Image | Pose | Description |
Mountain Lock | Stand with feet together. Interlock fingers behind back. Straighten arms and lower shoulders. Bring shoulder blades together. Gaze up. Feel chest opening. Hold. Benefits: Deepens breath. Stimulates thyroid gland. Opens chest. Improves posture. Modifications: A) Palms together in prayer mudra behind the back. B) Hands raised over your head. C) Eyes closed. D) Samashthiti (feet together). E) Feet hip-distance apart. F) Rock gently back and forth and side to side. G) Block between the thighs. H) Palms together in front of the chest in prayer mudra. I) Interlace fingers and extend arms straight in front of you (shoulder stretch). Precautions : Neck injury. | |
Wide Leg Forward Bend | Start in Mountain. Widen legs. Hands on hips. Fold forward from hips into Forward Bend. Release torso down on exhale. Hands to floor. Walk feet wider apart. Release head. Lengthen legs on inhale. Release torso on exhale. To release bring hands to hips and lift up. Benefits: Strengthens and stretches legs, spine. Tones abs. Video: Modifications: Raise hands on block. Precautions : Low back injury. | |
Downward Facing Dog | Start in Mountain. Forward bend. Step feet back one at time. Lift buttocks. Lengthen spine. Press down through heels. Tuck chin in. Look at feet. Release jaw. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Modifications: A) Use a wall. B) Head on a block. C) Leg up. D) Arm up. E) Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. High blood pressure. Headache. | |
Downward Facing Dog Split | Start in Downward Facing Dog. Raise right leg while keeping hips level (hips stay squared with floor). Equal weight in both arms. Extend through raised right heel and crown of head. After holding pose with hips squared for several breaths, open right hip, stacking it over left hip (allows right leg to go higher). Keep torso from twisting left. Bend right knee. Right heel toward left buttock. Hold. Straighten right leg and square hips toward floor. Release right foot to floor. Repeat on left side. Benefits: Hip stretch. Video: Modifications: Head on block. Precautions : Pregnant. High blood pressure. | |
Half Monkey | Start in Downward Facing Dog. Step right foot forward in between hands. Lower left knee to ground directly underneath left hip. Tuck left toes for stability. Lift torso above hips, place hands on hips, and ground down into mat. Straighten front leg in front of you so only heel of right foot is connected to floor. Flex front foot. Micro-bend front knee.
Tilt pelvis forward. Slowly fold over front leg. Place hands on blocks on either side of front leg, or on floor. Hold or slowly walk hands or blocks forward to increase intensity of stretch. Step back to Downward Facing Dog. Repeat on other side. Benefits: Stretches hips, hamstrings, calves, low back. Strengthens hams. Relieves sciatica pain. Video: Modifications: Blanket under knee. Precautions : Lower back injury. | |
Kneeling Lunge | From Downward Facing Dog step right foot forward between hands. Hands either side of right foot. Left knee on ground. Lift chest. Look up. Repeat with left foot forward. Alternatives: Lunge with knee off mat. Benefits: Stretches legs, groin, hip flexors. Strengthens thighs, buttocks. Video: Modifications: Move between bent and straight leg. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
Cat Cow | Sit with buttocks on heels. Come onto all fours. Wrists under shoulders. Pull navel into small of back. Inhale while raising head. Exhale, while lowering head and arching spine up like a cat. Repeat. Benefits: Stretches lower back. Engage care. Decompress spine. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. Raise leg or arm. Precautions : Neck injury. | |
Knees Chest Chin | Begin in Plank Pose. Shoulders directly above wrists. Lower knees to floor. Keep toes tucked under. Hug elbows in. Keeping hips lifted and palms flat, bring chest to mat. Touch chin to mat. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Strengthens arms, wrists, spine. Tones abs. Video: Modifications: Knees on floor. Precautions : Carpal tunnel syndrome. Pregnancy. | |
