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Pratyahara: Slow Practice By Drawing Attention Inwards
Image Pose Description
yoga pose EasySit with legs straight. Place hands on floor beside hips. Palms down, fingers point forward. Cross legs. Lower knees. Lengthen the spine by stretching back up. Rest palms on knees.
Alternatives: Hero. Perfect. Lotus.
Benefits: Flexibility in the hips, and spine. Improve posture.
Modifications: A) Pillow under buttocks. B) Back against a wall. C) Palms together at the centre of your chest. D) Fold a 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4 of the way down. E) Interlace your fingers, extend your arms overhead, stretch up and fold forward.
Precautions : Knee, leg or spine injury. Sciatica.
yoga pose Easy Chin To ChestSit or stand. Close eyes. Slowly move head forward, trying to touch chin to chest. Move head as far back as is comfortable. Don't strain. Feel stretch in front and back of neck and loosening of the neck. Repeat several times.
Benefits: Flexibility in neck.
Precautions : neck injury.
yoga pose Easy Head TurnSit or stand. Close eyes. Gently turn head to right so chin is in line with shoulder. Feel tension releasing in neck muscles and loosening of neck joints. Slowly turn head to left as far as is comfortable. Repeat several times.
Benefits: Flexibility in neck.
Precautions : neck injury.
yoga pose Easy Ear To Shoulder ISit or stand. Close eyes. Face directly forward. Relax shoulders. Slowly move head to right and try to touch right ear to right shoulder (without raising shoulders). Repeat on other side.
Benefits: Flexibility in neck.
Modifications: A) Pillow under buttocks. B) Back against a wall. C) Palms together at the centre of your chest. D) Fold a 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4 of the way down. E) Interlace your fingers, extend your arms overhead, stretch up and fold forward.
Precautions : Neck injury.
yoga pose Easy Side Bend ISit with legs crossed. Lower knees. Lengthen spine by stretching back up. Raise arms overhead and bend to the right. Bring right hand to floor. Repeat on left side.
Alternatives: Hero. Perfect. Lotus.
Benefits: Flexibility in hips, spine. Engages core.
Modifications: A) Bring elbow flat on floor. B) Look up or down.
Precautions : Knee injury.
yoga pose Flow End
yoga pose Cat CowSit with buttocks on heels. Come onto all fours. Wrists under shoulders. Pull navel into small of back. Inhale while raising head. Exhale, while lowering head and arching spine up like a cat. Repeat.
Benefits: Stretches lower back. Engage care. Decompress spine.
Modifications: Knee to chest. Raise leg or arm.
Precautions : Neck injury.
yoga pose Standing Fold Knees Bent IIStand in Mountain. Knees hip-width apart and very bent. Fold at waist grasping opposite elbows. Let head hang. Hold.
Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla.
Benefits: Stretch back, hams. Improves posture.
Modifications: Loop fingers around big toes.
yoga pose Downward Facing DogStart in Mountain. Forward bend. Step feet back one at time. Lift buttocks. Lengthen spine. Press down through heels. Tuck chin in. Look at feet. Release jaw.
Alternatives: Dolphin.
Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system.
Modifications: A) Use a wall. B) Head on a block. C) Leg up. D) Arm up. E) Wide stance.
Precautions : Pregnant. High blood pressure. Headache.
yoga pose Downward Facing Dog Knees BentStart in Mountain. Forward bend. Step feet back one at time. Lift buttocks. Lengthen spine. Bend knees. Tuck chin in. Look at feet. Release jaw.
Alternatives: Down Dog. Dolphin.
Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system.
Modifications: Use wall. Head on block. Leg up. Arm up. Wide stance.
Precautions : Pregnant. HBP. Headache.
yoga pose Downward Facing Dog TransitionFrom Downward Facing Dog, lift head and bring your gaze straight ahead.
Alternatives: Dolphin.
Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system.
Modifications: A) Use wall. B) Head on block. C) Leg up. D) Arm up. E) Wide stance.
Precautions : Pregnant. Headache.
yoga pose MountainStand with feet hip-width apart. Tuck chin in. Legs slightly bent. Shoulders back and down.
Benefits: Improves posture and concentration. Strengthens legs. Engages core. Strengthens your thighs, knees, and ankles. Firms your abdomen and buttocks. Relieves sciatica. Reduces flat feet.
Modifications: A) Palms together in prayer mudra behind the back. B) Hands raised over your head. C) Eyes closed. D) Samashthiti (feet together). E) Feet hip-distance apart. F) Rock gently back and forth and side to side. G) Block between the thighs. H) Palms together in front of the chest in prayer mudra. I) Interlace fingers and extend arms straight in front of you (shoulder stretch). 
