Image | Pose | Description |
![]() | Downward Facing Dog | Start in Mountain. Forward bend. Step feet back one at time. Lift buttocks. Lengthen spine. Press down through heels. Tuck chin in. Look at feet. Release jaw. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Modifications: A) Use a wall. B) Head on a block. C) Leg up. D) Arm up. E) Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. High blood pressure. Headache. |
![]() | Dolphin | Come onto hands and knees. Press forearms into floor. Curl toes under. Lift knees away from floor. Keep knees slightly bent. Heels lifted. Press forearms actively into floor. Hold head between upper arms. Straighten knees. Lengthen tailbone away from pelvis. Benefits: Stretches shoulders, hams, calves. Strengthens arms, and legs. Video: Modifications: A) If upper back rounds, bend your knees. B) Support feet with folded blanket if they don’t remain firm on mat. C) Support elbows with blankets. D) Support head on Yoga block or folded cushion (if pose feels difficult). E) Use wall to support feet. F) Support forearms facing wall. Precautions : Shoulder or neck injury. HBP. |
![]() | Hare | Sit on knees with palms on thighs. Lift arms above head. Bend forward from hips, keeping arms and head in a straight line. Hands and forehead rest on floor in front of knees. Bend elbows so arms are relaxed. Hold. Raise arms and body back to start position. Benefits: Hip opener. Stretches inner thighs, groins, hips. Eases sciatic pain. Video: Modifications: Blanket under knees. Precautions : Knee or ankle injuries. Back pain. |
![]() | Prostration | Sit on knees (Vajrasana). Take hold of lower calves. Bend forward. Place crown of head on floor in front of knees. Raise buttocks until thighs are vertical. Gently press chin against chest. Hold. Benefits: Engage core. Preparation for head and shoulderstands. Video: Modifications: Headstand. Precautions : Neck injury. Lightheaded. HBP. Pregnant. |
![]() | Extended Puppy | Come to all fours. Walk hands in front lowering chest down to floor. Keep hips raised over knees. Release forehead to floor. Stretch arms. Benefits: Hip opener. Stretches inner thighs, groins, hips. Video: Precautions : Knee or ankle injuries. Back pain. |
![]() | Standing Fold Knees Bent I | Stand in Mountain. Stretch arms overhead. Bend knees and bring hands to floor in front of feet. Look forward. Engage Core. Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla. Benefits: Stretch back, hams. Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Bent knees. Loop fingers around big toes. |
![]() | Downward Facing Dog Knees Bent | Start in Mountain. Forward bend. Step feet back one at time. Lift buttocks. Lengthen spine. Bend knees. Tuck chin in. Look at feet. Release jaw. Alternatives: Down Dog. Dolphin. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Modifications: Use wall. Head on block. Leg up. Arm up. Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. HBP. Headache. |
![]() | Crouching Cat | Come onto hands and knees. Bring knees hip width apart. Palms directly under shoulders. Fingers facing forward. Gaze down. Flat back. Press into palms to drop shoulders away from ears. Raise up keeping legs bent. Spread legs wide apart. Look forward. Alternatives: Cat. Cow. Down dog. Dolphin. Benefits: Lengthens spine. Lubricates hips. Video: Modifications: Move weight from one foot to another. Precautions : Wrist injury. |
![]() | Downward Facing Dog Wide Stance | Start in Mountain. Forward bend. Step feet back out wide one at time. Lift buttocks. Lengthen spine. Press down through heels. Tuck chin in. Look at feet. Release jaw. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Modifications: A) Use wall. B) Head on block. C) Leg up. D) Arm up. Precautions : Pregnant. HBP. Headache. |
![]() | Wide Leg Forward Bend | Start in Mountain. Widen legs. Hands on hips. Fold forward from hips into Forward Bend. Release torso down on exhale. Hands to floor. Walk feet wider apart. Release head. Lengthen legs on inhale. Release torso on exhale. To release bring hands to hips and lift up. Benefits: Strengthens and stretches legs, spine. Tones abs. Video: Modifications: Raise hands on block. Precautions : Low back injury. |
![]() | Standing Fold Arm Lock | Stand in Mountain. Stretch arms overhead. Bend knees slightly. Fold forward from waste. Interlock fingers. Bring arms behind back. Back of neck soft. Hold. Release. Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla. Benefits: Stretch back, hams, shoulders & wrists. Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Bent knees. Loop fingers around big toes. Precautions : Back, knee, hamstrings injury. |
![]() | Down Dog Pedal | Come into Downward Facing Dog. Come up onto toes. Exhale, lower right heel to mat. Inhale, raise up onto toes. Exhale, lower left heel. Repeat. Alternatives: Dolphin. Down Dog with raised leg. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Modifications: Use wall. Head on block. Leg up. Arm up. Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. High blood pressure. Headache. |
![]() | Downward Facing Dog Knee To Nose | Come into Downward Facing Dog. Raise right leg up and bring knee to nose. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Modifications: Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. Headache. |
![]() | Down Dog Lunge | Start in Down Dog. Keep spine straight (bend knees if spine isn't straight). Lift right foot up and bring it forward between hands. Drop left heal to floor (left and right heels are aligned). Turn right foot out a little. Place right hand on inside of right thigh. Lower down into a lunge. Lower body. Walk hands forward and extend. Press back foot into floor. Front foot active. Front knee over the ankle. Melt heart so upper body can ease down towards the mat into the classic Down Dog shape. The legs are now in lunge and upper body is in down dog. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Down dog. Dolphin. High or low lunge. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, quads, groin, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Precautions : Pregnant. High blood pressure. Headache. |