Fire Hydrant I | Come onto hands and knees. Bring knees hip width apart. Palms directly under shoulders. Fingers facing forward. Gaze down. Flat back. Press into palms to drop shoulders away from ears. Raise right leg sideways. Lower. Raise left leg sideways. Benefits: Lengthens spine. Lubricates hips. Video: Modifications: A) Make fists with hands (reduce pressure on wrists). B) Standing Fire Hydrant: Stand with legs hip-width apart. Bend left leg to 90 degrees. Lean trunk forward. Engage core. Raise leg to 45 degrees. Lower leg to start to complete one rep. Precautions : Wrist injury. | |
Hare | Sit on knees with palms on thighs. Lift arms above head. Bend forward from hips, keeping arms and head in a straight line. Hands and forehead rest on floor in front of knees. Bend elbows so arms are relaxed. Hold. Raise arms and body back to start position. Benefits: Hip opener. Stretches inner thighs, groins, hips. Eases sciatic pain. Video: Modifications: Blanket under knees. Precautions : Knee or ankle injuries. Back pain. | |
Thread The Needle Arm Up | Get on hands and knees. Slide right hand between left hand and left knee. Slide arm out to left (right shoulder and side of head rest on floor). Reach left hand up. Reach out through the fingers. Hold. Switch sides. Alternatives: Extended Puppy. Benefits: Stretches shoulders, arms, upper back, neck. Video: Modifications: Folded blanket under knees. Precautions : Knees, shoulders, or neck injury. | |
Extended Child | On all fours. Wrists below shoulders. Knees under hips. Use hands to walk forward and lower chest to floor. Drop buttocks until they reach halfway to feet. Arms straight. Forehead touches floor. Push hips back and stretch spine. Benefits: Stretches arms, shoulders, spine, hips. Video: Modifications: A) Interlock fingers behind back. B) Knees together (instead of separated). C) Curl toes under (instead of flat). D) Place a rolled towel under shins. E) Place a yoga blanket underneath knees. F) Place a bolster or pillow under belly or chest. G) Spread knees wider. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
End Of Sequence | ||
Eye Of The Needle | Lie on back with knees bent. Soles of feet on floor. Hug left knee into chest. Cross left ankle over body and rest it on right thigh. Let left knee relax away from torso. Lift right foot off floor and thread left hand through legs so hands meet on back side of right thigh. (or clasp hands on front side of right shin). Using hands, draw right thigh toward chest (cause left hip to open). Keep both feet flexed. Relax left knee to open hips. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Circling. Rocking. Knee To Chest. Benefits: Flexes calves, hams (tight from sitting). Video: Modifications: Lift forehead to meet knee. Chair pigeon. Half reverse pigeon (raise one leg only). Precautions : Back or knee injury. | |
Happy Baby | Lie on back. Bend knees into belly. Grip outsides of feet. Push feet up into hands as you pull hands down to create resistance. Benefits: Stretches inner groin, spine. Video: Modifications: 1. Strap: Wrap strap around arches of feet. 2. Block: Place a yoga block or a blanket under your hips to provide support. 3. Bent Knees: Keep knees bent and hold onto your shins. 4. Wall: Lie on your back, place feet on a wall, grab outside edges of feet and draw knees towards armpits. 5. Half Happy Baby: Hold onto one foot and draw that knee towards armpit. Precautions : Pregnant. Knee injury. | |
Bridge | Lie supine. Bend knees. Set feet on floor. Heels close to sitting bones. Press inner feet and arms into floor. Push tailbone up. Lift buttocks. Clasp hands below pelvis. Benefits: Chest, neck, spine stretch. Reduces backache. Video: Modifications: A) Baby Bridge (raise up to a comfortable position). B) Bridge with a blanket under shoulders. C) Bridge with leg up. D) Clasp hands around ankles. E) Block below shoulders. F) Block, or bolster, below the lower back. G) Feet close to a wall to prevent slipping. Precautions : Knee or neck injury. | |
