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Tree peak pose

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yoga pose HeroAre you ready to become a hero? A hero is someone who is has the courage to help others. If you see someone who needs your help, become their hero. Sit with buttocks on heels. Feet slightly wider than hips with tops of feet flat on floor. Angle big toes slightly toward each other. Release shoulder blades away from ears.
Sanskrit: Vajrasana
Benefits: Stretches thighs, knees, ankles.
Modifications: A) Baby Hero: Sit on knees and shins. Place feet with soles pointing behind you with toes touching the mat. B) Raised Arms: raise arms above shoulders with fingers interlocked and gaze up.
Precautions : Knee or ankle injury.
yoga pose Lion RoarReady to roar like a lion? The roar of a lion can be heard from 5 miles away. Kneel on the floor, hands by your side, and knees comfy apart. Sit back on your heels. Lean forward, fingers on the ground. Ready? Open your mouth wide and let out a loud roar from the back of your throat. Stick your tongue out as far as you can and look up. Ready, set, roar!
Sanskrit: Simhasana
Benefits: Stretches thighs, knees, and ankles. Relieves jaw tension.
Modifications: Laugh instead of roar.
Precautions : Knee or ankle injury.
yoga pose MountainReady to be a mountain? Imagine a magical potion from Alice In Wonderland. Drink it! Wow! Stretch your hands up and feel yourself getting taller and taller. Lower your hands to your sides. Pretend heavy mountain snow is on your shoulders, making them gently go down. Relax and feel as strong and powerful as the highest mountain. You're an amazing mountain!
Sanskrit: Tadasana
Benefits: Balance. Calming. Posture. Strengthens legs. Engages core.
Modifications: A) Hands in prayer behind back. B) Eyes closed.
yoga pose Alice In WonderlandImagine you've got a magic potion given to your by Alice In Wonderland. Drink. Wow! You're becoming taller and taller (stretch hands over head).
Alternatives: Samashthiti (feet together).
Sanskrit: Tadasana
Benefits: Balance. Calming. Improves posture. Strengthens legs. Engages core.
Modifications: Hands in prayer behind back. Eyes closed.
yoga pose Standing BackbendStart in Mountain. Place hands on low back with fingers pointing down. Imagine your feet sprouting roots into the floor. Feel strong and balanced. Raise arms over head.
Sanskrit: Anuvittasana
Benefits: Stretches sides of torso, spine. Stimulates abs.
Modifications: Drop head back.
Precautions : Back or neck injury.
yoga pose StarAre you ready to become a twinkling star? After the Sun in our Solar System, the nearest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri. It is about 25 trillion miles away which is 4.2 light years. That's a long way! Stand with your feet wide apart. Reach right arm up and tip your star, your head, to the left. Reach left arm up and tip your star, your head, to the right.
Sanskrit: Parsva Urdhva Hastasana
Benefits: Could inspire someone to become an astronaut or scientist.
Modifications: Sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" song: Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are. When the blazing sun is gone. When he nothing shines upon. Then you show your little light. Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are.
yoga pose DuckAre you ready to become a duck? Get into duck pose to let the waters of life uphold you. Come down to a squat, and waddle around like a duck. Make duck noises (quack, quack, quack).
Sanskrit: Malasana
Benefits: Clear emotions. Support. Water energy.
Modifications: A) Sit on the front edge of a chair. B) Folded blanket under heels. C) Lift all ten toes up. D) Bring arms to tops of legs and reach outward. E) Sit back against a wall like you are in a chair. F) Add a twist. G) Sit on a block. H) Roll a blanket and place it in the crease of both knees.
Precautions : Knee injury.
yoga pose Invisible ChairTime to sit on your invisible chair! Stand up tall, feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees and lift your arms, like you're sitting on an invisible chair. Ready for the fun part? Clap your hands and turn into a rocket! Blast off!
Sanskrit: Utkatasana
Benefits: Feel strong and powerful.
Modifications: A) Block between thighs. B) Join palms overhead. C) Use a wall behind to support the hips. D) Stretch arms in front instead of raised overhead. E) Hands on thighs with palms facing down. F) Widen your stance.
yoga pose Chair SupermanStand tall. Feet apart. Bend knees and raise arms until you're sitting on an invisible chair. To turn into Superman or Superwoman, bring arms back as far they will go. Come onto tip toes.
Alternatives: Other Names: Kangaroo, farmer on tractor, horseback rider, thunderbolt.
Sanskrit: Utkatasana
Benefits: Feel strong and powerful.
Modifications: Clap hands to turn into a rocket.
yoga pose Skate BoarderAre you ready to become a skateboarder. Riding a skateboard requires balance and leg strength. Ready? Come into skateboard pose when you want to feel balanced and calm. Ready? Stand tall. Step one foot back. Raise arms up. Bend your front knee. Look at where you're going (yogic gaze). You're skating. Repeat on other side.
Alternatives: Warrior I and III.
Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana II
Benefits: Balance. Grounding. Calming. Focus. Attention.
Modifications: A) High lunge with arms overhead. B) High lunge with backbend. C) High lunge with arms forward. D) High lunge with blocks under hands. E) High lunge with hands on hips. F) Block under back foot. G) Raise back heel on a folded blanket.
yoga pose Big Toe GrabStand tall in Mountain. Bring left knee to belly. Wrap fingers and thumb around big toe of left foot. Extend left leg. Keep back as straight as possible. Repeat on right leg.
Alternatives: Wide Leg Forward Bend.
Sanskrit: Utthita Hasta Padangustasana I
Benefits: Strengthens legs, ankles. Stretches back of legs. Balance.
