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Sun Salutations C
Image Pose Description
yoga pose MountainStand tall. Feet hip width apart. Chin tucked in. Legs slightly bent. Shoulders back and down.
Benefits: Balance. Calming. Posture. Strengthens legs. Engages core.
Modifications: Hands in prayer behind back. Eyes closed.
yoga pose Standing Forward FoldFold forward at hips. Let descent be an offering of gratitude. Keep spine straight as long as you can, then let it softly round into a full forward bend. Draw chin in and gaze at legs.
Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla.
Benefits: Stretch back, hams. Improves posture.
Modifications: Bent knees. Loop fingers around big toes.
Precautions : Back, knee, hamstring injuries.
yoga pose Upward SaluteTurn palms out. Sweep overhead into a gentle backbend. Lift heart and expand chest. Feel yourself opening up to life. Gaze up. Keep forehead relaxed and face soft.
Alternatives: Samashthiti (feet together).
Benefits: Improves posture. Strengthens legs. Engages core.
Modifications: Hands in prayer behind back. Eyes closed.
yoga pose Lunge Right Foot BackStep right foot back and lower knee to floor. Top of right foot rests on floor. Hands on thigh.
Alternatives: High Lunge.
Benefits: Stretches legs, groin, hip flexors. Strengthens thighs, buttocks.
Modifications: Move between bent and straight leg.
Precautions : Knee injury. HBP.
yoga pose PlankStep into Plank.
Alternatives: Dolphin.
Benefits: Strengthens arms, wrists, spine. Tones abs.
Modifications: Knees on floor.
Precautions : Carpal tunnel syndrome
yoga pose Knees Chest ChinDrop to knees, chest and chin. Keep bottom high. Elbows hug your ribs.
Alternatives: Dolphin.
Benefits: Strengthens arms, wrists, spine. Tones abs.
yoga pose Upward Facing DogCome into Upward Facing Dog (or Cobra). Feet together. Hands flat on mat by hips. Lift chest. Gaze forward.
Alternatives: Sphinx.
Benefits: Alertness. Patience. Transformation. Confidence.
Modifications: 1 or 2 legs up.
yoga pose Down DogLift up into Down Dog. Engage core. Relax back of neck. If you want to remain in this pose for awhile, bend one leg at a time.
Alternatives: Dolphin.
Benefits: Loyalty. Intelligence. Cooperation. Resourcefulness. Communication.
Modifications: Leg or arm up.
yoga pose Lunge (right foot forward)Step right foot forward into a Low Lunge.
Alternatives: High Lunge.
Benefits: Stretches legs, groin, hip flexors. Strengthens thighs, buttocks.
Modifications: Move between bent and straight leg.
Precautions : Knee injury. HBP.
yoga pose Upward SaluteExhale, rise fully into a gentle backbend with arms overhead. Look up.
Alternatives: Samashthiti (feet together).
Benefits: Improves posture. Strengthens legs. Engages core.
Modifications: Hands in prayer behind back. Eyes closed.
yoga pose Forward BendInhale, come into a Forward Bend. Keep back and neck soft.
Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla.
Benefits: Stretch back, hams. Improves posture.
Modifications: Bent knees. Loop fingers around big toes.
Precautions : Back, knee, hamstring injuries.
yoga pose MountainCome back to Mountain. Feet hip width apart. Tuck chin in. Legs slightly bent . Shoulders back and down.
Benefits: Balance. Calming. Posture. Strengthens legs. Engages core.
Modifications: Hands in prayer behind back. Eyes closed.

THEME: Salute To Yourself

The sanskrit for Sun Salutation is Surya Namaskara, which means "salute to the sun". It is the most common sequence of asanas. Its origins lie in India where its large Hindu population worships Surya, the Hindu solar deity. Symbolic Sun Meanings: life, power, strength, energy, force, clarity, and self. When practicing Sun Salutations, you are also saluting yourself because practicing it provides you with the energy and clarity.


Mountain: Om Ravaye Namaha (The shining One)
Forward Bend: Om Suryaya Namaha (Dispeller of darkness)
Upward Salute: Om Bhaanave Namaha (One who illumines)
Lunge: Om Khagaya Namaha (Who is all-pervading)
Plank: Om Pooshne Namaha (Giver of nourishment)
Knees Chin Chest: Om Hiranyagarbhaaya Namaha (Who has golden colour)
Upward Facing Dog: Om Mareechaye Namaha (The giver of light)
Downward Facing Dog: Om Aadityaaya Namaha (Son of cosmic divine Mother)
Lunge: Om Khagaya Namaha (Who is all-pervading)
Upward Salute: Om Bhaanave Namaha (One who illumines)
Forward Bend: Om Suryaya Namaha (Dispeller of darkness)
Mountain: Om Ravaye Namaha (The shining One)

Audio of the Mantras:

Warm Up

Sun Salutation C  is a sequence of poses that are used to warm up for a yoga practice. It helps get the body ready for Sun Salutations A or B.  


As a moving meditation, Surya Namaskar develops focus and peace of mind. Let the breath guide each movement, and extend the movement over the entire length of each inhalation or exhalation. Your gaze follows the direction of movement, linking your mental energy with your physical action.

Sun Salutation helps focus the mind and heart on gratitude for life.

Sun Salutation is a great way to energise the body first thing in the morning. It improves blood circulation, purifies blood, and strengthens the body. The lungs, digestive system, muscles, and joints will all benefit from practicing Sun Salutations.

Practice At Different Speeds