Supine Legs Up Block | Lie on back. Slide block under sitting bones. Bend knees. Engage core. Raise both legs until soles are looking at the ceiling. Rest arms out to sides with palms facing up. Close eyes. To release, bend knees to chest and bring feet to mat. Alternatives: Legs up wall. Plough. Benefits: Soothes nerves. Good for balance. Video: Modifications: Engage core and bring hands to feet. Precautions : High blood pressure. Neck injury. | |
Plough | From Shoulderstand bend from hips to lower toes to floor beyond head. Torso perpendicular to floor. Legs fully extended. Toes on floor. Soften throat. Press hands against back. To release place hands on back and lift into Shoulderstand. Roll onto back. Benefits: Stimulates abs, thyroid gland. Stretches shoulders, spine. Video: Modifications: Stretch arms behind. Half or full shoulderstand. Precautions : High blood pressure. Neck injury. | |
Bridge Hands On Hips | Lie supine. Bend knees. Set feet on floor. Heels close to sitting bones. Press inner feet and arms into floor. Push tailbone up. Lift buttocks. Place hands under hips. Hold. Release hands. Lower slowly to mat. Alternatives: Bridge. Benefits: Chest, neck, spine stretch. Reduces backache. Video: Modifications: Bridge with blanket under shoulders. Bridge with leg up. Clasp hands around ankles. Block below shoulders. Block (or bolster) below lower back. Feet close to wall to prevent slipping. Precautions : Knee or neck injury. | |
Bridge Leg Up | Lie supine. Bend knees. Set feet on floor. Heels close to sitting bones. Press inner feet and arms into floor. Push tailbone up. Lift buttocks. Place hands under hips. Raise left leg. Hold. Lower left leg. Repeat with right leg. Release hands. Lower slowly to mat. Alternatives: Bridge. Benefits: Chest, neck, spine stretch. Reduces backache. Video: Modifications: A) Bridge with blanket under shoulders. B) Block below shoulders. C) Block (or bolster) below lower back. D) Feet close to wall to prevent slipping. Precautions : Knee or neck injury. | |
End Of Sequence | ||
Chair Supine Legs Up | Lie beside chair. Lift legs onto chair. Relax legs, arms and shoulders. Take deep breaths. Alternatives: Legs up wall. Benefits: Circulation. Relieves tired legs. Video: | |
Supported Shoulderstand Chair | Part I: Place bolster, 4 folded blankets and a chair near a wall. Sit on the bolster. Lower down so back and shoulders lie on the blankets. Head is on the mat. Swing legs over to the chair. Roll onto tops of shoulders. Place hands against back. Part II: Press hands into back and raise legs up into full shoulderstand. Pull buttocks in towards the chair. Stack ankles above knees, hips and shoulders. Bring feet to chair. Release feet to start start position. Alternatives: Half shoulderstand. Plough. Benefits: Balance. Calming. Reduces insomnia. Eases digestive disorders. Video: Modifications: Straighten legs into inclined plane. Precautions : High blood pressure. Neck or back injury. Pregnancy. Glaucoma. | |
Chair Bridge | Take strap and place around centre of thighs (firm but not too tight). Come to floor and place feet on front of chair. Press down to raise hips and place block vertically under buttocks. Arms to side with palms facing up. Straighten legs (supported by chair). Chin in towards chest. To come out of pose, bend legs, press feet into chair, remove block, lower hips to floor. Benefits: Stretches chest, neck, spine. Rejuvenates legs. Reduces backache. Video: Modifications: Folded blanket on chair. | |
End Of Sequence | ||
Legs Up Wall | Bring right hip to wall. Come onto back. Swing legs onto wall so heels and sitting bones are supported. If any discomfort in lower back, adjust body slightly back from wall. Legs out wide. Rest head on mat. Bend knees. Arms rest to sides. Palms face up. Close eyes. To release, bend knees and drop to one side in foetal position. Alternatives: Legs up (no wall). Shoulderstand. Benefits: Soothes nerves. Good for balance. Video: Modifications: Engage core and bring hands to feet. Precautions : High blood pressure. Neck injury. | |