Modifications: A) Strap looped around sole of foot instead of hooking big toe with fingers and thumb. B) Raised leg on back of chair. C) Use a wall as a prop (to stay in the pose for longer). D) Press raised heel firmly into wall. E) Do the pose lying down in Reclined Big Toe pose. F) Fold torso forward toward lifted leg.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Ibis BirdAn Ibis is an Australian bird with long skinny legs and a very long thin neck. It is a symbol of wisdom. When they're hungry they forage for food in the undergrowth. Stand tall. Shift weight onto right foot. Bend left leg. Take hold of right foot with right hand. Raise left arm. Lean slightly forward. Stretch leg out behind you. Imagine you're foraging for food. Release. Repeat on other side.
Alternatives: Standing backbend.
Sanskrit: Natarajasana
Benefits: Balance. Concentration. Self esteem.
Modifications: Strap around front of foot.
yoga pose Treebeard The EntGet ready to be a magical talking and moving tree, just like Tree Beard The Ent! Treebeard is from The Lord Of The Rings. His motto is "Do not be hasty." Cross one foot on top of the other or place it further up the leg. Bring your hands together at your heart. Grow your tree really tall by raising your arms overhead. Feel the wind getting strong, try not to wobble, and look at a leaf (spot) in front of you to keep your balance. Well done! Now, let's do it on the other leg. You're an amazing magic tree!
Sanskrit: Vrksasana
Benefits: Treebeard is from The Lord Of The Rings and his motto is "Do not be hasty."
Modifications: (A) Hold ankle with one hand and use the other hand to balance. (B) Place insides of soles of one foot near insides of ankles of the other foot. (C) Tree with a hand on a chair for balance. (D) Tree with the foot on a chair. (E) Close eyes. (F) Bring foot higher up your thigh. (G) Hands overhead. (H) Hands on hips. (I) Get in Tree and bend to the side. (J) Tree pose with a partner. (K) Back against a wall.
yoga pose Twisted TreeThe roots of a Twisted Willow Tree are remarkable for their toughness and determination to push upwards to the surface. The roots are so strong and shallow that they can crack roads and pavements. Lets grow a tough and determined Twisted Willow Tree. Bring one foot on top of the other (or place further up the leg). Palms together over your heart. Grow your tree really tall by raising arms overhead. The wind is getting really strong (blow). Try not to wobble. Look at a leaf in front of you to help keep your balance. Well done! Repeat on other leg.
Alternatives: Hand To Big Toe Pose.
Sanskrit: Vrksasana
Benefits: Balance. Stretches thighs, groins, torso, shoulders. Tones abs.
Modifications: Close eyes.
yoga pose Half Lotus Tree FoldStand in Mountain. Arms by sides. Shift weight onto left foot. Bend right knee up toward chest. Raise right foot. Bring right heel to rest high on front of left thigh or hip (sole of foot faces sky). Gaze at spot of floor. This is Half Lotus Tree. Hold onto right foot with left hand. Draw hips forward. Lengthen spine. Reach right arm up and behind your back. Take hold of left elbow, or clasp right toes with right hand. Lift left arm up. Exhale, fold forward. Place left hand on ground. Draw chin toward chest. Bring forehead to shin. Hold. Release. Repeat on other side.
Alternatives: Tree. Forward Bend. Tabletop. Gorilla.
Sanskrit: Uttanasana
Benefits: Stretches and strengthens hips, hams, shoulders, and knees.
Modifications: Place hand on a block.
Precautions : Back, knee, or hamstring injuries.
yoga pose CowAre you ready to become a cow? The cow is considered India's most respected animal. Ready? Come onto your hands and knees. Eyes looking at the floor. Feel how calming it is being a cow. Feel how connected to Mother Earth you are with your hands connected to the floor. Let's make cow noises, "Mo. Mo. Mo."
Sanskrit: Bitilasana
Benefits: Abundance. Calming. Grounding. Patience. Potential
Modifications: A) Pair with cat pose. B) Raise your head to "Mooo".
yoga pose Cow StretchingAre you ready to become a cow? The cow is considered India's most respected animal. Ready? Come onto your hands and knees. Eyes looking at the floor. Feel how connected to Mother Earth you are with your hands connected to the floor. It's time for a big stretch after so much grass. Raise your right leg up and at the same time raise your left leg. Now do the same on the other side. Raise your left leg up and at the same time raise your right leg. Let's make cow noises while stretching, "Mo. Mo. Mo."
Sanskrit: Bitilasana
Benefits: Abundance. Calming. Grounding. Patience. Potential
Modifications: A) Pair with cat pose. B) Raise your head to "Mooo".
yoga pose RockLets become a rock. Get onto all fours. Sit on heels. Rest your head on the mat. Bring arms by your sides. Well done. You've just turned into a rock. Rocks are really still. Stay as still as possible while breathing deeply and quietly in and out through your nose.
Alternatives: Extended Child. Extended Puppy.
Sanskrit: Balasana
Benefits: Calming.
Modifications: Walk fingers away from body to stretch hips, thighs and ankles.
yoga pose Ankle RotationsSit with legs extended. Circle left foot one way, then the other. Circle right foot one way, then the other.
Benefits: Ankle stretch.
yoga pose Row Your Boat SongSit on our tails (sitting bone). Feet touching mat in front of our body. Lift one leg. And then the other. Hold on behind legs. If you lose balance, that's normal. Try again and again and again. When you can stay balanced, rock in the water like a boat in a storm. Well done. To stop the storm lets sing the boat song: "Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily. Merrily. Merrily. Life is but a dream."
Alternatives: Other names: Canoe. Ferry. Fishing Boat. Hovercraft. Kayak. Lifeboat. Luxury yacht. Ship.
Sanskrit: Ardha Navasana
Benefits: Strengthens abs, hip flexors, spine.
Modifications: Lift only one foot.
yoga pose Whisper Name RelaxationTo end the relaxation whisper the name of each child in their ear and include a positive affirmation such as: "I believe in myself and my abilities" (this is the signal for them to slowly sit up).
Benefits: Increase self esteem.
Modifications: Change affirmation.
yoga pose Heart BreathBreathe into the back of your heart.