![]() | Downward Facing Dog Leg Up | From Downward Facing Dog try as many variations as you can: Lift left leg. Lift right leg. Lift left hand. Lift right hand. Lift left leg and right hand. Lift right leg and left hand. Wag your doggie tail. Widen stance. Come up onto toes. Bend knees. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Fun. Video: Modifications: A) Use wall. B) Head on block. C) Leg up. D) Arm up. E) Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. |
![]() | Downward Facing Dog Split | Start in Downward Facing Dog. Raise right leg while keeping hips level (hips stay squared with floor). Equal weight in both arms. Extend through raised right heel and crown of head. After holding pose with hips squared for several breaths, open right hip, stacking it over left hip (allows right leg to go higher). Keep torso from twisting left. Bend right knee. Right heel toward left buttock. Hold. Straighten right leg and square hips toward floor. Release right foot to floor. Repeat on left side. Benefits: Hip stretch. Video: Modifications: Head on block. Precautions : Pregnant. High blood pressure. |
![]() | Standing Split | Start in Mountain with arms at sides. Reach arms overhead. Fold forward into a standing forward bend. Bring both hands to floor and straighten legs. Shift weight onto right foot and equally across both hands. Raise left leg as high as you can behind you. Walk hands back (in direction of your standing heel) to deepen stretch, and draw torso closer to right leg. Relax shoulders. Tuck chin in. Internally rotate left thigh, and square hips toward floor. Keep knee and foot of standing leg facing directly forward. Hold. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Forward bend. Tabletop. Gorilla. Benefits: Stretch back, hams. Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Place hands on blocks. Practice against a wall. Clasp outer ankle of standing leg with opposite-side hand. Precautions : Ankle, knee, or low back injury. |
![]() | Downward Facing Dog Revolved | Come into Downward Facing Dog. Lift left hand and reach it beneath torso and around to right thigh. Allow waist and torso to twist open to the right. Place left hand on ground to outside of right foot. If that is not possible, rest hand on outside of right shin or upper thigh. Turn head to look underneath right arm. Gaze up. Hold. To release un-twist and return left hand to mat. Come back into Downward-Facing Dog. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Modifications: Use wall. Head on block. Precautions : Pregnant. High blood pressure. Headache. |
![]() | Intense Side Stretch III | Start in Mountain. Step feet out wide. Hands on hips. Turn left foot in 45 degrees to right. Right foot out to 90 degrees. Align right heel with left heel. Rotate torso to right. Square front of pelvis with front edge of mat. Lean torso forward over right leg. Stop when torso parallel to floor. Press fingertips of right hand to floor and bring left arm behind back. Repeat on left side. Benefits: Stretches spine, wrists, hips, hams. Strengthens legs, abs. Video: Modifications: Palms to wall. Hands on chair. Back heel pressed to wall. Precautions : Back injury. HBP. |
![]() | Bound Triangle | Stand tall. Spread legs wide. Back toes angled slightly forward. Front toes point forward. Bend front knee. Reach left arm under left leg. Reach right arm around to clasp fingers of left hand. Open chest. Lengthen forward leg into class Triangle position. Feel chest opening deeper on each exhale. Switch sides. Alternatives: Triangle. Extended side angle. Lunge. Benefits: Stretches abs, legs, groins, hams. Opens chest, shoulders. Strengthens legs, knees, ankles. Video: Modifications: Use a strap. Precautions : Knee or neck injury. High or low blood pressure. |
![]() | Down Dog Lunge | Start in Down Dog. Keep spine straight (bend knees if spine isn't straight). Lift right foot up and bring it forward between hands. Drop left heal to floor (left and right heels are aligned). Turn right foot out a little. Place right hand on inside of right thigh. Lower down into a lunge. Lower body. Walk hands forward and extend. Press back foot into floor. Front foot active. Front knee over the ankle. Melt heart so upper body can ease down towards the mat into the classic Down Dog shape. The legs are now in lunge and upper body is in down dog. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Down dog. Dolphin. High or low lunge. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, quads, groin, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Precautions : Pregnant. High blood pressure. Headache. |
![]() | Humble Warrior | From Warrior I, interlace hands behind you in a double fist. Keeping front knee bent, slowly lean forward, placing head as close to ground as possible. Lift arms overhead, holding for several deep breaths. Rise up. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Lunges. Warrior I, II or III. Benefits: Stretches chest, lungs, arms, shoulders, neck, belly, groins. Video: Precautions : High blood pressure. Shoulder, neck or heart problems. |
![]() | Half Monkey | Start in Downward Facing Dog. Step right foot forward in between hands. Lower left knee to ground directly underneath left hip. Tuck left toes for stability. Lift torso above hips, place hands on hips, and ground down into mat. Straighten front leg in front of you so only heel of right foot is connected to floor. Flex front foot. Micro-bend front knee.