Knees To Chest | Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Supported Shoulderstand Wall | Part I: Place bolster and 4 folded blankets near a wall. Sit on the bolster. Lower down so back and shoulders lie on the blankets. Head is on the mat. Swing legs over to the wall. Roll onto tops of shoulders. Place hands against back. Part II: Press hands into back and raise legs up into full shoulderstand. Pull buttocks in towards the wall. Stack ankles above knees, hips and shoulders. Bring feet to wall. Release feet to start start position. Alternatives: Half shoulderstand. Plough. Benefits: Balance. Calming. Reduces insomnia. Eases digestive disorders. Video: Modifications: Straighten legs into inclined plane. Precautions : High blood pressure. Neck or back injury. Pregnancy. Glaucoma. | |
Knees To Chest | Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Supported Shoulderstand Block | Place block to side of mat. Come into Bridge Pose (optional: with folded blankets under shoulders to ease pressure off the neck). Place block upright in centre of buttocks. Rest on the block. Feel chest opening. Root shoulders into mat. Raise one leg up at a time (or raise both legs up) into supported shoulderstand. Close eyes. Take one leg down at a time, to return to start position. Come onto toes. Remove block. Release back down to the mat. Alternatives: Half shoulderstand. Plough. Benefits: Balance. Calming. Reduces insomnia. Eases digestive disorders. Video: Modifications: Place heels against a wall. Precautions : High blood pressure. Neck or back injury. Pregnancy. Glaucoma. | |
Knees To Chest | Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Bridge Wall | Lie supine. Place soles of feet against wall until thighs are at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Push feet into wall to curl tailbone up and slowly lift tailbone. Push low back into the floor to help slowly peel tailbone up one vertebra at a time. Lower one vertebra at a time to the start. Repeat. Alternatives: Bridge. Benefits: Mobilise spine. Chest, neck stretch. Reduces backache. Video: Modifications: Blanket under shoulders. Precautions : Knee or neck injury. | |
Knees To Chest | Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Shoulderstand Against Wall I | Lie on your side with your buttocks against the wall. Raise your legs up the wall and lie on your back. Bend knees and put soles of feet against the wall. Walk feet up the wall. Keep knees at a 90-degree angle. Support back with hands. Hold. Come out of the pose by bending knees and lowering hips to the mat. Alternatives: Half shoulderstand. Plough. Benefits: Balance. Calming. Reduces insomnia. Eases digestive disorders. Video: Modifications: Straighten legs into inclined plane. Precautions : HBP. Neck or back injury. Pregnancy. Glaucoma. | |
Knees To Chest | Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Reclined Bound Angle Wall | Lie on back close to a wall. Raise legs up the wall. Shuffle hips until hips touch wall and legs are straight. Bend knees and slide feet down. Bring soles of feet together. Lower knees as much as possible. Use hands as leverage to press thighs against wall. Alternatives: Reclined Bound Angle. Benefits: Pregnancy. Stretches inner thighs. Opens groins. Video: Modifications: Bolster under back. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
Knees To Chest | Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Shoulderstand Against Wall II | Lie on your side with your buttocks against a wall. Raise your legs up the wall and lie on your back. Bend knees and put soles of feet against the wall. Walk feet up the wall until they are straight. Support back with hands. Hold. Come out of the pose by bending knees and lowering hips to the mat. Benefits: Balance. Calming. Reduces insomnia. Eases digestive disorders. Video: Modifications: A) Half Shoulderstand Pose. B) Plough. Precautions : HBP. Neck or back injury. Pregnancy. Glaucoma. | |