Tree Yoga Class Themes For Kids


Do Not Be Hasty
Treebeard The Ent is from The Lord Of The Rings. His motto is "Do not be hasty." So, you could start your yoga class with this sentence: "Do not be hasty", and then tell your students a bit about Treebeard The Ent.

Plant A Tree 
You can plant a tree by spending only $1 on this site. They'll plant the tree for you!

Football Field Tree Theme
One football field of forest lost every SECOND of every day, year in, and year out. If you have a football field nearby take the kids to the middle of the field so they sense the scale of the deforestation (or have them imagine standing in the middle of a football field).

Tree Shepherd Theme
Ents are tree shepherds charged with defending the forests of Middle Earth. Ents are pivotal to the story told in The Lord of the Rings, as they are ultimately responsible for the destruction of Isengard and the downfall of Saruman.

Anyone can become a "tree shepherd" by taking actions that help save trees from deforestation.

Ways To Help Save Trees

Eating less meat and dairy (become Vegan).

Planting a Tree where you can.

Going paperless at home.

Buying recycled products and then recycle them again.

Supporting the products of companies that are committed to reducing deforestation.

Raising awareness in your circle and in your community.

Buying only what you will use.

Not using Palm Oil or products with Palm Oil.


"What have trees ever done for us?"


Below are nine nifty things that trees have done for us.

1. Wildlife Habitat
Wildlife use trees for food, shelter, nesting, and mating. These habitats support the incredible variety of living things on the planet, known as biodiversity. By protecting trees, we also save all the other plants and animals they shelter.

2. Clean Air
A study in the Journal of Preventative Medicine found that people experienced more deaths from heart disease and respiratory disease when they lived in areas where trees had disappeared. Trees are often referred to as the “lungs of the planet” because of the oxygen they provide to other living things.

3. Clean Water
Forests provide natural filtration and storage systems that process nearly two-thirds of the water supply in most countries. When you drink a glass of tap water, you’re drinking water that was filtered largely by the forests.

4. Carbon Sequestration
Burning fossil fuels puts heat-trapping carbon dioxide into our atmosphere, changing our climate in dangerous ways. Planting trees can slow down this process. A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old.

5. Reduced Crime
Neighbourhoods with abundant trees have significantly fewer crimes than those without. Researchers think that this is because green spaces have a calming effect and encourage people to spend more with their neighbours outdoors, bolstering community trust.

6. Increased Property Values
People are drawn to homes and businesses near trees. The proof is in the prices: property values are 7 percent to 25 percent higher for houses surrounded by trees.

7. Mental Health
Feeling down? Take a walk in the woods. Several studies have found that access to nature yields better cognitive functioning, more self-discipline, and greater mental health overall. One study even found that hospital patients who can see trees out of their windows are hospitalized 8 percent fewer days than their counterparts.

8. Temperature Control
The shade and wind-breaking qualities that trees provide benefits, everyone, from the individual taking shelter from a hot summer day to entire cities. The annual mean air temperature of a city with 1 million people or more can be 1.8–5.4°F (1–3°C) warmer than its surroundings. Planting trees reduces this “heat island effect”.

9. Flood Control
Trees can hold vast amounts of water that would otherwise stream downhills and surge along rivers into towns. That’s why trees are such an important part of stormwater management for many cities.