Image | Pose | Description |
Easy Chin To Chest | Sit or stand. Close eyes. Slowly move head forward, trying to touch chin to chest. Move head as far back as is comfortable. Don't strain. Feel stretch in front and back of neck and loosening of the neck. Repeat several times. Benefits: Flexibility in neck. Video: Precautions : neck injury. | |
Easy Head Turn | Sit or stand. Close eyes. Gently turn head to right so chin is in line with shoulder. Feel tension releasing in neck muscles and loosening of neck joints. Slowly turn head to left as far as is comfortable. Repeat several times. Benefits: Flexibility in neck. Video: Precautions : neck injury. | |
Easy Ear To Shoulder I | Sit or stand. Close eyes. Face directly forward. Relax shoulders. Slowly move head to right and try to touch right ear to right shoulder (without raising shoulders). Repeat on other side. Benefits: Flexibility in neck. Video: Modifications: A) Pillow under buttocks. B) Back against a wall. C) Palms together at the centre of your chest. D) Fold a 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4 of the way down. E) Interlace your fingers, extend your arms overhead, stretch up and fold forward. Precautions : Neck injury. | |
Easy Twist | Sit with legs crossed. Inhale. On exhale twist torso to right. Repeat on left. Benefits: Stretches spine, shoulders, hips. Relieves backache, sciatica. Video: Modifications: Sit sideways on a chair and twist. | |
Easy Side Bend | Sit with legs crossed. Lower knees. Lengthen spine by stretching back up. Raise arms overhead and bend to the right. Bring right hand to floor. Repeat on left side. Alternatives: Hero. Perfect. Lotus. Benefits: Flexibility in hips, spine. Engages core. Video: Modifications: A) Bring elbow flat on floor. B) Look up or down. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
Shoulder Rotations | Place right hand on right shoulder and left hand on left shoulder. Inhale and rotate shoulders up towards ears (neck and head relaxed). Exhale and rotate shoulders back and down by squeezing shoulder blades together. Change direction. Feel shoulders becoming unglued. Benefits: Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Eyes closed. | |
Single Leg Stand | Gaze at a spot on wall in front of you. Stand on one leg while tightening buttocks and thighs. Repeat on other leg. Benefits: Balance. Strengthens buttocks. Pelvic stability. Video: Modifications: A) Strap looped around sole of foot. B) Raised leg on back of chair. C) Come into full extended hand to big toe pose (hold raised foot). | |
Mountain Palm Lock | Stand with feet together. Interlock fingers behind back. Straighten arms and lower shoulders. Raise hands and bring shoulder blades together. Gaze up. Feel chest opening. Hold. Benefits: Deepens breath. Stimulates thyroid gland. Opens chest. Improves posture. Video: | |
Half Way Lift | Stand in Mountain. Bring palms to tops of thighs with fingers pointing down. Push hands into thighs. Lengthen from tailbone through crown of head. Upper body parallel to floor. Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla. Benefits: Stretches hamstrings, calves, hips. Video: Modifications: Bring both arms behind. Precautions : Back injury. | |
Chair Arms Behind | Start in Mountain (standing with feet close together). Raise arms perpendicular to floor. Keep arms parallel, palms facing inward. Bend knees. Firm shoulder blades against back. Bring arms behind back as if you're skiing. Benefits: Strengthens ankles, thighs, calves, spine. Stretches chest. Video: Modifications: Block between thighs. Join palms overhead. Precautions : Headache. Insomnia. LBP. | |
Standing Fold Knees Bent II | Stand in Mountain. Knees hip-width apart and very bent. Fold at waist grasping opposite elbows. Let head hang. Hold. Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla. Benefits: Stretch back, hams. Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Loop fingers around big toes. | |
Downward Facing Dog Knees Bent | Start in Mountain. Forward bend. Step feet back one at time. Lift buttocks. Lengthen spine. Bend knees. Tuck chin in. Look at feet. Release jaw. Alternatives: Down Dog. Dolphin. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Modifications: Use wall. Head on block. Leg up. Arm up. Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. HBP. Headache. | |
Gentle Lunge | Stand in mountain pose. Step forward with right leg. Sustain slight bend in front leg while back leg raises on toe. Tighten pelvic muscles. Sustain upright trunk while lowering back leg until knee touches floor. Alternatives: High or Low Lunge. Benefits: Stretches legs, groin, hip flexors. Strengthens thighs, buttocks. Video: Modifications: A) Arms raised. B) Arms clasped behind. C) Hands in prayer behind back. D) Hands on lower back. E) Forward bend. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