Knees To Chest | Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Half Shoulderstand | Lie on back. Lift hips off floor. Raise legs over and beyond head. To release, bring arms back along side body and engage abdomen as you gently roll each vertebrae to floor until hips rest on ground. Benefits: Calms brain. Relieve stress and mild depression. Stimulates thyroid, prostate glands and abdominal organs. Stretches shoulders and neck. Tones legs and buttocks. Improves digestion. Helps relieve symptoms of menopause. Reduces fatigue. Alleviates insomnia. Video: Modifications: Use a strap. Folded blanket under shoulders. Full shoulderstand. Legs up wall. Precautions : High blood pressure. Neck or back injury. Pregnancy. Glaucoma. | |
Knees To Chest | Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Shoulderstand | Lie on back. Place folded blanket under shoulders. Lift legs beyond head. Straighten spine. Arms against upper back. Hands near shoulder blades. Elbows shoulder-width. Push up with hands. Lift legs one at a time. Bring arms alongside body. Engage abs. Roll one vertebrae at at time to floor. Benefits: Calms brain. Relieve stress and mild depression. Stimulates thyroid, prostate glands and abdominal organs. Stretches shoulders and neck. Tones legs and buttocks. Improves digestion. Helps relieve symptoms of menopause. Reduces fatigue. Alleviates insomnia. Video: Modifications: Half shoulderstand. Plough. Precautions : High blood pressure. Neck or back injury. Glaucoma. Pregnancy. | |
Knees To Chest | Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Classical Fish | Sit up tall. Extend legs (Staff Pose). With help of hands, place right foot on left thigh and left foot on right thigh. Bend back onto elbows until top of head touches floor. Catch hold of toes with hands and arch back. Hold. Release. Benefits: Stretches thighs, knees, ankles. Video: Precautions : Back, knee or ankle injury. | |
End Of Sequence | ||
Reclined Bound Angle Bolster Strap | Get bolster, 2 blocks and a strap. Adjust strap so it becomes a big circle. Sit cross legged and knees bent in front of bolster. Place block under right and left legs (or use a bolster). Tighten strap as much as you need to so that it supports legs. Rest back on bolster. Knees supported on blocks. Arms rest to sides. Benefits: Renews body. Video: Modifications: Strap tighter to raise legs higher. Precautions : Disk disease or injury. |
There are eight good reasons why shoulderstands were referred to as the "King (or Queen) of asana" by the ancient yogis...
8 Reasons To Practice Shoulderstands
1. Relieves Stress: A shoulderstand is a cooling posture, it helps draw attention inwards. Practice if you have anxiety, stress, or fear. Combine headstand with yogic breathing (long, slow breaths) and you have a recipe for instant calm.
2. Increases Focus: When you turn upside down, you increase blood flow to the brain. This can help to improve mental function and increase your sense of focus.
3. Strengthens Shoulders & Arms: While holding yourself up in a shoulderstand, you are pushing down into the ground with your forearms, to keep pressure off your head and neck.
4. Improves Digestion: When you allow the effects of gravity to be reversed on your digestive organs, you will help to move stuck material, release trapped gases, as well as improve blood flow to the all-important digestive organs - increasing nutrient absorption and delivery to your cells.
5. Helps Flush Out Adrenal Glands: Going upside-down will squeeze your little adrenal glands, which are responsible for the production of those so-called stress hormones. The cleaner your adrenal glands are, the more optimal they will function.
6. Decreases Fluid Build-Up In Legs, Ankles, and Feet: Edema in the legs is no fun, and it can happen if you spend long hours on your feet. Reversing the effects of gravity on your bodily fluids will help to flush out built-up water in the legs, relieving the uncomfortable feeling of edema.
7. Develops Core Muscle Strength: A shoulderstand is an amazing core workout. You will rely on your core strength to hold your legs up and keep your balance throughout the pose.
8. Stimulates The Lymphatic System: Your lymph system can also be called your rubbish dump system. This network of nodes and fluids helps to remove waste products from your blood. When you flip onto your head you will be directly stimulating your lymphatic system which helps to remove toxins from your body.