Precautions : Avoid locking the knees out (allow your knees to soften).
yoga pose Standing CrescentStand in Mountain. Step feet together with big toes touching. Heels half an inch apart. Sweep arms above head. Press hands together in prayer. Inhale. Exhale while bending to the left. Keep feet rooted and Inner core engaged as you breathe into right side body. Repeat on opposite side.
Alternatives: Standing Side Stretch.
Benefits: Stretches sides of torso and spine. Stimulates abs.
Modifications: Spin chest toward ceiling and look up.
Precautions : Hip, shoulder, or neck injuries.
yoga pose Flow End
yoga pose MountainStand with feet hip-width apart. Tuck chin in. Legs slightly bent. Shoulders back and down.
Benefits: Improves posture and concentration. Strengthens legs. Engages core. Strengthens your thighs, knees, and ankles. Firms your abdomen and buttocks. Relieves sciatica. Reduces flat feet.
Modifications: A) Palms together in prayer mudra behind the back. B) Hands raised over your head. C) Eyes closed. D) Samashthiti (feet together). E) Feet hip-distance apart. F) Rock gently back and forth and side to side. G) Block between the thighs. H) Palms together in front of the chest in prayer mudra. I) Interlace fingers and extend arms straight in front of you (shoulder stretch). 
Precautions : Avoid locking the knees out (allow your knees to soften).
yoga pose Standing Fold Knees Bent IIStand in Mountain. Knees hip-width apart and very bent. Fold at waist grasping opposite elbows. Let head hang. Hold.
Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla.
Benefits: Stretch back, hams. Improves posture.
Modifications: Loop fingers around big toes.
yoga pose Kneeling Lunge Hands On KneeFrom Downward Facing Dog step right foot forward between hands. Right knee above heel. Lower left knee to floor. Top of left foot on floor. Hands on thigh. Lift chest. Back to Down Dog. Repeat on left leg.
Alternatives: High Lunge.
Benefits: Stretches legs, groin, hip flexors. Strengthens thighs, buttocks.
Modifications: Move between bent and straight leg.
Precautions : Knee injury.
yoga pose RunnerStart in with right foot back. Press back through right heel to straighten back leg. Lift through knee to engage thigh. Left knee over the ankle. Bring hands to sides of the front foot, under shoulders. Draw navel in. Tuck tailbone in. Raise heart toward sky without taking hands off the mat. Hold.
Alternatives: High Lunge.
Benefits: Opens up calves, quads, hams, thighs & hips.
Modifications: Move between bent and straight leg.
Precautions : Knee injury. High blood pressure.
yoga pose Crescent MoonKneel with knees hip width apart. Keep back straight. Step forward with right foot. Foot extends slightly past knee. To increase stretch in hip, bend more on right knee. Raise both arms and bring palms together. Look forward. Focus attention on one point. Hold. Release.
Alternatives: High Lunge.
Benefits: Stretches legs, groin, hip flexors. Strengthens thighs, buttocks.
Modifications: Move between bent and straight leg. Look up.
Precautions : Knee injury.
yoga pose Kneeling Lunge...Start in Down Dog. Step right foot forward next to right hand. Release back knee to the mat. Plant left palm on ground in line right foot, under shoulder. Lift right arm to ceiling. Open chest. Switch sides.
Alternatives: Extended side angle. High or low lunge.
Benefits: Stretches legs, groins, hams. Opens chest, shoulders.
Modifications: Block under hand.
Precautions : Knee injury.
yoga pose Downward Facing DogStart in Mountain. Forward bend. Step feet back one at time. Lift buttocks. Lengthen spine. Press down through heels. Tuck chin in. Look at feet. Release jaw.
Alternatives: Dolphin.
Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system.
Modifications: A) Use a wall. B) Head on a block. C) Leg up. D) Arm up. E) Wide stance.
Precautions : Pregnant. High blood pressure. Headache.
yoga pose Downward Facing Dog Leg UpFrom Downward Facing Dog try as many variations as you can: Lift left leg. Lift right leg. Lift left hand. Lift right hand. Lift left leg and right hand. Lift right leg and left hand. Wag your doggie tail. Widen stance. Come up onto toes. Bend knees.
Alternatives: Dolphin.
Benefits: Fun.
Modifications: A) Use wall. B) Head on block. C) Leg up. D) Arm up. E) Wide stance.
Precautions : Pregnant.
yoga pose Extended ChildOn all fours. Wrists below shoulders. Knees under hips. Use hands to walk forward and lower chest to floor. Drop buttocks until they reach halfway to feet. Arms straight. Forehead touches floor. Push hips back and stretch spine.
Benefits: Stretches arms, shoulders, spine, hips.
Modifications: A) Interlock fingers behind back. B) Knees together (instead of separated). C) Curl the toes under (instead of flat). D) Place a rolled towel under your shins (take the stress off of your ankles). E) Place a yoga blanket underneath the knees for padding. F) Place a folded towel underneath the knees for padding. G) Place a bolster or pillow under your stomach or chest and stay for up 10 minutes. H) Go deeper into the hip stretch by spreading your knees wider.
