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Chair Sun Salutations
Image Pose Description
yoga pose Chair CenteringSit on front of chair. Feet firmly grounded. Focus on your in and out breath. Feel more centred on each exhalation.
Benefits: Calming.
yoga pose Chair Arms InSit on front of chair. Feet grounded. Push arms away from you (parallel to floor). Engage core. Imagine doing push up by bringing arms in (thumbs touching chest).
Benefits: Strengthens arms. Engages core.
yoga pose Chair Arms UpSit on front of chair. Feet firmly grounded. On inhale slowly raise arms over head. On exhale brings arms down. Repeat.
Alternatives: Interlock fingers with palms facing up.
Benefits: Strengthens arms. Grounding.
yoga pose Chair BowSit on chair with knees at right angles and feet flat on floor. Clasp hands behind head with elbows facing forwards. Relax and let shoulders drop. Lean back as far as you can without pain. Hold for a few seconds. Return to start. Repeat.
Benefits: Loosen tight muscles in upper back. Improves posture.
yoga pose Chair Forward Bend IISit on the front of the chair. Feet grounded. Palms together over the heart. Raise arms overhead (cactus arms). Lower chest halfway to your thighs. Hold. Engage core.
Benefits: Engages core. Strengthens arms and shoulders.
yoga pose Chair Forward Bend ISit on a chair with legs apart. Bend forward. Let back round over. Lower torso towards thighs. Rest backs of hands on the floor under the chair. Let the head hang down.
Alternatives: A) Come halfway down. B) Include a gentle twist.
Benefits: Core workout. Lower back stretch.
yoga pose Chair Blast OffsSit on front of chair. Feet grounded. Cross arms over chest (or arms out). Engage core. Stand up. Sit down. Repeat.
Benefits: Strengthens arms, legs, buttocks. Engages core.
yoga pose Chair Lunge IIStand in front of the chair. Place left foot onto the chair. Press your right foot into the mat (or wall). Take hands to hips. Turn the torso to the side (lunge position). Repeat on the other side.
Benefits: Strengthens quads. Stretches psoas and hips. Relieves sciatica.
Modifications: Place foot on chair.
yoga pose Chair PlankFace seat. Step back with both feet holding onto chair. Bend knees. Keep length in spine. Move into high plank. Keep moving between down dog to plank. To finish walk forward.
Benefits: Strengthens arms, wrists, spine. Tones abs
Precautions : Carpal tunnel syndrome.
yoga pose Chair Down Dog StandingFace seat. Step back with both feet holding onto chair. Bend knees. Keep length in spine. To exit walk forward.
Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders.
Precautions : Pregnant. High blood pressure. Headache.
yoga pose Chair Lunge IIStand in front of the chair. Place left foot onto the chair. Press your right foot into the mat (or wall). Take hands to hips. Turn the torso to the side (lunge position). Repeat on the other side.
Benefits: Strengthens quads. Stretches psoas and hips. Relieves sciatica.
Modifications: Place foot on chair.
yoga pose Chair BowSit on chair with knees at right angles and feet flat on floor. Clasp hands behind head with elbows facing forwards. Relax and let shoulders drop. Lean back as far as you can without pain. Hold for a few seconds. Return to start. Repeat.
Benefits: Loosen tight muscles in upper back. Improves posture.
yoga pose Chair Forward Bend ISit on a chair with legs apart. Bend forward. Let back round over. Lower torso towards thighs. Rest backs of hands on the floor under the chair. Let the head hang down.
Alternatives: A) Come halfway down. B) Include a gentle twist.
Benefits: Core workout. Lower back stretch.
yoga pose Chair Arms UpSit on front of chair. Feet firmly grounded. On inhale slowly raise arms over head. On exhale brings arms down. Repeat.
Alternatives: Interlock fingers with palms facing up.
Benefits: Strengthens arms. Grounding.
yoga pose Chair CenteringSit on front of chair. Feet firmly grounded. Focus on your in and out breath. Feel more centred on each exhalation.
Benefits: Calming.

This is a great 5 to 15 minute class to do at your desk when your neck gets tight. Or on the couch while watching TV (even better if you turn the TV off).  Just like traditional Sun Salutations, you can vary the pace you move through the poses. 

Feel The Ground Beneath You

Most of us in this crazy, fast Word don’t feel very secure and stable physically or mentally. Practicing Sun Salutations is a great way to become grounded by being aware of the ground beneath us. Feel roots growing under your feet. The longer you stay in a pose, the deeper the root grows and the more grounded you become.

Invent Your Own Sun Salutations

Use your tuition to come up with your own variations of Sun Salutation. It’s one of the easiest sequences to spice up. There are no rules and no right or wrong. Just let your hair down and unleash the chair poses within.

Mantra Chanting

Adding mantras to Sun Salutations is a whole lot of fun. It also adds a spiritual and meditative aspect to the practice. Come up with your own mantra or pick one below.


"May there be peace for all."

"Darkness gives me an opportunity to sine."

“Where I am right now is exactly where I need to be.”

"I am the light I wish to see in the world."