Warrior II | Start in Mountain. Step feet wide apart. Raise arms parallel to floor. Palms down. Turn right foot in to right. Left foot at 90 degrees. Align left heel with right heel. Bend left knee over left ankle. Stretch arms parallel to floor. Turn head to look over fingers. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Warrior I, III Benefits: Stretches groin, chest, shoulders, and abdominals. Relieves backache. Video: Modifications: A) High lunge with arms overhead. B) High lunge with backbend. C) High lunge with arms forward. D) High lunge with blocks under hands. E) High lunge with hands on hips. F) Block under back foot. G) Raise back heel on a folded blanket. Precautions : High blood pressure. Shoulder injury. | |
Standing Backbend | Start in Mountain. Place palms on low back, fingers point down. Squeeze thighs and buttocks. Press hips forward and arch torso back. Gaze forward. Use arms to support weight. Keep legs and buttocks engaged. To release keep legs, buttocks and arms strong. Benefits: Stretches sides of torso, spine. Stimulates abs. Video: Modifications: Drop head back. Precautions : Back or neck injury. | |
Standing Crescent | Stand in Mountain. Step feet together with big toes touching. Heels half an inch apart. Sweep arms above head. Press hands together in prayer. Inhale. Exhale while bending to the left. Keep feet rooted and Inner core engaged as you breathe into right side body. Repeat on opposite side. Alternatives: Standing Side Stretch. Benefits: Stretches sides of torso and spine. Stimulates abs. Video: Modifications: Spin chest toward ceiling and look up. Precautions : Hip, shoulder, or neck injuries. | |
Dead Bug | Lie on back. Engage core. Bend hip and knees at 90 degrees. Raise arms until fingertips point to ceiling. Raise legs until soles of feet point to ceiling. Shake legs and arms (or hold onto left foot with left hand and right foot with right hand). Benefits: Works lower back, pelvis, core and shoulders. Video: Modifications: Dead bug with arms up (or behind). Hold weights in each hand. Precautions : Back injury. | |
Knees To Chest | Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Savasana On Bolster I | Place bolster horizontally on mat and a block for head to rest on. Set elbows on bolster. Let arms go out to sides. Rest head on block. Don't have head higher than bolster. Rotate shoulders open. Feel shoulders descending to mat. Breath into upper torso. Benefits: Renews body. Video: Precautions : Back injury. |
Focus on the meaning of this quote during this yoga session.
“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.”
Can Yoga increase my strength?
Yes. Elderly people will be better able to continue with hobbies and daily activities independently for many more years to come. If they are unlucky enough to suffer a fall or injury, a strong body will be able to withstand this better and sustain fewer injuries.
Can Yoga combat stress and fatigue?
Yes. Studies have shown that yoga can be extremely helpful when it comes to combating stress, fatigue and pain. Yoga poses increase core strength and balance, which reduces the risk of fall-related injuries. Yoga can help seniors feel younger and stronger. Adults lose about a half-pound (200 grams) of muscle per year for each year they're not regularly engaged in resistance training.
Can Yoga keep my bones and muscles strong?
Yes. Yoga is ideal strength/resistance training for seniors to help keep bones and muscles strong.
Can Yoga increase my flexibility?
Yes. Yoga can help those with mobility issues to undertake activities that they have perhaps been unable to, such as reaching down to tie shoe laces or pick things up.
Can Yoga increase my coordination?
Yes. Yoga helps with proprioception. Proprioception is the skill of knowing where your body is in space, and coordinating your movements accurately. This is particularly important for elderly people and can prevent falls, and for people with disabilities or conditions such as MS.
Can Yoga improve my mental clarity?
Yes. Yoga can lessen the impact of chronic illnesses and pain. For elderly people, it may also help them cope with feelings of isolation, if this is a problem. Being calmer and more relaxed inevitably leads to a greater feeling of happiness and well-being.
Can Yoga help with loneliness?
Yes. Joining yoga classes for those with mobility issues and the elderly will also give them a venue to socialise and make friends.
Can Yoga help me cope with and manage pain?
Yoga includes breath work, which can help people not only with stress management but also for coping and managing pain. Through yoga, meditation and paying attention to your breath, you can help your body and mind to cope with the pain of an illness or condition.