Precautions : Knee injury.
yoga pose Cat CowSit with buttocks on heels. Come onto all fours. Wrists under shoulders. Pull navel into small of back. Inhale while raising head. Exhale, while lowering head and arching spine up like a cat. Repeat.
Benefits: Stretches lower back. Engage care. Decompress spine.
Modifications: Knee to chest. Raise leg or arm.
Precautions : Neck injury.
yoga pose Knees Chest ChinBegin in Plank Pose. Shoulders directly above wrists. Lower knees to floor. Keep toes tucked under. Hug elbows in. Keeping hips lifted and palms flat, bring chest to mat. Touch chin to mat.
Alternatives: Dolphin.
Benefits: Strengthens arms, wrists, spine. Tones abs.
Modifications: Knees on floor.
Precautions : Carpal tunnel syndrome. Pregnancy.
yoga pose Upward Facing DogLie on tummy. Tops of feet on floor. Bend elbows. Spread palms on floor beside waist. Press hands into floor and slightly backwards (as if trying to push yourself forward along floor). Straighten arms to lift torso and legs. Thighs firm. Buttocks soft. Look straight ahead.
Alternatives: Cobra. Sphinx. Crocodile.
Benefits: Strengthens spine, arms, wrists. Stretches shoulders.
Modifications: A) Blanket under hips. B) Tip head back slightly. C) One leg raised. D) Both legs raised.
Precautions : Back injury. CTS. Pregnancy.
yoga pose Down Dog (leg...From Downward Facing Dog try as many variations as you can: Lift left leg. Lift right leg. Lift left hand. Lift right hand. Lift left leg and right hand. Lift right leg and left hand. Wag your doggie tail. Widen stance. Come up onto toes. Bend knees.
Alternatives: Dolphin.
Benefits: Fun.
Modifications: Head on block.
Precautions : Pregnant. HBP.
yoga pose Extended ChildOn all fours. Wrists below shoulders. Knees under hips. Use hands to walk forward and lower chest to floor. Drop buttocks until they reach halfway to feet. Arms straight. Forehead touches floor. Push hips back and stretch spine.
Benefits: Stretches arms, shoulders, spine, hips.
Modifications: A) Interlock fingers behind back. B) Knees together (instead of separated). C) Curl the toes under (instead of flat). D) Place a rolled towel under your shins (take the stress off of your ankles). E) Place a yoga blanket underneath the knees for padding. F) Place a folded towel underneath the knees for padding. G) Place a bolster or pillow under your stomach or chest and stay for up 10 minutes. H) Go deeper into the hip stretch by spreading your knees wider.
Precautions : Knee injury.
yoga pose Flow End
yoga pose SamasthitiStand tall. Feet together. Drive legs into earth. Lift sternum to sky. Feel sunshine entering spine. Contract abdominal lock. Align mind to spine. Stand in that beautiful centre line of gravity. Open heart centre. Let body mould itself around calm inner power.
Alternatives: Mountain.
Benefits: Improves posture. Strengthens legs. Engages abs.
Modifications: Reach up to ceiling with fingertips.
Precautions : Pregnant.
yoga pose Warrior IIIFrom Mountain take a big step forward with right foot. Shift weight onto right leg. Raise arms overhead. Interlace fingers. Lift left leg. Gaze at a point on floor. Repeat on other side.
Alternatives: Warrior I & II
Benefits: Strengthens legs, shoulders, back. Tones abs. Balance.
Modifications: Arms out to sides. Arms back.
Precautions : HBP.
yoga pose Half MoonStand in Mountain. Big step back with right foot. Turn foot to side of mat. Take arms out in a "T" palms pointing down. Place right hand on waist. Shift weight into left leg as you lift right foot off floor. Left hand on floor (or block). Spread fingers. Look down. Raise leg parallel to floor. Straighten standing leg. Raise right arm.
Benefits: Strengthens abs, thighs. Stretches legs, shoulders, spine.
Modifications: Back to wall. Block under hand.
Precautions : Neck pain. Headache. LBP.
yoga pose End Of Sequence
yoga pose Hero Leg...Sit with legs straight out in front (staff pose). Bend left knee and bring left foot beside left hip. Feel grounded on both hips. To avoid leaning hip to right, slide folded blanket under right hip. Keep knee glued to floor. Hold (Optional: walk hands behind you and lean chest back to intensify the stretch. Use elbows, arms and hands as leverage to come back up). Repeat on other side.
Benefits: Stretches thighs, knees, ankles.
Modifications: Come down onto forearms or shoulders.