Tilt pelvis forward. Slowly fold over front leg. Place hands on blocks on either side of front leg, or on floor. Hold or slowly walk hands or blocks forward to increase intensity of stretch. Step back to Downward Facing Dog. Repeat on other side. Benefits: Stretches hips, hamstrings, calves, low back. Strengthens hams. Relieves sciatica pain. Video: Modifications: Blanket under knee. Precautions : Lower back injury. |
![]() | Tripod Headstand Prep | Squat. Place hands on floor. Spread fingers. Bend elbows slightly. Place top of head on mat. Extend legs. Lift onto toes. Draw abs in and up. Alternatives: 1 foot up. Benefits: Strengthens arms, shoulders, chest, abs, upper back. Video: Modifications: Curl fingers. Fingertips face each other. Precautions : Neck injury. Folded blanket (crash mat). |
![]() | Headstand Preparation | Kneel. Place crown of head onto mat in front of hands (hands don't touch head). Interlock fingers. Tuck chin to chest. Lift knees. Walk toes toward elbows. Push down into elbows (shoulders lift away from ears). Hug upper arms. Bend one knee and tuck it into chest. Engage core. Elbows hold most of the weight (not head or neck). If you lose balance, tuck and roll body forward. Switch sides. Alternatives: Dolphin Pose. Benefits: King of Asanas. Glowing skin. Engage core. Video: Modifications: Any headstand variation. Precautions : Neck injury. Lightheaded. HBP. Pregnant. |
![]() | Handstand Against Wall | Come into Downward Dog (facing away from wall). Place one leg at at time on the wall. Walk feet up wall. Straighten legs when they are parallel to ground. Toes point down. Hands directly underneath shoulders. Hold. To release bend knees and walk feet down to mat Alternatives: Down Dog. Plank. Benefits: Balance. Strengthens shoulders, arms, wrists. Stretches abs. Video: Modifications: Don't use a wall. Precautions : Back injury. Heart condition. HBP. |
![]() | Headstand Bound Against Wall | Kneel. Place crown of head onto mat in front of hands (hands don't touch head). Interlock fingers. Tuck chin to chest. Lift knees. Walk toes toward elbows. Push down into elbows (shoulders lift away from ears). Hug upper arms. Bend both knees and tuck into chest. Raise one leg. Engage core. Elbows hold most of the weight (not head or neck). If you lose balance, tuck and roll body forward. Switch legs. Benefits: King of Asanas. Glowing skin. Engage core. Video: Modifications: Use a wall. Precautions : Neck injury. Lightheaded. HBP. Pregnant. |
![]() | Down Dog Lunge Partner | Partner A comes into Downward Facing Dog Pose. Partner B puts right foot under Partner A's head, and comes into a Lunge Pose with legs not too wide apart, or comes into a Squat Pose, and puts pressure onto Partner A's lower back. Benefits: Strengthens arms, shoulders, sides, chest, and back. Video: Precautions : Back or knee injury. |
![]() | Down Dog Child Partner | Partner A gets into Child pose. Partner B gets into Downward Facing Dog pose by putting pressure on Partner A's lower back. Benefits: Strengthens arms, shoulders, sides, chest, back. Video: Precautions : Back or knee injury. |
![]() | Double Dog Partner | Partner A gets into Downward Facing Dog. Partner B places hands on mat in front of Parter A's hands and places feet on their hips. Benefits: Strengthens arms, core, legs. Engages core. Video: Precautions : Wrist injury. |
![]() | Plank Dog Partner | Partner A gets into Downward Facing Dog. Partner B does a Side Plank by placing a hand on Partner A’s lower back. Benefits: Strengthens arm and shoulders. Video: Precautions : Back injury. |
This plan has 30 variations and modifications for Downward Facing Dog Pose - ordered by level of difficulty.
Down Dog is the most popular yoga pose for most yogis.
And with good reason.
Down Dog creates space within your spine for healing light to pour through. And if that's not good enough to get chipper about, it also: stretches & opens shoulders, calms the nervous system, stimulates abdominal organs & thyroid gland, helps relieve symptoms of menopause, reduces stress & fatigue, therapeutic for backache, headache, infertility, insomnia & sinusitis, tones arms, sculpts thighs, and will set the entire backside of your body free.
Not bad for ONE pose, heh!
When practicing one or more of these Down Dog variations, ask yourself one of the dog philosophy mantras (help you tune into dog power).
Dog Philosophy Mantras
“I call upon dog power for one pointed focus.”
“I call upon dog power to find more time for fun."
“I call upon dog power to prioritise fun today."
“I call upon dog power to become a champion of service and find ways to be of service to my friends, family and community?”
“I call upon dog power to be aware when a friend or family member is in need, so that I can reach out and be of service to them?”
“I call upon dog power to take myself less seriously and wag my tail for no reason in particular...just to celebrate life."
“I call upon dog power to enjoy the moment.”