
Benefits: Helps back and buttocks. Relaxes back and pelvis muscles.
yoga pose Side KickLie on right side in a straight line from shoulders to ankles. Prop head on right hand. Place left palm flat on the mat in front of your chest. Move both legs in front of hips on a slight diagonal. Lift top leg off bottom leg, and kick it forward twice. Lengthen leg as you sweep it to kick back. Perform 5 reps. Repeat on other side.
Benefits: Strengthen glutes, hips, abs, back extensors.
Precautions : Neck or shoulder injury.
00:10 yoga pose End Of Sequence
yoga pose Extended ChildKneel on all fours. Hands in line with shoulders. Fingers pointed forwards. Knees below hips. Feet hip width apart. Sit on heels, stretch arms keeping palms on floor. Raise buttocks. Slide body forward while keeping forward close to mat. Bend elbows and raise upper body. Lift up. Straighten elbows & back. Return to start position. Repeat.
Alternatives: Raise right leg & left arm (balancing cat).
Benefits: Helps neck, lower & upper back, shoulders. Flexible spine. Ab workout.
Modifications: Move in slow motion. Raise leg to side (dog peeing).
yoga pose Mckenzie ExtensionLie on stomach. Tops of feet on floor. Spread palms on floor beside waist with bent elbows. Press hands into floor and slightly backwards (as if trying to push yourself forward along floor). Straighten arms to lift torso and legs. Thighs firm. Buttocks soft. Look straight ahead.
Benefits: Strengthens spine, arms, wrists. Stretches shoulders.
Modifications: Blanket under hips. Tip head back slightly.
yoga pose Cat CamelKneel on all fours. Hands in line with shoulders. Fingers pointed forwards. Knees below hips. Round back upwards. Pull stomach in. Let head drop. Pause at top. Raise buttocks. Curve spine down. Lift head and look straight ahead. Return to start and repeat.
Alternatives: Raise right leg and left arm (balancing cat pose).
Benefits: Helps back and buttocks. Muscle releasing exercise. Lubricates spin.
Modifications: Raise leg to side (dog peeing).
yoga pose AlligatorSit on all fours. Arms under shoulders. Breath in. On out breath, turn head and pelvis left (towards each other). Feel stretch along right side. Repeat on other side. Relax in starting position.
Alternatives: Supine Twist
Benefits: Helps back and buttocks. Increases spinal flexibility.
Modifications: Cat-Cow Pose
Precautions : Neck injury.
yoga pose Kneeling Superman ICome onto all fours. Hands directly underneath shoulders. Knees directly underneath hips. Raise right arm. Hold. Return to start. Raise left arm. Hold. Repeat.
Benefits: Lengthens spine. Strengthens wrists, arms, shoulders, core muscles, trunk and lower back.
yoga pose Kneeling Superman IICome onto all fours. Hands directly underneath shoulders. Knees directly underneath hips. Raise right leg. Return to start. Raise left leg. Don't raise your legs above your buttocks. Repeat.
Benefits: Lengthens spine. Strengthens wrists, arms, shoulders, core muscles, trunk and lower back.
yoga pose Kneeling Superman IIICome onto all fours. Hands directly underneath shoulders. Knees directly underneath hips. Raise the right leg and left arm. Hold. Return to start. Raise the left leg and right arm. Hold. Repeat.
Benefits: Lengthens spine. Strengthens wrists, arms, shoulders, core muscles, trunk and lower back.
Precautions : Don't raise leg above buttocks.
00:10 yoga pose End Of Sequence
yoga pose Sitting Bow And ArrowSit upright in staff pose. Bend knees. Reach arms straight in front at shoulder height. Rotate head, neck upper spine to left (look at wall behind you). Return to start. Repeat on right side.
Benefits: Spine mobility. Back health. Aids digestion. Strong core.
Modifications: Practice standing or kneeling.
Precautions : Back or spine injury.
yoga pose Knees To ChestLie on back with legs and arms extended. Draw both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down toward mat. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release.
Benefits: Stretches and stabilizes the pelvis and low back which helps to ease lower back pain. Ease pain from disc herniation.
Modifications: A) One knee to chest. B) Rock back and forth
yoga pose Rocker With Open LegsBalance on sit bones. Knees bent. Grasp hands around ankles. Straighten one leg then the other into a V (legs are shoulder-width apart or wider). Tip pubic bone towards the nose to initiate rock back to shoulder blades and rock back to start position.
Benefits: Stimulates and massages the spine. Strengthens abdominal muscles. Improves posture and balance.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Spine TwistSit with legs together in front of body. Feet flexed. Raise arms to the side at shoulder height. Sit tall. Inhale, reach crown of head to ceiling. Exhale, twist torso to right, growing taller on the twist and pulsing twice. Inhale, return torso to centre. Exhale, twist torso to left, pulsing twice. Inhale, return to centre. Repeat.
Benefits: Strengthen obliques and back extensors.
Modifications: A) Place a small pillow or folded towel under your hips. B) Fold the arms over your chest at the heart centre. C) Rest the hands lightly on your shoulders.
Precautions : Neck or shoulder injury.
yoga pose Spine StretchSit tall. Straighten legs. Flex feet. Reach arms forward parallel to the mat. Palms face down. Exhale, roll forward through spine. Draw abs in. Keep arms parallel to the mat. Inhale, roll up stacking spine to return to start.
Benefits: Spinal articulation. Strengthens hip extensors.
Modifications: A) Bend your knees. B) Place a folded blanket (or Yoga bolster) under your knees. C) Sit on a folded blanket or a Yoga block. D) Sit cross-legged.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Rocker With Open LegsBalance on sit bones. Knees bent. Grasp hands around ankles. Straighten one leg then the other into a V (legs are shoulder-width apart or wider). Tip pubic bone towards the nose to initiate rock back to shoulder blades and rock back to start position.
Benefits: Stimulates and massages the spine. Strengthens abdominal muscles. Improves posture and balance.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose SawLie on your back. Legs together. Arms overhead. Palms face forward. Inhale, reach arms overhead and curl head and shoulders off the mat. Exhale, peel spine off mat, rounding forward and bringing the crown of the head towards knees. Keep arms parallel to the mat. Abs draw into the spine. Inhale, roll down to start position.
Benefits: Strengthen abdominals. Increases spinal articulation. Hamstring and hip stretch.
Precautions : Back injury.
00:10 yoga pose End Of Sequence
yoga pose Supine Pilates BreathLie on your back with your knees up. One hand on the rib cage. Place the other hand on the lower abdominals. Tuck chin in. Close eyes. Inhale through the nose, and feel the abdominal region is a balloon filling with air. Exhale through your mouth, and feel the abdominal balloon lose all its air as it sinks down to your spine.
Benefits: Coordinate breath and movement. Oxygenates blood. Engages the core.
Modifications: Blanket under knees. Blanket under head.