Precautions : Knee or ankle injury.
yoga pose Reclined HeroBegin in high kneeling position. Separate feet a little wider than hips (wide enough to sit back between them). Use thumbs to massage calves to help them relax as you sit back (avoid rolling calves outward because it puts knees at risk). If your seat is far from the floor (or hurts knees), place block or folded blanket between feet and ankles. Feet are just outside hips. Tops of feet press into floor. Toes pointing straight back. Knees don’t splay out wider than hips. Recline back, first walking back onto hands, then elbows, then onto back (if there’s a block under your seat, you won’t be able to go all the way onto back unless you have a bolster behind you to support middle/upper back, neck, head). If you feel discomfort in knees or lower back, or if your knees lift significantly off floor, back out of pose and come more upright.
Alternatives: Hero pose.
Benefits: Stretches thighs, knees, ankles. Hip opener. Backbend.
Modifications: Sit on block or folded blanket and support upper back, neck, and head with a bolster.
Precautions : Knee, ankle or back injury.
yoga pose Seated Forward Bend ASit with legs extended. Bend forward from hips. Keep back flat. Wrap fingers around big toes. Fold until chest touches thighs. Work heels forwards. Sit bones go back. Heart lifts forwards. Chin points to shins.
Benefits: Stretches spine, shoulders, hams, groins.
Modifications: Use a strap. Bend knees.
Precautions : Back injury.
yoga pose Half Lord Of...Sit with legs straight. Raise right knee. Place right foot on outside of left leg. Bend left leg. Place left foot outside of right hip. Place right arm behind. Raise left arm. Hook elbow behind knee. Twist to right. Ground sitting bones into floor. Lengthen through spine. Twist on each exhale. Repeat on other side.
Benefits: Stretches shoulders, hips, neck, spine. Sciatica.
Modifications: Back to wall. Twist on a chair.
Precautions : Back or spine injury.
yoga pose East StretchFrom staff bend knees (feet flat on floor hip width apart). Arms behind hips. Fingers point away from body. Lean back into arms. Lift hips up. Press into feet squeezing thighs and buttocks. Engage mula bandha. Press down into hands to lift chest up. Arch back slightly. Drop head back.
Benefits: Opens front side of body. Builds arm, leg, core strength.
Modifications: A) One leg raised. B) Legs up a wall. C) Yoga block between legs.
Precautions : Pain in knees, wrists, or back.
yoga pose Flow End
yoga pose Knees To ChestLie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release.
Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs.
Modifications: Knee to chest.
yoga pose Supine Block Under HipsLie supine. Bend knees. Set feet on floor. Heels close to sitting bones. Press inner feet and arms into floor. Push tailbone up. Lift buttocks. Place block under hips. Relax arms to sides.
Alternatives: Bridge without block.
Benefits: Chest, neck, spine stretch. Reduces backache.
Modifications: Bridge with blanket under shoulders. Bridge with leg up. Clasp hands around ankles. Block below shoulders. Bolster below lower back. Feet close to wall to prevent slipping.
Precautions : Knee or neck injury.
yoga pose Half ShoulderstandLie on back. Lift hips off floor. Raise legs over and beyond head. To release, bring arms back along side body and engage abdomen as you gently roll each vertebrae to floor until hips rest on ground.
Benefits: Calms brain. Relieve stress and mild depression. Stimulates thyroid, prostate glands and abdominal organs. Stretches shoulders and neck. Tones legs and buttocks. Improves digestion. Helps relieve symptoms of menopause. Reduces fatigue. Alleviates insomnia.
Modifications: Use a strap. Folded blanket under shoulders. Full shoulderstand. Legs up wall.
Precautions : High blood pressure. Neck or back injury. Pregnancy. Glaucoma.
yoga pose Lying TwistLie on back. Raise right leg up and roll it over to left side (foot touches floor). Spread legs wide. Put left hand on right thigh for leverage. Switch sides.
Benefits: Releases lower back. Opens tight shoulders. Improves digestion. Quiet Mind. Eases sciatic pain.
Modifications: Lift head up.
yoga pose SavasanaLie on back with legs and arms apart. Feet to side, palms up. Release lower back to floor. Close eyes. Abdomen rises on inhale and falls on exhale. Feel heavy with each exhalation.
Alternatives: Crocodile. Child.
Benefits: Tune into body. Calm. Tranquil. Inner Peace. Clarity.
Modifications: Knees bent. Blanket under knees. Blanket under head. Supine star (legs & arms spread out).

"Pratyahara itself is termed as yoga, as it is the most important limb in yoga sadhana." — Swami Sivananda

Pratyahara is the fifth limb in the eight Limbs of Patanjali. It can be translated as: “control of ahara,” or “gaining mastery over external influences", or "withdrawal of the senses".

Pratyahara has been compared to a turtle withdrawing into its shell - the turtle's shell is the mind and the turtle's limbs are the senses.

Pratyahara Video

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